Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1624 Proposing Divorce

Hua Zhao looked at Qin Zhuo and then at Ye Fang. Is it true?

Ye Fang was also stunned and didn't believe it: "You really let me choose? What if you are not satisfied with the choice?"

Qin Zhuo smiled shyly: "No, I think all the people selected are pleasing to the eye. There are too many people, and I don't know which one is more pleasing to the eye. You can choose any one!"

He chuckled: "People don't say that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also very important. You choose the one you like. If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, the family will be more harmonious and better."

It sounds like you put your mother's feelings first. What mother wouldn't be happy to hear that?

Ye Fang was also a layman and immediately laughed.

"Okay, then I will help you control your eyes. But if you feel dissatisfied after we have been together for a while, don't force it. Let's choose again." Ye Fang said.

Qin Zhuo nodded like garlic.

A loving mother and a filial son, some people secretly curled their lips.

Take a look, what are these words? Just like an emperor choosing a concubine, he can choose whatever he wants!

Isn't it just because you have money?

How come she has no money!

Sun Yan came to Hua Zhao and asked Hua Zhao for advice on parenting.

Hua Zhao had no choice but to answer and started chatting with her.

While chatting, Sun Yan got to the point.

"Marven has been furloughed at work and is resting at home. It's not easy for such a grown man to be at home every day. Do you think it would be better to find something for him to do?" Sun Yan asked.

The matter had been informed to her family, she insisted, and no one else objected, so the child in her belly was kept.

If the child is left behind, Ye Chen will not be able to keep his job.

It's the time when the government is strict, and it's still the capital, and only one can keep a job and a child.

Hua Zhao nodded: "You can't be idle at home, or something will happen to you."

Hua Zhao asked Ye Chen: "Now that you have made a decision, don't regret it, don't look back, look forward. What are your thoughts? What kind of work do you want to do in the future? Where will you develop?"

Ye Chen has been a little silent today. When he heard Hua Zhao ask him, he cheered up, but he didn't have an answer.

"I don't know what I can do, and I don't have anything I want to do. I have never thought about leaving the company..." Ye Chen said.

Sun Yan immediately pinched him secretly.

Ye Chen glared at her and said nothing.

Although he kept the child, he was not very happy.

This kid earned it with his career.

He didn't know if he would regret it in the future.

At Ye Shen's house, Sun Yan didn't dare to go too far and let go of her hand.

"Do you want to work in a company or start a business?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Start a business." Ye Chen said.

Go to work? He can't get into public institutions or state institutions, so he can only go to private institutions and listen to others.

Even if he went to Hua Zhao's company, he would not be happy, let alone anyone else's.

"It's good to start a business." Sun Yan immediately beamed.

Isn't this going in the direction she likes?

"Then what do you want to do?" Hua Zhao asked, "Do you want to open a factory or a store? Or do business?"

Ye Chen's expression suddenly became confused, he didn't know.

Hua Zhao thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go to Pengcheng with us this time to see the environment there? Only by walking around more will you know what you want and what you can do."

If a person who has never thought about doing business is suddenly given a sum of money to start a business, he will be confused and have nowhere to start.

Ye Chen thought for a while and nodded.

Sun Yan was excited: "I want to go and have a look too."

Hua Zhao glanced at her and said, "You're still in low month now, why don't you wait until it stabilizes?"

"It's okay. I'm in good health. I'm not delicate! Besides, I don't do any physical work. I just walk around and see if I'm tired!" Sun Yan said.

Hua Zhao thought for a while, she was so involved, she must be satisfied with the job Ye Chen chose in the end, otherwise she would be nagging like this, and her life would not be easy.

For the sake of family unity, she should go.

Sun Yan was so happy that she immediately took Ye Chen home to pack her things.

Ye Fang was also anxious. Seeing that the sky was still dark, he immediately took Qin Zhuo to the branch in Beijing.

The others dispersed too.

When leaving, Ding Xinyue looked back frequently.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yan easily defrauded her family of money with the help of a child. She suddenly wanted to have a child.

Marven said he wanted to start a business, where would the money come from? It must have come from home.

There was some money in the family, most of which came from the old man and Ye Ming. Ye Shen also contributed part of it, and later Ye An and Qin Zhuo joined in.

She had no idea how much it was, but it must be a lot.

In addition to giving flowers to a few children and weddings, they are basically left alone at other times.

But this time it has been announced that every nephew and nephew of the Ye family has an entrepreneurial fund.

As for Ye Chen's generation, everyone is rich!

Originally, Ye Tao and Ye Chen earned wages and had no money.

It's fine now. Ye Chen was pulled out by his wife, leaving her squatting at the bottom of the pit.

So angry!

Liu Yuegui saw her putting her hand on her belly and groping for it, then she walked out the door and immediately said, "I'm going to have a second child. Do you know you're anxious? If you're anxious, just think of a way to have a baby!"

Ye Tao still had the last price left. When he heard his mother's words, he immediately smiled and said, "I'll keep working hard."

Liu Yuegui ignored him. She had seen both Chinese and Western medicine. It was either Ye Tao's problem or Ding Xinyue's. Naturally, she would not be angry with her son.

As time went by, she also discovered that Ding Xinyue was not anxious at all about having a child. She hesitated and didn't know what she was thinking!

Have second thoughts?

After returning home and closing the door, Ye Tao sat on the bed and said, "Let's talk."

Things that Liu Yuegui could discover, he could discover even more.

During the Chinese New Year period, the number of contacts increased, and he could truly feel Ding Xinyue's resistance every night.

This made him feel ashamed.

He's not interested anymore either.

"What's going on? You're being so serious." Ding Xinyue pretended to smile as if nothing had happened.

But her heart suddenly swelled. She had never seen Ye Tao with such a serious expression!

"If you don't like me, we can divorce." Ye Tao said, "You don't need to endure the humiliation and work hard all your life."

"What?" Ding Xinyue was dumbfounded.

She was asked for divorce?

For a moment, Ding Xinyue's heart was filled with pain and fear.

"Ye Tao! Do you know what you are talking about? I, I just mentioned borrowing a house, and you actually want to divorce me! Okay, okay, I won't lend it to my brother anymore!"

Ding Xinyue thought Ye Tao was still angry because she wanted to lend the house to her brother.

Although there is also turmoil at home, divorce is still more terrifying than divorce.

How about she stop borrowing it?

"That's not the case." Ye Tao said, "It's you. You don't like me at all. I'll let you go without any force."

Ding Xinyue knew what he was talking about, and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

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