Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1727 Why is money so easy to make?

Ma Qiuping looked at the time. It was too far for her to ride to the city at this time, and she didn't know where Hua Zhao's home was.

She went to the orchard. If Hua Zhao was not in the orchard, there was a phone there.

It was still early and Hua Zhao was still in the orchard.

The watermelons in the recent sheds are about to mature, and she "communicates" with them.

Seeing her, Ma Qiuping's heart suddenly felt at ease.

She had complained about Hua Zhao before, but if it hadn't been for her, she wouldn't have been so miserable.

But now, Hua Zhao has become her supporter. She knows that as long as Hua Zhao is here, her life will never hit the bottom and will never be so miserable again.

Forget it, what happened in the past was all Hua Long's fault, and Hua Zhao never thought of harming her.

The smile on Ma Qiuping's face suddenly became sincere.

She took off the backpack she was carrying and put it on the table in front of Hua Zhao.

"Here, 10,000 yuan! Today's payment." She said with a little pride.

"Huh?" Hua Zhao looked at the sky outside. It was just past noon, and it had only been a few hours since they took away the 10,000 pairs of socks.

"All sold?" Hua Zhao asked in surprise.

She was really surprised. She thought they would sell it for at least two or three days. After all, the route was not familiar at all.

And looking at the bulging bag of money, the amount is a bit wrong, right?

She opened it and guessed at a glance that it was almost 10,000 yuan.

"10,000? One pair for one yuan? Not wholesale?" Hua Zhao was even more surprised.

"Yes." Ma Qiuping unceremoniously picked up the cut watermelon on the table and wolfed it down. Then she remembered that she hadn't drank a sip of water all morning and hadn't eaten lunch. Now that she saw the watermelon, she remembered she was hungry.

While eating, she told Hua Zhao what happened before.

Hua Zhao praised: "Smart!"

It is not a difficult idea to go to work to sell things. Many small businessmen and vendors set up stalls in front of work units for the first time.

Only workers have purchasing power.

But thinking about going directly to the factory director to distribute benefits through the janitor, and asking the janitor to contact other factories, and knowing how to give gifts and give them to the right person, requires talent.

It has to be a pretty high level of talent.

Hua Zhao looked at Ma Qiuping with very appreciative eyes.

Ma Qiuping was so embarrassed that she was embarrassed to eat.

"No matter how smart you are, it's just good luck." She said.

"It's not just good luck. Every step you take is reasonable and in the right direction, so every step will be smooth and you will appear lucky." Hua Zhao analyzed the benefits of what she did little by little.

If what she was selling today was something else, not stockings, but something to eat and drink, she would probably be stuck at the doorstep and wouldn't let her in at all.

Or maybe she chose not the clothing factory, but the match factory or screw factory closest to her home, which wouldn't work either.

There are few female workers there and many straight men.

Selling stockings? What the hell are stockings? A pair costs 1 yuan, but it will break after being worn a few times, and it will be a waste if the ladies at home wear it!

He won't even let her in.

Ma Qiuping's face turned red when she was praised: "I didn't think much about it at the time. I just instinctively wanted to go to the clothing factory..."

"This intuition is talent!" Hua Zhao praised again.

Ma Qiuping needed praise so much, she needed someone to help her build up her confidence, and she also needed someone to break down her talent and explain it clearly, so that she could turn her talent into ability.

Ma Qiuping became more and more fascinated as she listened, nodding her head repeatedly.

She was actually thinking of going to the screw factory and match factory to sell things tomorrow, so it seemed like she didn't need to waste time at all.

Sure enough, the most powerful one is Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao is now willing to teach her, so she must study hard.

But there are more important things now.

"The deputy director came directly from the shoe factory. He wants to order 20,000 pairs of socks. Should I give it to him directly? Or give him less." Ma Qiuping asked.

She knows hunger marketing. If she says she has 400,000 pairs, the other party will definitely bargain.

The more stuff you have, the less valuable it is.

Hua Zhao thought for a while and said: "Give it to him directly. This is a rare opportunity. The price can also be lowered. Instead of 1 yuan, 9 cents will be enough."

Ma Qiuping nodded, a little strange: "There are so many female workers in the shoe factory? Or is it very profitable? Do they want to distribute several pairs to one person?"

"As far as I know, there are not many people in the shoe factory, and there are not many female workers." Hua Zhao said, "So I guess he wants to sell it."

"Ah? Take the goods from us and sell them out? What will he do with the 9 cents?" Ma Qiuping asked curiously.

After cleaning out the factory, she also plans to start wholesale, and the wholesale price will be 50 cents.

If the shoe factory also....

"They are shoe factories." Hua Zhao said: "Shoe factories sell shoes, of course, but now there are private shoe factories. The products they produce are good-looking and cheap. The business of state-owned shoe factories has been hit hard."

Ma Qiuping blinked, wondering what this had to do with them.

"What about bundled sales? Buy a pair of shoes and get a pair of socks? Or buy a pair of shoes and sell two pairs of socks to the customer? With the popularity of silk stockings now, their business will definitely be very good." Hua Zhaodao.

Ma Qiuping understood and looked surprised: "Is this still possible?"

Who are these people, who can come up with such a method? These are the smart people!

Hua Zhao guessed that this possibility was very high. Otherwise, what kind of factory would temporarily provide 20,000 yuan to provide benefits to employees?

Go ahead and dream. Buying food is okay, but buying socks? It will take a month for a meeting to be decided.

Or, things that are useful for production will be decided quickly.

"You should first visit some large state-owned factories in Beijing. There is no need to go to private factories. No matter how many female workers there are, benefits will not be increased except during holidays." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh." Ma Qiuping nodded and took note.

If Hua Zhao hadn't told her, she might have actually gone.

But when Hua Zhao pointed it out, she understood. Private bosses are reluctant to spend that unjust money...

"When you finish visiting some state-owned enterprises, sellers who want to sell socks will probably come to your door." Hua Zhao said: "But I suggest that you sell more to out-of-town vendors and less to local ones. This will have little impact on local prices. It won’t hurt a few large state-owned enterprise customers.”

A large number of silk stockings suddenly appear in the capital, and the price will definitely drop. When the time comes, a pair of stockings will cost 8 cents a pair or 9 cents a pair on the street. A few leaders who bought them for 1 yuan will definitely be unhappy.

Those are all connections. I plan to sell things to them in the future, so I can’t hurt them.

Ma Qiuping nodded fiercely: "Okay, I'll write it down."

Seeing that all that needed to be said was said, Ma Qiuping picked up her bag and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute." Hua Zhao stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Ma Qiuping looked confused.

Hua Zhao pointed to the money on the table: "The cost is only 3,000 yuan. Why do you give me so much?"

Her wholesale price is 3 cents a pair.

Ma Qiuping suddenly realized that indeed, the cost was only 3,000, and the remaining 7,000 was what she had just earned.

Her heart skipped a beat. Why was it so easy to make money...

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