Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1630 Crossing the road

Hua Zhao said nothing more, said goodbye to Mr. Wang, and left.

Ye Chen finally gave the explanation and he can leave.

Only he and Sun Yan, 3-year-old Xiaoxue, stayed at home and were taken care of by Zhou Lihua.

The next day, Sun Yan arrived at Hua Zhao's house with her luggage, ready for a big fight.

Everyone will set off together in a while.

Ye Chen's face had no expression, and he couldn't see any happiness.

He was still confused.

Hua Zhao didn't say anything to them, just exchanged a few words with them, said goodbye to his family and set off.

She is also responsible for the Ye family's internal affairs. No matter whether she is in the capital or Pengcheng, there are always many things to come back to deal with every month, and everyone can still see each other often.

Only Ye Zhenguo was a little reluctant to let go of the children.

Unfortunately, although he is already past the retirement age, people of his status have no concept of "retirement" at all.

I am still very busy every day, and I cannot indulge in my grandson’s happiness.

Hua Zhao felt that he did not need this kind of happiness. If he were to be free one day and no longer had to think about national affairs, she felt that the old man's energy would be exhausted.

So she never persuaded the old man to stop and take a rest like other grandchildren.

Sometimes when you are busy, you will be in better shape.

Several junior high school students from Ye Ying's and Ye Dan's families also transferred to school with several children from Hua Zhao's family.

High school students and college students should stop changing schools frequently and stay in the capital to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Ye Ying's family also has two children in junior high school, Sun Yuan and Sun Xing, one is 14 and the other is 13.

Ye Dan's family also has two children, Wang Yi and Wang Yu, one is 15 and the other is 14, both girls.

Several children were chatting on the plane, talking about the classmates they were about to meet, and they were a little excited.

Only Wang Yi and Wang Yu's expressions were occasionally absent-minded.

The two of them were across the aisle from Hua Zhao. She thought of something and asked in a low voice: "Has your mother contacted you?"

Wang Yi was closest to her, leaned over and whispered: "He didn't contact us. He called my grandma a few times."

In the past, they did not dare to mention Ye Dan in the Ye family, it was a taboo.

But after what happened before, they discovered that the family didn't just scream and kill Ye Dan when they saw him.

Hua Zhao even said that he didn't mind their children interacting with Ye Dan.

The children felt as light as if a mountain had been lifted from their bodies.

Now facing Hua Zhao, his smile became even sweeter.

Hua Zhao advanced Ye Dan, and they were no longer afraid.

Second aunt's expression showed pure curiosity.

"I heard before that she went to the south. Where exactly did she go? Has she settled down? What kind of business do she do to make money?" Hua Zhao asked.

Wang Yi paused and said, "I heard that I went to Pengcheng..."

In fact, they are also students in the third and second grades of junior high school. They don't really want to transfer to another school. They plan to study hard and get admitted to a key high school in Beijing.

But because Ye Dan was in Pengcheng, they couldn't help but come.

Hua Zhao nodded: "Pengcheng is great. Pengcheng's economy is developing rapidly, so she can only come to Pengcheng."

There are currently only two cities in the South where you can make a lot of money, Pengcheng and Shanghai.

Tian Xin was developing in Shanghai. In order to avoid Tian Xin, Ye Dan could not go to Shanghai but could only go to Pengcheng.

Wang Yi recently learned more about her mother. She looked at Hua Zhao and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Auntie, I heard that my mother offended many people in Pengcheng before. She is developing in Pengcheng." ,OK?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Hua Zhao said.

Previously, Ye Dan and Ye Xing fished for parallel imports together in Pengcheng, but Hua Zhao intercepted all the parallel imports, and the two lost their money.

He also lost all the money paid by others to join the gang.

But Pengcheng has been renovated over the years, and both black and white things have become much more regulated.

Those who partnered with Ye Dan in the past have stopped working long ago.

Some people suffered such losses that they could no longer stand up and sank to the bottom.

Some people have changed to an aboveboard way and become troubled.

There is another kind of person who enters and disappears.

The first type of person cannot meet Ye Dan, and if they do meet him, they can only look at him and cannot do anything.

The second kind of people no longer look down on the little money they had, and they can just laugh away their grudges.

Not lost? Do not laugh?

Ye An is not a vegetarian either!

Hua Zhao felt that Ye Dan's biggest supporter for daring to return to Pengcheng was not Ye Shen or her, but Ye An.

Ye An is now in Pengcheng, and he is definitely a boss-level existence.

As Ye Dan's younger brother, even if Ye Dan is expelled from the family and his life is really in danger, Ye An cannot ignore it.

As for the others, Ye Dan may not need Ye An's help.

During this contact, Hua Zhao had discovered many changes in Ye Dan.

After getting married again, having children, living a normal life, doing normal business, and meeting all kinds of people, Ye Dan changed and knew that he could make money with his own hands.

Hua Zhao explained to Wang Yi.

Next to him, Wang Yu listened with big eyes and unblinking, very concerned.

Hua Zhao smiled. Although Ye Dan abandoned the children before and left for more than ten years, which was very irresponsible, the children still had her in their hearts.

Much better than those gadgets from the Wang family.

Filial children look particularly pleasing to the eye.

Hua Zhao explained a little more. When the two children understood, they immediately smiled and relaxed completely.

Wang Yi told Hua Zhao about Ye Dan's progress in Pengcheng: "I rented a house, sent the child to kindergarten, and hired a nanny at home. As for work, I heard that I rented a store in a shopping mall to wholesale clothes."

It was clear that Ye Dan had made contact with Liu Yuegui. Seeing that her family did not resist, she became bolder and gave Liu Yuegui a call in a week or two.

Liu Yuegui asked carefully, and she answered in detail. They even knew where the shopping mall was and where the stalls were.

The two of them planned to take a look secretly.

Now the two of them were completely unwary of Hua Zhao, and they told Hua Zhao this information that "shouldn't have been said" without any regrets.

Hua Zhao smiled inwardly, she didn't raise these two children in vain, they were not white-eyed wolves, and she didn't start to guard against her just because Ye Dan appeared.

"Go and have a look." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

This was considered a clear path, and the two children became even happier when they heard it.

Next to Hua Zhao, Ye Shen was reading a newspaper, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Why is his wife so nice?

Being so generous and not holding grudges....

Something seemed wrong. His wife was actually very petty and vengeful.

That is, because they are his family, he is extra tolerant?

The corners of Ye Shen's mouth were even more curved. If it weren't for the plane, he would definitely have taken a bite out of her.


Sun Yan was sitting in the front row and listened carefully. She also planned to go and have a look and learn how to do business.

Hua Zhao farmed and ran a real estate company, so she couldn't learn from it. She also knew that she had little capital, so she could only start from a young age.

Selling clothes seemed like a good choice.

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