Fang Haixing immediately lowered his head shyly.

Hua Zhao knew: "Then let me tell you, do you have any ideas about the wedding? Should it be held in the capital or in Pengcheng?"

Fang Haixing was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red: "What kind of wedding do you want at such an old age? No, no!"

So shameful!

She had never heard of a wedding ceremony involving people who were several decades old.

She is also a little afraid that others will misunderstand her.

If someone in their 40s marries someone in their 80s, outsiders will assume that this woman is after the old man's money.

"We don't care about others. If we are upright, we are not afraid of slanting shadows. Besides, marriage is for yourself, not for them. Don't worry about what others think." Hua Zhao advised.

She felt that there had to be a ceremony for things like marriage.

Hua Zhao's affirmation made Fang Haixing feel at ease.

In fact, she didn't really care what strangers thought, as long as Hua Zhao and the acquaintances around her didn't misunderstand her.

"I'll ask grandpa for his opinion. Maybe he wants to do something." Hua Zhao said.

One sentence made Fang Haixing silent.

Hua Zhao was a little excited and called the bodyguard. Knowing Hua Qiang's location, he drove directly to find it.

Hua Qiang is walking birds in a park with Grandpa Wang.

There are old people walking birds around. Each of them has one or two bird cages, hanging them together for the birds to compete.

Those who can speak are better than others, and those who cannot speak are more beautiful than others.

The old man didn't have this little thought...

But the atmosphere during the bird walk today was not very harmonious.

From a distance, Hua Zhao saw a group of old men hiding aside to watch the fun. Even the birds in the trees stopped chirping and stretched their necks to watch the fun.

On the other side, Old Wang was being pulled by a man and muttering. The man was very excited, grinning when he spoke, blushing and having a thick neck.

Mr. Wang's face was as dark as water.

Hua Qiang sat aside and didn't move. He couldn't bear to leave Old Man Wang here alone, facing his aggressive son.

The son is asking the old man to sell the house.

"Dad, that house is empty. It's such a waste. Why don't you sell it quickly and get money? Store it in the bank and get interest every day, which is equivalent to an extra pension. How great!" Wang Dong said.

Mr. Wang finally said: "The house is sold, where will I live?"

He used to stay at his son's house because of the Chinese New Year and because he broke his leg. Now that the Chinese New Year has passed and his leg has healed, he has returned to his own home.

As a result, his younger son chased him every day to ask him to sell the house, and he couldn't even hide away.

"You live at my eldest brother's place!" Wang Dong said: "My eldest brother's house is big and there is a special room for you. Do you think how nice it is for you to live there during the Chinese New Year?"

"Haha." Mr. Wang sneered, half-hearted towards his son.

"You just want my house. Don't worry. When I die, you will definitely have a share of that house." Mr. Wang said.

"Dad, look at what you said." Wang Dong looked a little embarrassed, but he didn't give up.

"Dad, to be honest with you, I am actually in trouble and want to borrow some money from you. Dad, how much money do you have?" Wang Dong said.

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes at him.

Wang Dong said: "Dad, it's not me who needs this money, but your grandson Wang Bin who wants to use this money. He wants to study abroad, and I still have 300,000 left."

Mr. Wang was looking at him squarely at first, but when he heard 300,000, he immediately changed his mind and said, "I don't have that much money."

"Then how much money do you have?" Wang Dong asked immediately.

"Don't worry about it. That little money is far from 30. It's just a drop in the bucket, so I won't mention it." Mr. Wang said.

"No, dad, let's all chip in. Thirty to fifty thousand for a family is enough," Wang Dong said.

"Your son wants to go abroad, and it's not someone else's son going abroad. Why should others help you?" Mr. Wang said.

"We are all brothers, don't we just help each other? Now Wang Bin is going to study abroad, which is a serious matter and a major event in life! My aunts and uncles each lend a hand to help. When the time comes, he will go out and make a lot of money. Give it back to everyone! It’s not like I borrowed it and won’t pay it back.”

Wang Dong was a little angry: "My brother and sister didn't say anything, but you refused for them first. Is there a father like you? I didn't pick him up!"

"It's not like you don't know what kind of family your brother and sister come from. They all earn a living wage. In the past few years, they have had children and got married. Life is tight. Your eldest brother's family bought a pound of meat for the Chinese New Year! Where can I get it? Do you want to pay thirty to fifty thousand? Don't say this as soon as possible!" Mr. Wang said.

His children are in pretty good condition. They have units, welfare houses, unpaid wages and pensions.

But there are many children, and they are all starting families. In recent years, welfare housing allocations have been scarce. Some families have spent all their savings to buy houses for their sons and grandsons, and have no money at all.

Wang Dong is forcing others to do something difficult.

Wang Dong put on a smile again and said coquettishly: "So Dad, I still have to rely on you. Wang Bin is your grandson, and he wants to study. You have to help him."

"I have no money." Mr. Wang said.

Wang Dong turned his eyes and landed on Hua Qiang, but he said to Mr. Wang: "You don't have any. You can borrow it from your friends. You have many rich friends. To them, 300,000 yuan is just three melons." Two dates."

Hua Qiang understood. It turned out that he was chasing after him today.

He said, why are you talking about these family matters in public? Wang Dong should not be so ignorant at such an old age.

Mr. Wang also understood, and suddenly felt that he was losing all dignity.

"Go away! I don't have any friends with money, and if I do, I won't lend you money! Your own son, you have to figure it out on your own!" Mr. Wang said.

"Dad! You also know that a father has to find a way for his son. You are my father. I am in trouble now, and you have to find a way for me!" Wang Dong was shameless and hung on Mr. Wang. cry.

As a father, he is really willing to do it for his son.

Hua Qiang didn't say anything. He looked down on Wang Dong and didn't want to lend him any money. 30 yuan was fine, but 300,000 was not available.

Looking up, Hua Qiang saw Hua Zhao and immediately found an excuse to leave: "Old Wang, my granddaughter is here to pick me up. I'm going back now. How about you come with me?"

"No, no, you can go first." Mr. Wang said.

Hua Qiang was not polite at all. He raised his legs and trotted towards Hua Zhao. After walking a few steps, he remembered that the bird had forgotten.

He quickly came back to get the bird, then took Hua Zhao and left quickly.

He, an old man, could use the excuse that he had no money, but Hua Zhao had no excuse. If Wang Dong shamelessly spoke directly to Hua Zhao, Hua Zhao would not be able to refuse for the sake of Mr. Wang.

It's better not to give him a chance.

Wang Dong was really disappointed when he saw Hua Zhao leaving before he got close.

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