Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2012 Let him carry the bag for his brother-in-law

No wonder Ye Tao doesn't like to go home, no wonder Ding Xinyue has to work overtime on weekends. She can't stay in this house for a second.

It's more chaotic than a large courtyard.

Hua Zhao had seen it all and had an idea in his mind, so he got up and left.

Father Ding left a polite message: "Don't leave, let's have lunch here."

"No need, I have a lot of things to do at home. I'll come back when I have time." Hua Zhao said a few words and walked out.

As a result, Ding's mother saw her while passing by the kitchen.

She had just scolded Liu Juan bloody, and she had also laid out a bunch of facts and truths for her, which not only made sense to Liu Juan, but also to her.

So now that she saw Hua Zhao was leaving, she immediately greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Let's go after eating!"


Hua Zhao was interrupted by her with a smile before she finished speaking, as if he was joking: "What? It's like what people said, you actually don't look down on Xinyue? You don't even want to have a meal at my house? Oops, It seems like you have never had a meal at my house? Do you really look down on us ordinary people?"

Remember in one second: //fo

Several people in a row looked down upon him.

Just for the sake of his own reputation, Hua Zhao has to stay for a meal, right?

Xinyue said that she wants fame most! The best at pretending to be a good person!

The cannibal has a short mouth, so she has to help after eating her food!

"Look at what the aunt said, I am the kindest person and everyone looks up to me, but you can't just go to someone else's house to eat just because you look up to me, right? Then who am I? Besides..."

Hua Zhao looked at a group of people playing Pai Gow next door. Mrs. Liu was full of fire and sprayed Ding Yong in the face.

When Ding Yong was angry, he drank again and was about to hit someone.

"Auntie, it's better to start a fight quickly. After all, the reputation of beating an elder is worse than anything else." Hua Zhao said.

Mother Ding was very angry again, but she still had something to do with Hua Zhao, so she turned around and glared at Liu Juan: "What are you doing with that pestle? You can't see it! Why don't you pull your man away? Beat that old lady. No amount of money is enough to compensate!”

She knew her in-laws too well. They were the kind of in-laws who had suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck!

Liu Juanyi rushed over like a child, holding a rice spoon in her hand, and smashed it on Ding Yong's head.

"Drink some horse urine and you won't know who you are anymore! What does it have to do with you when people play cards? You lose more money every day than your clean face and you still talk to others! Ha! What a heartless thing!" Liu Juan glared at Zhou Qiang, who won the money. .

Ding Yong is a big fool. He is often forced to play cards by his third brother-in-law Zhou Zhou, and then he loses nine out of ten bets, so he can win once.

But Zhou Qiang can talk. Sometimes he will praise Ding Yong, drink wine, cry, and express his admiration and envy for Ding Yong.

Ding Yong couldn't wait to give his underwear to others.

So even though he has lost a lot of money to Zhou Qiang over the years, which he dare not count, Zhou Qiang is still a good person and his best brother-in-law!

No one else can compare, let alone Ye Tao.

Among the three brothers-in-law, Ye Tao is the youngest.

Zhou Qiang's trick was enough to fool Ding Yong, but not Liu Juan. Liu Juan had scolded him countless times, but to no avail.

Later, when she told Ding Yong something bad about Zhou Qiang, Ding Yong became angry with her!

I have been completely brainwashed by others.

Liu Juan was so angry that she had no choice but to take action.

But you can't beat him too much. If you beat him too much, your mother-in-law will feel distressed. He is just such a precious son.

Seeing that Liu Juan had stopped, Ding's mother rolled her eyes at her and turned away, saying to Hua Zhao, "Auntie, I have a favor to ask you."

She didn't want to beat around the bush anymore and said directly: "Well, your brother really came back injured last time! He was beaten seriously. There is always chaos over there. I heard that your man opened a bodyguard company, specializing in bodyguards. Someone is responsible for protecting the people who used to do business.

"Look, one sheep is herding two sheep, so can you protect your brother too?

"You don't need to send someone to protect him, just let him hang out with other people's bodyguards. Anyway, I heard that businessmen in the past only went to those places, hotels, markets, train stations, etc."

Ding's mother looked hopeful, and it was reasonable to say so.

She didn't want anyone to protect her son, so she could just use someone else's bodyguard.

"It's not called rubbing, just let him get behind others."

"Sorry, our company has regulations that bodyguards are private and only serve the employer during their employment." Hua Zhao refused directly.

Mother Ding was very disappointed and angry, but she didn't give up: "I heard that his brother-in-law often goes there too. I can't let him follow his brother-in-law, carry a bag and run errands for his brother-in-law. My brother is the best at this!"

This "his brother-in-law" refers to Ye Shen.

Logically speaking, they are all relatives, so there is nothing wrong with calling them that, but why does Hua Zhao feel itchy all over?

Looking at Ding Yong with vegetable leaves on his head over there, Hua Zhao didn't want a brother like this.

"I'm sorry, my husband's whereabouts are kept secret, and no outsiders can follow him." Hua Zhao said.

"Why keep it a secret? If you don't do that, keep it a secret. Who are you fooling? You just don't want to help." Mother Ding was really angry.

"Look, if you pull others, you can pull them all and become the big boss. The only one left is Ye Tao, who is nothing. He only earns such a dead salary in a month. Compared with other brothers and sisters, it is not enough for others to buy a piece of clothing. Money for clothes.

"Do you have a grudge against Ye Tao? Did Ye Tao offend you? We are all one family, why don't you just give them a bowl of water?" Mother Ding said.

"Our Ye family's affairs are not ours to worry about, Madam Ding." Hua Zhao said.

"How can I not worry? The in-laws are also one family! This is called in-laws! Besides, I am worried about my daughter. The other wives of the Ye family are all domineering. The ones who are popular drink spicy food. Only my daughter eats bran-throated vegetables. Right? Well, why did your nanny go back? I heard that you have ten or eight nannies taking care of her, so I gave her the job!"

The nanny Hua Zhao sent over before stayed with her for three months. After Ding Xinyue fully recovered, she left.

"Want a nanny? Okay." Hua Zhao said happily.

Mother Ding was overjoyed, it was a good thing to let go!

"Then the nanny will take care of your family full-time from now on." Hua Zhao said.

"Hey! Okay, okay!" Mother Ding said happily.

That nanny is good at cooking and hard-working. With that person around, she doesn't have to do housework and can enjoy the blessings of being a rich wife!

"Oh, by the way, the nanny's current salary is 500 yuan a month. If it's less, she won't be willing to come, and I can't force her to work." Hua Zhao said as he walked outside.

"What? You want more money?" Mother Ding shouted.

"This is really a joke. Who works for free? Is it voluntary labor?" Hua Zhao said.

"No, I mean, she, you..."

"She will be dedicated to your family from now on. She is your family's nanny. Why should I pay for it?" Hua Zhao said: "The rest of the Ye family, my grandfather, my parents-in-law, my uncles, my elder brothers and uncles, who are they from?" I pay the nanny’s salary myself and I am not responsible.”

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