Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1619 Things are 50/50

"I know." Hua Zhao said, "I don't know who you are yet. She is her and you are you. I can tell the difference clearly."

Fang Haixing breathed a long sigh of relief, that's all.

"I came here to ask you whether you can go to Pengcheng this time." Hua Zhao said.

Fang Haixing was stunned.

Hua Zhao continued: "I may have to stay in Pengcheng permanently in the future. I will only come back to the capital for important matters. I can't stay for more than a few days a month, so I will also need a housekeeper there.

"Your hometown is not far from Pengcheng, and I am definitely more accustomed to living there, so I would like to ask your opinion if you would like to follow me and be a housekeeper there.

"You are still the general manager here, but the work has to be handed over to the deputy." Hua Zhao said: "We have to choose a deputy general manager."

Fang Haixing made up her mind, not just because she had to deal with her coldly because of today's matter.

She doesn't want to leave this home...

"Let's go to Pengcheng." She only thought about it for a second and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

For this home, of course, where Hua Zhao is, the center is there.

Moreover, Hua Qiang also often lives in Pengcheng.

She used to take care of her, but in the past two years because she had to be a housekeeper, she had less time to take care of her. She was really worried...

Stop, stop, stop!

Don’t blame my sister-in-law for thinking too much, she seems to think a little too much! !

Fang Haixing reflected for a moment, wondering if he, a servant, had thought too much.

It is necessary to take good care of your employer, but is it a bit...

But she quickly convinced herself that Hua Qiang was different, Hua Qiang was the one who saved her, and she should remember him.

Not caring about him and just treating him as an ordinary employer is heartless.

Hua Zhao watched Fang Haixing's expression change and knew that her heart was not at peace either.

It's a good thing to think more, but I'm afraid she won't think about anything.

"Aunt Fang, actually your sister-in-law reminded me today that you are still young, don't you really plan to find another one?" Hua Zhao said: "Although I don't like to do things like this, but you can screen out suitable candidates yourself. It’s still possible to choose.”

"No, no, no." Fang Haixing quickly waved his hand: "I don't want to look for him anymore. I think it's good to be alone, and my life is particularly good now! I'm stupid to find another man. That's causing trouble for myself."

She is in her 40s, but she can only find old men in their 50s and 60s. It is difficult to find old men in their 40s! People are looking for more than 30, or even more than 20!

Old men in their 50s and 60s all have old ideas and stubbornness, and are particularly chauvinistic and want to control women.

She can see and think clearly now. If she is sick, why should she find an ancestor to come home and take care of her? Is she a bitch?

Hua Zhaoxiao: "Aunt Fang really understands, but there are also some high-quality men... Forget it, I'll just tell you the truth, what do you think of my grandpa..."

Fang Haixing stared at her dumbfounded and had no response.

Hua Zhao's face was also a little red. If it were a stranger, she would be embarrassed to sell her 81-year-old grandfather to a woman in her 40s. She was really suspected of being a scammer.

But after watching him for so many years, Fang Haixing has no intention of disliking his grandfather.

"I'm selfish. I hope my grandpa can get better company in his later years. A wife and a nanny are different. I hope he has someone in his heart so that he won't be lonely."

Hua Zhao said: "But the age gap between grandpa and you is really too big. Grandpa may still live for 10 or 20 years, but you still have at least 40 or 50 years to live, and you will be lonely in the future."

When the time comes, she doesn't mind if Fang Haixing finds someone else.

But that’s not how the accounts work out.

"Anyway, this matter is not good for you. I shouldn't have said this. If you don't agree, just treat it as if I didn't say anything. You are still the housekeeper of the family, and this will never change."

If she doesn't betray the Ye family.

Hua Zhao didn’t want to change housekeepers easily.

Fang Haixing has a strong learning ability. Now he is working hard to learn all kinds of knowledge every day, and he is loyal. This kind of talent is rare.

"Please pack your things. We'll probably leave the day after tomorrow." Hua Zhao finished speaking and went out.

For the first time, Fang Haixing didn't get up to see her off, and he still sat there blankly.

Returning to the room, Ye Shen immediately asked curiously: "How was the discussion?"

Hua Zhao chuckled and leaned into his arms: "I can't tell, it will happen between five and five."

"I found that grandpa didn't seem to be very resistant to this matter, and Aunt Fang was also a little moved. But after all, it is such a big thing. If the idea is wrong and one person refuses, it will not happen." Hua Zhaodao.

As for her grandfather, she didn't listen to what he said and insisted on bringing it up. If her grandfather didn't move, he wouldn't say no.

But once Fang Haixing says no, Hua Qiang will definitely try his best to say no.

But once Fang Haixing says yes...

"Where do you think a happy event should be held? In the capital or in Pengcheng? Do you want to make a big deal?" Hua Zhao muttered: "If you don't do it, you don't pay much attention to it. Without a sense of ceremony, there will be no sense of belonging and security. .

"If I do it, I'm afraid grandpa will be embarrassed. It's very difficult."

Ye Shen listened to her words quietly. He liked hearing her talk about these homely things and felt that his life was so warm and beautiful.

When I feel good, I want to do something.

Look at the sky outside. It's already dark and the children have already had dinner.

If they don't leave this bedroom, no one will come to them at this time without looking at them.

Ye Shen stood up and quickly locked the door.

Only then did Hua Zhao react, and he immediately said: "I am telling you such an important thing, but you are thinking..."

Before he could finish what he said, his mouth was blocked.

When Hua Zhao woke up early the next morning, there was no one beside the bed.

It was getting brighter, and the sound of children came from the backyard, which was very lively.

Ye Shen was fighting with Xiao Shen.

The little guy was kept docile by his father yesterday, but he was not discouraged. He came to the door early this morning and was waiting...

Ye Shen had to get up early...

Hua Zhao stood up with a smile, washed up and came out, and saw Fang Haixing serving rice.

She was the only one left at home without food. Fang Haixing almost figured out her daily routine and could guess when she would get up.

Seeing her, Hua Zhao greeted her naturally: "Good morning, Aunt Fang."

Fang Haixing glanced at her uncomfortably, then smiled as usual and said, "Good morning."

Hua Zhao continued to ask naturally: "Has my grandpa eaten? What are you doing now?"

"The old man has eaten." Fang Haixing said a little unnaturally: "I made an appointment with Mr. Wang today and went out to walk the birds again."

"Oh, will he come back for lunch?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Said he won't come back." Fang Haixing said.

There was nothing to talk about, so Hua Zhao had breakfast quietly.

Fang Haixing also retreated.

Hua Zhao looked at her back. She really didn't see how she decided.

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