Hua Zhao could actually hear it from a distance, so he said hello to Mr. Wang from a distance and withdrew.

She also didn't want to get involved in other people's housework, and the Wang family's scriptures were quite difficult to recite.

Obviously, things seemed fine before. Mr. Wang's children were all decent people, and they visited him during festivals. On the surface, the family seemed to be enjoying themselves.

But after more contact with each other, I found that the brothers and sisters competed with each other in filial piety, and the more they competed, the more unfilial they became. It was as if whoever gave more to his old father would suffer a big loss if the other brothers and sisters didn't show up.

The three monks had no water to drink.

Later, the children of the Wang family just dealt with the old man. If they needed money, they would run away faster than anyone else. If they didn't come out, they wouldn't come to his door for a year.

Hua Zhao didn't even want to lend Wang Dong 30 yuan.

There are many people who want to go abroad. If they have money, they will go. If they don’t have money, they will hold back.

In the car, Hua Zhao didn't mention Fang Haixing. The space in the car was small and she was afraid that grandpa wouldn't be able to let him go...

After arriving home, he returned to his room. After his grandfather had calmed down for a while and got used to the temperature in the room, Hua Zhaocai said:

"Grandpa, I went to see Aunt Fang."

Hua Qiang paused to drink water and put the water glass down again without making a sound.

He didn’t even look at Hua Zhao.

But Hua Zhao felt that his ears must have been perked up, waiting for her answer.

"Aunt Fang agreed." Hua Zhao said directly without beating around the bush.

"Huh?" Hua Qiang raised his head and looked at her in surprise.

He hadn't considered this possibility.

No, I thought about it for a moment, but in the end I felt that the probability was low, probably only 1%.

Fang Haixing has been practicing self-cultivation for several years. Not only has she become more beautiful, but her temperament has also become outstanding. She is a one-in-a-million woman.

Even if you are in your 40s, it is actually not difficult to find a partner.

What does he have? He is an old man in his 80s. He has today and no tomorrow.

No matter how hard you try, you can become a grandfather!

"No, no, I don't agree." Hua Qiang shook his head repeatedly.

"Everyone agrees, but if you don't agree, where do you want Aunt Fang to put her face? She must be too embarrassed to stay in our house anymore! It's not like she can't find a job or support herself when she goes out now." Hua Zhaodao.

This sentence made Hua Qiang stop shaking his head desperately.

What Hua Zhao said made sense. Others agreed but he disagreed, which made the lesbians feel uncomfortable.

Why did she agree...

"What did you tell her? Did she misunderstand? You asked her to work with peace of mind. If she doesn't promise, neither you nor I will embarrass her!" Hua Qiang said.

"How could I use my power to overwhelm her? I just asked her casually, what did she think of you as a person, and said that I hope you have a companion when you grow old, and she immediately agreed."

Hua Zhaodao: "She wants to be your wife and wants to be with you all the time. She also said she doesn't want your money, but you as a person. You make her feel solid and reliable."

Hua Qiang's face turned red when he said that.

"She must have thought wrong. I am her elder. Living with her elders must be practical and reliable."

"But you are not relatives after all." Hua Zhao said.

"Grandpa, just tell me, do you think it would be good to marry Fang Haixing and spend the rest of our lives together?" Hua Zhao asked.

Hua Qiang paused and said, "It's too much of a delay for her. If I kick off my legs and leave in a few years, she'll have to suffer all over again..."

I still feel sorry for Fang Haixing.

Hua Zhao knew it in his heart.

"Grandpa, don't worry. There are so many centenarians now. You will definitely live a hundred years. More than 20 years is a long time." Hua Zhao said.

"And even if you don't get married and have been together for 20 years, won't Aunt Fang feel uncomfortable when that day comes? The same thing." Hua Zhaodao.

"Okay, let's let this be settled. Aunt Fang has agreed. Just give her some face." Hua Zhao said, "Now let's talk about the wedding. You said it would be better to hold it here. Is it better to hold it in Pengcheng?"

Hua Zhao used negotiation skills. If he wanted someone to agree to something, he would assume that he had already agreed and move on to the next issue.

As expected, Hua Qiang didn't hesitate to agree or not, but said: "Are you still holding a wedding? Don't hold it, you are so old."

"Aunt Fang is a woman. What woman doesn't want to have a wedding when she gets married? There isn't even a wedding. It's too informal and has no sense of belonging." Hua Zhao said.

"Then let's do one..." Hua Qiang said, his face a little red.

"Should it be held in the capital or in Pengcheng?" Hua Zhao asked.

"In Pengcheng, Beijing, it's not very good." Hua Qiang said.

Hua Qiang was a little embarrassed. He was still married after he was over 80. He was really an old man. He was afraid that others would laugh at him, and he laughed at Hua Zhao by the way.

Hua Zhao doesn’t think there’s anything shameful about this. Grandpa is still able to find spring even after he’s over 80. He’s so envious of other old men and women!

But in order to make grandpa feel more comfortable, it would be better to go to Pengcheng.

"Then go to Pengcheng. It just so happens that Aunt Fang hasn't been back to the south for several years. She will definitely be happier if she goes back to live for a few years." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Qiang laughed.

The smile gets bigger and bigger.

I slowly felt a little excited...

very excited....

"Don't make a fuss. That's what young people like. We all definitely like to be clean. If that doesn't work, just prepare a couple of new clothes so that the family can have enough to eat." Hua Qiang said.

This is usually the case when old people get married. They just need to inform their family members when they have a meal.

"It's not a big deal, but it can't be so shabby." Hua Zhao said, "I know what you are thinking. Ye Shen and I will discuss it carefully. We will come up with a charter. You can see if it works."

"Okay." Hua Qiang agreed.

Hua Zhao left happily, and when he returned to his room, he gestured "yeah" to Ye Shen.

Ye Shen also smiled. Grandpa had finally found a spiritual destination, and he was also happy.

The two gathered together to discuss for a long time, writing several pieces of A4 paper.

But Hua Zhao has attended countless weddings, but never one with an old friend like this.

Although there are some families like this in recent years, they are really quiet and treat their own family members to a meal without inviting outsiders.

She couldn't make up her mind either, so she quickly called Miao Lanzhi and Liu Yuegui to inquire.

By the way, let them know.

Miao Lanzhi was filming in another place and could not come back. She was so excited on the phone that she asked her to set a date and inform her immediately. She said she would come back to participate.

Liu Yuegui was close and came right away with her legs raised.

"Mr. Hua is going to marry Fang Haixing?" Liu Yuegui asked as she came in.

Hua Zhao nodded.

Liu Yuegui slapped her thigh and said with a smile: "I just thought these two would be great! I didn't expect it to happen!"

When two people are together, the atmosphere is simply too harmonious, as harmonious as an old married couple.

That's a little too much...

If Hua Qiang had a wife now, she would definitely tell Hua Zhao to drive Fang Haixing away.

But Hua Qiang didn't have a companion, so she thought they were a good match.

But she still had to worry about her own family affairs. Liu Yuegui didn't dare to interfere with Hua Zhao's affairs, so she endured it for several years without mentioning it.

"When will the two get together?" Liu Yuegui asked.

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