He had been to Hongdeng District and slept with a blond beauty. How could Ding Yong endure such a thing worth showing off?

It wasn't his first time there, he was familiar with the place.

After the first time he went there, he described it to his brothers in all aspects, including the price, which attracted countless envious looks.

But these are all secrets between close friends. It’s okay for them to go out and brag, just don’t let their wives know!

but now....!!!

Ding Yong glanced at Hua Zhao in shock and anger. Before he could turn around, he heard the sound of wind behind him, and his wife's Nine Yin White Bones were caught.

Immediately he was tickled all over his face.

"Dayangma, right? All the money was spent on Dayangma, right?

“I explained that the more and more things I took away, the less and less money I got back!

"Everyone else is making money, but you are not!

"I thought you were stupid! It turns out it was all given to the chicken!


"I'll scratch you bastard to death!" Liu Juan scratched you more and more vigorously.

Ding Yong had been drinking some wine outside, so he moved awkwardly and did not avoid it.

Only then did everyone think of starting a fight.

Hua Zhao just sat there and watched with a smile.

Mother Ding saw it in a blink of an eye and was furious!

"What are you doing? Why are you so crazy? Do you just believe what others say? There is no evidence! Who saw it?" she shouted, and also gave Hua Zhao a sideways glance.

She didn't know anything, she was just guessing, so why did she convict her son?

"Even if you don't want to help him recover his losses, you can't slap him indiscriminately! Is this a slap in the face?" Mother Ding said to Hua Zhao.

"Whether it's a random deduction or not, I'll have someone check it out and find out." Hua Zhao shouted, "Ding Yong, tell me your detailed address quickly so that I don't wrongly accuse you! Or, tell me your friend's contact information. I asked him what was going on."

Ding Yong suddenly scratched his neck and said: "I don't remember! He and I just met by chance, and I don't know his contact information."

"Really?" Hua Zhao asked the group of friends behind him.

A group of people suddenly became divided. Some wanted to tell the truth, while others refused to give in.

Although Hua Zhao is good-looking, he doesn’t give them food to eat! From now on, I still have to follow Ding Yong, who knows who?

With all this pretentiousness, what else do you need to ask?

Hua Zhao raised his eyebrows at Ding Mu.

Mother Ding was so ashamed that she couldn't get off the stage.

"It's useless!" She didn't know who she was scolding. After cursing, she called out to Liu Juan: "What are you doing? Come and cook with me! Can't survive? Just keep making trouble, then pack up and go back." Go to your parents’ home and let my son divorce you tomorrow and give you your freedom!”

Her son doesn't have to worry about finding a partner now. Her son has gone abroad. Although he didn't save much money, he really made money!

In the past, she only thought that her son had no ability and earned little, but it turned out that he was a prostitute!

She is also very angry now.

Why the hell doesn't he know how to take it back to honor her?

All the damn money was spent on wild women! Come back and cry poverty to her! The last shipment cost her all the coffin boards!

As a result, he didn’t bring any points back and said he was robbed!

Does this mean 1,000 yuan a day? It’s such an incredible price, no wonder I don’t have any money left!

Liu Juan was so angry that she burst into tears, but she actually followed Ding's mother and left.

She doesn't want a divorce.

If it had been before, we would have left.

Although Ding Yong has more problems now, he can indeed make money, but he has not kept the money.

And by following Ding Yong, you can take advantage of Ding Xinyue, live in a big house, and have good food and drink.

Without Ding Yong, she, a married woman with children, could not find any good man.

Besides, there’s nothing good about a man! All have the same virtue!

Liu Juan left crying.

Ding Yong's friends also took Ding Yong to another room to persuade him to leave.

Hua Zhao turned around and looked at the people in the room, and when he saw her expression, she was already a little scared.

After just a few words, Ding Yong was beaten, and it was hard to find a way to be polite.

And looking at Hua Zhao’s expression, you can tell she did it on purpose!

It must have been intentional. Even if normal people guessed what was going on and were concerned about family relationships, they would not say it out loud to make people lose face or make couples fight!

The old lady sitting at the door spoke again: "I would rather tear down a temple than a marriage. Some people really..."

"Don't worry, old man, they won't divorce or break it up," Hua Zhao said.

old lady....

"By the way, what do you call the old man? Who is Ding Xinyue?" Hua Zhao asked.

The old lady raised her head and said, "I am her eldest sister's mother-in-law. Just call me Aunt Liu."

"Who is celebrating Uncle Ding and Aunt Ding's birthday today? Even you are here." Hua Zhao said in surprise.

Old Mrs. Liu and Mother Ding are in-laws. Normally, the in-laws would not drop by casually if nothing happened, and they would come to the door in person, even during the holidays.

Unless the relationship is particularly good.

But this old Mrs. Liu has a mean look, loves to quarrel with others, and doesn't have a good relationship with anyone.

Mrs. Liu's eyelids drooped: "I can't come if no one has a birthday? You want to be so lenient?"

Hua Zhao...

She glanced at the young woman sitting next to Mrs. Liu. She looked somewhat similar to Ding Xinyue, but she was not as good-looking as Ding Xinyue, and she was a little fatter. She was also dressed in gray, wearing a gray Lenin suit.

It's been 90 years, and there are very few people wearing Lenin clothes. This was only popular in the 1960s and 1970s.

This is Ding Xinyue's second sister, Ding Xinping.

The ball was there hunched over, so big that it looked like a doormat.

Hua Zhao looked away. There was no sense of accomplishment in bullying such a person.

She knew that the old lady's son was playing Pai Gow next door with his brother-in-law and two men who didn't know where they came from.

They didn't even move when Hua Zhao came, and they didn't even know.

"Leopard! Leopard! Leopard!" A shout suddenly sounded next door.

"Oh no."

"Hahahaha! Give me money, give me money!"

"My luck really stinks, I won't play anymore!"

"No, if you play a few more times, you might turn over after a while."

The losing man grabbed the winning man by the collar: "I've lost all my pants and you still won't let me go? Are you a cheater? You're trying to trick me!"

"Liu Laoer, you can't afford to lose, can you?"

Old Mrs. Liu in the room heard her son lose his pants, and it blew to the next door like a small whirlwind.

"Who cheated on me? Zhou Qiang! You even cheated on your relatives, but you're still not a human being?!" Old Mrs. Liu shouted.

A young female voice immediately sounded: "What are you talking about, ma'am? It's obviously your son who can't afford to lose. With so many people watching, who is cheating?"

"Yes, yes, no, we are all watching, no one is cheating."

"My second brother is having a bit of bad luck today."

"My third brother-in-law has always been kind and good at playing cards. Who does he want to win by using a trick?" Ding Yong was resurrected with full health and went to support his third brother-in-law.

Hua Zhao's head was pounding when he heard the noise in the yard.


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