Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1717 Want to keep people

"Let's just say that a house that can provide household registration is now about 2,000 yuan per square meter. Your family of 6 people still needs three rooms, right? Otherwise, the children will not be able to live in it when they grow up. A three-bedroom house is about 100 square meters, which is 200,000 yuan.

"You can now earn more than 100 yuan a day selling fruit, and more than 3,000 yuan a month. But this kind of thing doesn't happen often. Fruits don't come out 365 days a year. The harvest season for all fruits is only three or four months.

"Assuming 10,000 a year, you have to earn 20 years to buy a house. In 20 years, how old will the six children be?

“The eldest brother is already over 30, and the sixth brother is already 20 and it’s time to get a wife.

"Besides, how much does it cost to raise these four children? The eldest and sixth child can go to a normal school, while the third and fifth children have to go to a special school, which costs a lot of tuition.

"Will the eldest brother and the sixth child go to college in the future? If so, based on the prices of things 10 years from now, the annual tuition fee is estimated to be several thousand, or 10,000 for two children.

"For each of the 4 boys, do they need money to get married? Is a few thousand dollars enough? Does the woman want a house? This is another four 200,000 yuan.

"The most important thing is that you have saved 200,000 for 20 years, but will this 200,000 be enough to buy a house in 20 years?"

Aunt Ma was stunned and her face turned pale after hearing each sentence.

But she understood clearly, 200,000 is nothing!

What astronomical figures?

It was simply not enough for her to raise four boys, let alone make arrangements for them, marry a wife and have children.

They don’t even have enough space to set up a home in the capital!

What's wrong with making more than 100 a day? They still have to wander around the capital like duckweeds, renting other people's houses to live in.

The four children will not be able to go to school or get a wife, so they will have to stay single.

So, she was so excited! Nothing!

Hua Zhao secretly smiled, although she had a bit of a change of heart. In the past 20 years, not only housing prices have increased, but wages have also increased.

But now I tell her that in 20 years her salary will be several thousand or even tens of thousands, and Aunt Ma doesn’t believe it.

Moreover, even with a salary of tens of thousands, I still cannot afford to buy a house.

Tell her that at that time, the house was worth 100,000 square meters, and 100 square meters was worth 10 million. She would be scared to death immediately, or she would just throw it away.

It's just right now.

Aunt Ma was full of energy: "Tell me, can the price of my fruit be increased a little more? One more yuan per pound?"

This way I can earn more than 200 a day....

It’s still not enough to spend 200,000 to buy a house right away!

She has to do something else!

"This job of selling fruit is so simple. I just take it home every day, and then someone comes to take it away the next morning. I don't have to do anything at all. What do you think I should do?" Aunt Ma asked.

No one had made such a clear calculation for her before, but now she finally knew how much money she still needed to take root in the capital.


She wants to earn enough 200,000 yuan as soon as possible, buy a house, and register as a registered permanent resident, so that she doesn't have to go back to Kaoshantun in the future.

People of her age take household registration very seriously, especially urban household registration.

In order to turn her children from rural areas into capital cities, she had to work hard no matter what.

There are many ways to make money, and Hua Zhao really doesn’t know which one is suitable for Aunt Ma.

The two discussed for a long time, and Aunt Ma decided to start with Li Xiaojiang, take the clothes he was holding in his hand, and sell them in the market.

The suburbs of Beijing are also rural areas, and there are markets in rural areas, some every three days, some every five days.

Moreover, the market often ends in half a day, so Aunt Ma's work is not delayed much, and even half a day's leave is enough.

She doesn't have to sell clothes, she just practices with clothes first to get the feeling of selling things.

The matter was settled, and it was time for Hua Zhao to go home.

Aunt Ma then remembered and asked, "Has Qiuping called back? Why haven't you come back? Is it not going well over there? Do they not want the child? Or do they want to detain someone?"

She guessed quite accurately that the Hua family neither wanted a few oil bottles, nor did they want to let Qiuping go.

Hua Zhao is a evil star who cannot be offended, but Qiu Ping, a woman who they had flattened and rounded before, cannot be offended?

They wanted to crush her to death! I want to detain her and serve them for the rest of her life!

The Hua family's few cows had few eggs left, and they were also suffering from strange diseases. They were so weak that they couldn't do any work.

Now we need people to work at home and outside.

But they are too weak to have the physical strength to suppress women.

The honest women in the past have changed their faces. They either ignore them or abandon them and run away.

Qiuping sheep enters the tiger's mouth and takes the initiative to deliver it to the door. Can they let it go?

The egg was gone, but Hualong still had some physical strength. He became the main force and was about to capture Qiuping, but was taken care of by Shi Yang.

But this time Hualong learned how to use the law to protect himself. He sued Shi Yang.

He was also stuck in the hospital with pain here and there, and he wanted Shi Yang or Hua Zhao to compensate him.

The last 10,000 yuan gave him a taste of the sweetness.

Because it was her own affairs that had dragged Shi Yang down, Qiuping was so anxious that she didn't come back.

Hua Zhao didn't hide it and told Aunt Ma.

Before Aunt Ma could get anxious, Hua Zhao said: "I sent a few more people over. Don't worry, Hua Long will recover and be discharged from the hospital soon. Of course, Shi Yang's crime of beating someone seriously will not be established."

As long as it's not a serious injury, people nowadays don't take it seriously.

How can someone be arrested just for slapping someone? It doesn't matter if you beat him to the head and bleed.

Whoever has the bigger fist is the right one. This is what some local police stations say, letting them "solve their own problems" without beating them to death.

There is nothing they can do. A few people are in charge of towns with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. If they can do it with a slap, they will not have to do anything every day, and they will not be able to manage it 24 hours a day without taking a break.

Aunt Ma was relieved when she heard that Hua Zhao had sent several more people.

"I've caused you trouble again..." she said a little embarrassed.

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "It's all trivial matters. They are idle anyway, so why not find something for them to do and practice."


Hua Zhao returned home, but he didn't act as relaxed as before.

She immediately asked Jian Bai: "How is things going in Shi Yang?"

She sent someone to "cure" Hualong's illness, but she didn't want to give him a panacea to make him feel better.

Instead, some extraordinary measures were used.

This is not easy. If Hualong is smart and stays in the ward without coming out, her people can't rush in and beat him out.

A few people would also have to pay for it.

"Law" is always a good weapon.

Jian Bai smiled: "That Hualong was really careful. He even went to the toilet in the room at first, but the people in the same ward refused and kicked him out, and our people kidnapped him from the toilet."

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