"We haven't decided on a date yet." Hua Zhao said, "Aren't you looking for someone to see an auspicious day? I'll leave it to my second aunt. Choose the nearest day, within the next month or two."

It has been open for so many years, and all kinds of gods can come out again.

For big things like getting married and moving, I slowly started looking for someone to take care of my life again.

This Liu Yuegui knows best. She didn't dare to do it in the strictest years before. Later, if there was any big event at home, she would find a master to figure it out.

Liu Yuegui was happy to hear that Hua Zhao actually believed this instead of scornfully resisting.

"Okay, okay, leave this matter to me, I promise to give you a lucky day!" Liu Yuegui said.

Hua Zhao asked her again about what she needed to prepare for her second marriage, what to pay attention to, etc., and the matter was quickly settled.

First, you need to prepare the wedding house, then various things, and then organize the ceremony and finish.

Hua Zhao called Fang Haixing out and asked her opinion.

"There are plenty of houses in Pengcheng, so I will choose the villa by the sea where my grandfather always lives. The date has not been decided yet, but it will probably be next month. For the ceremony, I plan to have a Western-style ceremony. I will invite relatives and friends to have a buffet and witness the wedding. Just say a few words and exchange rings and that's it," Hua Zhao said.

She made the process as simple as possible so that Fang Haixing could easily accept it.

Sure enough, Fang Haixing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there was no such thing as blocking the door, toasting, or making wedding arrangements.

As living conditions improve, there are more ways to get married and it becomes more lively. This is not the case before when there was nothing.

When other people were getting married, Fang Haixing was very happy to watch the excitement. When it was her turn, she kept blushing when she thought about being teased on the stage.

Fortunately, there are none of these. According to Hua Zhao, the only ceremony is to exchange rings, and then the guests eat and drink by themselves, and that's it.

No outsiders are invited, they are all familiar people, so there is no need to socialize.

very good.

Fang Haixing felt relaxed, with a smile on his face.

Liu Yuegui looked happy, took Fang Haixing's hand, and chatted with her as if she were one of her own.

From now on, Fang Haixing's identity has changed. She is now her elder!

Fang Haixing may have also felt this subtle change, and his face slowly turned red again.

After talking here, Hua Zhao went to his grandfather again and explained to him.

Unexpectedly, she moved so quickly, Hua Qiang was a little stunned.

After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he left to find Fang Haixing.

Outside, Liu Yuegui also left, and she went to settle the matter with the master.

"Aunt Fang, grandpa asked you to come over." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

"Ah? Oh..." Fang Haixing rubbed the corners of his clothes cautiously, showing a rare timidity. He suddenly felt like he was back in the past, the seaside village woman who was not good at expressing herself and only knew how to work hard.

But it's different after all.

She quickly stood up, straightened her clothes, glanced at Hua Zhao, and went to the backyard.

You have to face it...

In the backyard, Hua Zhao did not peek at what her grandfather and Fang Haixing were talking about, although she was very curious.

She returned to the room and continued to pack her luggage.

After finishing cleaning up my own, and the children's, they followed.

The school and everything are from before. Several children at home have been going back and forth, and the schools and classmates on both sides are used to it.

Nowadays, academic qualifications are not so stressful. There are several children scattered in several classes, so it is not difficult for the school to accept them, and there is no need to go through any backdoors.

Moreover, they study well and are welcomed by schools.

In the afternoon, Liu Yuegui came again and brought the time calculated by the master, half a month later.

The house is ready-made, we just need to buy things and decorate the site. Half a month is enough.

Hua Zhao was very satisfied with this day.

Hua Qiang also seemed very satisfied...

After knowing the time, he stayed in the room and walked back and forth a few times, and then started calling to inform his good friends in Beijing that he was getting married!

After staying in the capital for so many years, he also made many friends with whom he could talk.

They are all about the same age or younger.

There are also many elderly people living alone.

Now that I heard that Hua Qiang was getting married, everyone was so upset that they almost crawled along the phone line and pinched him.

Hua Zhao could hear his grandfather's proud laughter in the front yard.

She laughed unconsciously and said to Ye Shen: "Look, there is a difference between getting married and not getting married. Fang Haixing will be his nanny and stay with him for the rest of his life. He will never be so happy."

Once you become your wife, the feeling will be different.

"Of course." Ye Shen hugged her and smiled.

There were many people in the room. After receiving the news, the Ye family came over to watch the fun, no, they came to send blessings...

Now seeing Ye Shen and Hua Zhao showing off their affection like no one else around, Qin Zhuo's teeth were sore.

He turned around and looked around at the people in the room. None of his brothers had left. They were all raising their families, and he was the only one left!

He himself felt the pressure.

Ye Ming was not here...he didn't think of it.

And Ye Ming has jumped out of this mundane world~

Since his status has become higher and higher, even his parents can no longer control him, and no one is urging him to get married.

Qin Zhuo is even less qualified to urge, he only deserves to be urged.

His grinning expression was seen by Hua Zhao, who remembered it and asked: "How are you distributing the flyers? I heard that most of the branches are beautiful female college students? Have you found the right one? Don't be picky. Bar?"

Qin Zhuo suddenly smiled guiltily and said: "Second sister-in-law, you really have to say that, I'm just being picky..."

All of them are very beautiful, and each one has his favorite highlights.

Without him, he would not send leaflets to the other party, or even recruit the other party into the unit.

Regardless of appearance, body, or work ability, there is something he thinks is outstanding.

Of course, work ability is the most important thing. The first thing he recruits is employees, who make him money...

Then we will see if there is anyone here who can develop into his wife.

"Don't develop with many people at the same time, or you will ruin your reputation." Hua Zhao said worriedly.

Not only was she afraid that he would lose his reputation, she was also afraid that he would take the wrong path.

There are so many beauties wandering around in front of him, all of whom are interested in him, but a man who lacks concentration will accidentally take the wrong path.

As for Qin Zhuo's determination, she couldn't say.

"No, no, I don't dare." Qin Zhuo said.

He knows right from wrong. If he dares to hook up with several women at the same time, his father can break his legs.

"If it doesn't work, just pick one at random." Ye Fang said, "If you can't make up your mind, I'll help you take a look."

It was rare for her to be free, so she came over and happened to hear Hua Zhao asking Qin Zhuo.

Hua Zhao was about to laugh, but Qin Zhuo thought about it and actually agreed.

"Okay, Mom, if you have time, go check out a few branches in Beijing. If you like one, tell me! I'll look around with her," Qin Zhuo said.


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