Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2065 Poor people must be hateful

The Li family stopped working together and started to quarrel again and again.

But there was nothing they could do. Their arms couldn't twist the thighs, and they couldn't make decisions for the police. They didn't do anything even if they didn't care.

"Children, just leave it alone, adults can't ignore it, right? If a child makes a mistake, the adults must also be responsible for compensation, right?" the woman shouted.

Ma Qiuping is now good at quarreling. Ma Laoer really gave her too many opportunities to practice.

"Come on, how much compensation do you want?" Ma Qiuping said: "But let me explain first, my son only robbed Uncle Li of a few yuan, and then I paid him back hundreds! Now I also send my son to wait on him to eat, drink and have sex. What else do you want?"

"What? My dad has undergone such a major operation and is lying in the hospital unable to move. You want to get it done for just a few hundred dollars?" the man shouted.

Ma Qiuping understood clearly that they really thought that the old man's hospitalization was their fault.

She frowned and said, "Uncle Li was hospitalized for surgery because of a spinal problem. This has nothing to do with my son."

"How come it doesn't matter? If he hadn't fallen because your son was robbing him of money, how could he have been injured? He had to have surgery to save his life? Police, look at them and they still don't admit they hurt someone!" the man shouted.

The doctors and nurses couldn't stand it any longer and started talking one after another.

Old Man Li's attending physician said: "Compared to your father's spinal problem, his fall injury is nothing to mention, and his hospitalization has nothing to do with the fall injury."

"How is that possible? You just said clearly that my father's surgery was to save his life. Without the surgery, his life would have been lost!" the man said.

"I did say that." The doctor said: "Your father has had spinal disease for many years, which has oppressed his internal organs for a long time, and the internal organs have been squeezed and deformed. If there is no surgical treatment, he will not live long, maybe only a few months.

"Now that the surgery has corrected his body shape, he can save his life. Moreover, the cost of his surgery was sponsored by well-wishers and has nothing to do with this lady."

The doctor's words made the two of them stunned for a moment. They didn't expect it to be like this.

They heard others say that the old man was hit by someone and was hospitalized, so they rushed here. When they told the old man just now, he didn't say anything.

Everyone was waiting for the two to apologize. Unexpectedly, the woman scratched her neck and said, "I don't believe it! How can there be such a good person? I've never heard of it! You must have colluded!"

She pointed at the doctor and said: "Tell me, how much benefit did you receive from her? Or, did you have an affair with her?!"

She became excited as if she had discovered something good, and shouted: "Everyone, come and see! This doctor has broken shoes! He is having an affair with this woman!"

Almost everyone in the ward had watched it from beginning to end, but no one believed it, and they all pointed at the woman.

But the woman was not shy at all. Talking to herself, she even told in detail when the doctor and Ma Qiuping met, how they met, how they got together, and how they "partnered" to deceive them... .

It was quite logical, as if I had seen it with my own eyes.

Even people who watched it from beginning to end were confused. Could it be that they were still late?

Ma Qiuping was so angry that smoke was coming out of her head.

The doctor can't lose his face, he wants to lose face, he feels embarrassed.

There was a clever nurse who ran out and came back secretly, saying that the director wanted to see her for something, and the doctor took the opportunity to escape.

The son and daughter-in-law of the Li family don't care whether he is here or not. It would be better if he is not here. What they want to keep is Ma Qiuping, and it's fine as long as Ma Qiuping doesn't run away.

"Anyway, your son hit my dad, and he was hospitalized afterward! If it wasn't for your guilty conscience, why did you stay to take care of him? In short, you have to pay compensation! Otherwise..."

The woman rolled her eyes: "I will take my father to live at your house!"

Ma Qiuping was so angry. Is it wrong to be a good person?

"The doctor said that the operation was due to illness, not because of a fall, and it is none of our business." Ma Qiuping said.

The father said that the father-in-law was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and a quarrel broke out.

The police are annoyed. People celebrating the Chinese New Year are making a lot of noise.

"Call the person involved out and ask whether it was because of illness or because of a collision." A policeman said.

Although the client, Old Man Li, was able to get out of bed, he was still weak just a few days after the operation.

The group went to his ward.

The old man was awake and listened from beginning to end.

A policeman asked: "Uncle, please tell me about the situation at that time. Did this kid hit you and required surgery? Or were you sick and had surgery?"

Old Man Li lowered his head, and the layers of folds made it difficult to see the expression on his face.

"Dad! Speak quickly. You should be able to figure out what's going on, right?" Old Man Li's son suddenly said.

The policeman glared at him, but he didn't see it. He was staring at Old Man Li nervously.

Their family is poor. If their family were rich, of course they wouldn’t have to go out to beg for food.

Their poor family lived in a side room in a 10-square-meter courtyard.

It is said to be a side house, but it is still a warehouse built by the owner decades ago. It is used to store firewood in winter to prevent the firewood from being difficult to burn in the snow.

His father was incompetent. When the house was divided, he couldn't rob others, so he robbed a warehouse.

Later, several of his brothers and sisters fell ill one after another and died in accidents.

His mother died in the end.

The neighbors secretly murmured that Old Man Li had a tough life and refused to marry.

Old Man Li, the only remaining son, took it to heart after hearing it too much. And at that time, he and Old Man Li were the only ones left in the family. There was a high probability that he would be the next to die. He was afraid!

He ran away the next day, preferring to live in a park or under a bridge rather than go home.

Later, he found a job because of an unexpected incident, and later he stepped in and married a wife.

It took him three or two years to go home and take a look at Old Man Li to see if he was dead.

This year I happened to meet an old neighbor of my family. I heard someone said that Old Man Li was hit and hospitalized, so he went home to discuss it with his wife, and they found her together.

Old Man Li also figured it out.

He said in a deep voice: "It was this kid who hit me."

"You old man! You're spouting shit! When did I bump into you? I took your money! You were the one who fell after me but couldn't catch up. What does it have to do with me?" Ma Laoer said angrily.

Although he didn't admit it, he told the truth and it was detrimental to him.

The old man fell down because he was chasing him.

Old Man Li said: "I fell several times. My bones hurt from the fall and I couldn't get up. A kind person helped me up and asked me to come here for medical treatment... Then this woman came with her child. Come on, take me to the hospital, treat me, and let this kid take care of me."

It can be said that this old man did not tell a lie.

But in the context of the current situation, this is an accusation.

He was hospitalized because Ma Laoer fell down. Ma Qiuping rectified the problem and took him to see a doctor.

The policeman looked at Ma Qiuping.

Ma Qiuping looked at Old Man Li: "Uncle Li, you disappoint me so much."

Old Man Li lowered his head and said nothing.

What can he do?

The kind person only gave him 500 yuan, and Ma Qiuping gave him 200 yuan.

Can 700 yuan be used for retirement?

He doesn't want food anymore, he wants his son to support him in his old age.

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