"Mr. Li, Mr. Zhang, you are here." Hua Zhao greeted the two of them with a smile.

Her name is quite strange. No one in the capital had ever called her that before. It all started with Hua Zhao.

It sounded like they were respected, but not too high-profile to make people feel embarrassed. Considering their age, it was just right.

"Little Flower is here." Old Li said with a smile.

Calling him that way seemed a bit too close, as the relationship between the two was not that close.

But there is no way. Who asked Hua Zhao to have the surname Hua? If he had another surname, it would be normal to call him Xiao Li, Xiao Zhang, or Xiao Wang.

The surname is Hua, and when I say "Little Hua", we become intimate with each other inexplicably.

Fortunately, Mr. Li has dealt with Hua Zhao many times, and given his age, a young man would not dare to call him that.

People with few contacts did not dare. For example, Mr. Zhang next to him smiled and called Mrs. Ye.

Hua Zhao doesn't mind others giving her her husband's surname and calling her Mrs. Ye. She thinks it sounds better than Mrs. Hua...

A few people exchanged casual greetings about the weather and then got down to business.

Hua Zhao looked at the things on the table, 6 picture albums and 4 books.

Mr. Wang, who is a teacher, his favorite collection is calligraphy and painting.

Hua Zhao looked at several paintings, but his mind was actually sensing a ring on his hand.

She had previously obtained a ring with strange energy in Country M, but she had never discovered its use.

She already has a lot of strange jewelry like this in her hands. She carries pendants, brooches, bracelets, and rings with her.

The purpose of the ring was not clearly revealed, but Hua Zhao sensed that it might have something to do with luck.

Occasionally, the energy of the ring would be strange. Hua Zhao followed the energy and made several choices. In the end, he found that he was "very lucky" and his previous choices were all correct.

Now the energy of the ring is active again.

Her hands fell on different paintings, and the energy was different.

This means that the value of these paintings is strong or weak.

Hua Zhao was very surprised. Could a ring be used to identify antiques? Do you know how much antiques are worth?

But luck and superpowers are something she can't understand, so it's not true. Just follow your feelings!

It was also the first time for Hua Zhao to see these collections of Mr. Wang's paintings. She put on gloves and gently clicked on the last one.

"Old man, I don't like this picture." Hua Zhao said.

Not good, to put it mildly, actually means that she thinks the painting is fake.

"Huh?" The other three people looked over.

"No way, this painting has been in my hands for 50 years! I collected it in the early days." Mr. Wang was a little excited.

This painting is worth a lot of money. When he bought it, it cost him 500 oceans.

In that war-torn era, antiques were not valuable at all. What was bought for 500 silver dollars at that time was worth 50,000 or more in peace and prosperity.

Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang just made an appraisal, and the current value of this painting is more than 100,000.

But Hua Zhao said it was false.

The three of them all held magnifying glasses and leaned over the painting to take a closer look.

Hua Zhao's hand wandered over the painting, and finally he pointed out a few locations: "These places."

With the specific reminder, several people compared it and had to admit that Hua Zhao was right, there was something wrong with this painting.

"Hey." Mr. Wang sighed: "I received this from a good friend. After that, he moved and we lost contact..."

Before, I only thought it was due to the war, but now that I think about it, that may not be the case.

This made him sadder than losing 500 yuan.

"Although it is a fake, it is also an imitation of a long time ago, and it is so realistic that it is also very valuable." Hua Zhao said, "I am willing to pay 10,000."

Like she said, not all fakes are worthless.

It's just a print, it's worth some money, it's just a matter of how much.

Mr. Wang is very open-minded. He no longer cares about money. He will not take it with him if he lives or dies.

Hearing Hua Zhao's words, he immediately smiled: "Okay, I got my money back! I also made a profit."

500 yuan, according to the current value of silver dollars purchased by banks, it is more than 2,500 yuan.

Hua Zhao paid 10,000 yuan, and he earned more than 7,000 yuan.

Of course, that's not how the accounts are settled, but if you're happy, let's just forget it!

Several other paintings are authentic works by celebrities and are worth tens of thousands or more.

Of course, it's not an authentic work handed down from generation to generation. When paintings and calligraphy were not so valuable and antiques were not yet completely popular, tens of thousands was already the ceiling price.

If you want to sell tens of millions, you have to wait 30 years.

Hua Zhao can afford to wait.

She took out her camera, took photos of each painting carefully, and wrote the acquisition agreement, clearly stating the value of each painting.

This is Hua Zhao's usual style to prevent anyone from suddenly saying that she "accepted bribes".

For example, someone sold her a painting worth 100,000 yuan and said it was a replica bought for 10 yuan. This is a disguised gift.

In order to prevent others from causing trouble, Hua Zhao framed her, so he recorded all these collections clearly.

As for those things that others didn’t know before, let them remain unknown.

Hua Zhao returned home with a full load and collected several paintings and books.

At noon, she met several people recommended by her nanny, and finally selected a woman in her 40s who looked neat and tidy.

She has also tasted the food cooked by women. It is better than ordinary people's cooking. Mr. Wang should be satisfied.

As for whether the temperament is suitable, she has no time to test it. She will let Mr. Wang see for himself and change it if it is not suitable.

Hua Zhao took the person to Mr. Wang to see.

Mr. Wang has a few friends at home, and they are having an antique exchange meeting.

He doesn't want to sell all the antiques. He's not dead yet, he still wants to play with them.

He also figured it out. He was already so old, he only had a few years to live, and his children were not filial, so he should live as happily as he could.

When he dies with this money, these things will definitely be taken care of!

Mr. Wang was very satisfied at first sight when he saw the person Hua Zhao brought. He was neither fat nor thin, with a kind face and rough hands. He looked like a working man.

"Sorry to trouble you." Mr. Wang didn't say much, but he really accepted Hua Zhao's affection in his heart.

"If you are not satisfied, just call home and replace him immediately." Hua Zhao said.

This sentence is also meant for the nanny. Don’t think that she has no relatives with her, is a lonely old man, and her children are not filial, so she can bully them at will!

Mr. Wang smiled and said: "Okay, I understand, don't worry."

"Uncle Wang and the others, have they called you?" Hua Zhao couldn't help but ask.

She didn't want to mention it, but she wanted to know the lower limit of those people.

The smile on Mr. Wang's face faded and he shook his head: "No."

Logically speaking, his house was sold yesterday, and the children had agreed to take turns taking care of themselves in old age, so they should have gone to live in the old man's house last night.

As a result, he didn't go for a whole night, and the other party didn't even know to call or come over to look for it!

There really is no lower limit.


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