"Comrade police, did you hear this? This kid is the one who knocked my father into the hospital. Otherwise, how could he be there waiting for me? My own son..."

Old Man Li's son said this and did not continue.

A patient in the same ward as Old Man Li suddenly said: "Yeah, even my own son can't do it! How many days has it been since your dad was hospitalized? Did you come here after getting a letter from someone else?"

"On New Year's Day, I asked your dad, "Don't you have a son? Why don't you come to see him? He said you were out of town! But looking at your outfit, you are from the capital, right?"

"You are in the capital, and you let your father go out to beg for food. He has been ill for many years and has not been treated. He is almost dying. He was sent to the hospital by a kind person. Now you are going to blackmail another kind person!"

"My conscience has been eaten by dogs!"

The old man seemed to be very angry, pointing at Old Man Li and his son: "No wonder you have a son who has to beg for food! No wonder you are poor, you all deserve it!"


"well said!"

The onlookers immediately applauded.

Everyone in this department and ward knows why Old Man Li is hospitalized.


Because this was a big deal, kind-hearted people sponsored him and gave him free surgery. This was a big deal that made the news.

And Ma Laoer was so naughty that everyone in the department, from the doctors to the patients, hated him.

Everyone has heard why he came to take care of Old Man Li.

Now they see that Old Man Li and his son are trying to blackmail someone, and they are very angry.

Should I say it or not, people at this time had a strong sense of justice and were nosy, unlike people in later generations who were indifferent.

Being criticized, Old Man Li continued to remain silent.

His son continued to shout, and he and his wife quarreled with the crowd one by one, looking like they were acting mischievously.

Everyone stayed away from them for fear of spitting stars in their faces.

The two men turned around and grabbed Ma Qiuping to prevent her from leaving.

You have to lose money anyway.

Hua Zhao quietly withdrew from the crowd and went to find the doctor hiding in the distance.

This doctor still has a sense of justice and he did not go far.

If the police really asked Ma Qiuping to pay money, he would have to testify that Old Man Li's surgery really had nothing to do with a few falls.

When he saw Hua Zhao, he was a little embarrassed: "Look what happened, you were kind enough to save people..." But it seemed like you had tricked your friend?

Hua Zhao was actually more embarrassed than him, and she really didn't think much about it at the time.

A disabled old man begging for a few cents, and he was robbed by naughty children.

The way he struggled for those few cents made everyone feel sad to see him.

If there was nothing she could do, forget it. She could help him turn everything upside down with just a little effort. Why didn't she help?

Isn’t it just a matter of tens of thousands of dollars?

What a big deal!

As a result, reality taught her another lesson.

Some people really don't deserve it.

"I'll pay attention next time and talk about it after investigating." Hua Zhao said.

The doctor looked at her with admiration.

This is it. Is there a next time? Looks a lot like him...

He has been wronged by many patients, and his good intentions have been treated like a donkey's heart, but he will still go all out to save someone the next time.

Unlike some colleagues, hum!

"What now?" the doctor asked.

"I have an idea..." After Hua Zhao told him, the doctor nodded repeatedly.

With this kind of brain, it is a pity to be a doctor. Doctors are too limited. In fact, they are only technical, and there are not many places to use their brains.

He knew Hua Zhao, Mr. Sun's disciple. His wife was also Mr. Sun's apprentice in the early years, so he was actually Hua Zhao's senior brother-in-law...

Hua Zhao went back to watch the show.

Old Man Li's son was causing headaches and disturbing other patients' rest.

Those who stayed away from home during the Chinese New Year and were in the hospital were all seriously ill.

The police want to take a few people back to the police station to continue the quarrel, no, continue to adjust.

The doctor came over.

He said to Old Man Li and his son: "I thought there was something I didn't need to tell you before, but now I want to make it clear to you that the person sponsoring you is actually a foundation, and the kind person is a person in charge of the foundation.

"This money is not provided by an individual, but actually provided by a charitable foundation."

"Old man Li said before that he has no children, no money, and no ability to see a doctor. This is in compliance with the foundation's regulations and can be sponsored."

"But now that you have a son and money, you have to pay for medical treatment yourself."

"In addition," the doctor said to the police, "I can testify that the old man's illness has nothing to do with the injuries he suffered. I suggest that they go through judicial procedures, prosecute, identify, and file a lawsuit instead of going private."

The Li family, father and son, were dumbfounded. They heard it, but they didn't understand a few things.

The doctor made them understand more clearly: "That is to say, no one will help you pay for medical treatment now. If you have a son, he will have to pay for it. And if you want to sue this lesbian, you will get a few hundred yuan at most." compensation."

The doctor looked at Old Man Li's son and said, "The foundation hasn't paid us the bill yet. Your dad's current medical expenses are 8,300..."

Old Man Li's son and daughter-in-law turned around and left, rushing out of the crowd, unable to stop them!

The crowd burst into laughter.

Old Man Li suddenly burst into tears.

It looks really pitiful.

But thinking about what he had just done, everyone turned around and dispersed.

"Humph, you deserve it!" Ma Laoer suddenly said.

He looked a little happy. For the first time, someone stood on his side and spoke for him, so that the evildoer got his evil reward...


Something seems wrong?

He shook his head, trying not to think about the things that made him unhappy.

But this feeling of being helped by everyone and everyone blaming others together... is so good.

He still wants to experience it in the future!

But how can we experience it?

Ma Laoer used his brain for a while and then grasped the key points.

It is others who are wrong, not yourself.

As for what is wrong?

The things he did before that were criticized by everyone were definitely wrong, and it seems that he can't do them again in the future.

As for what other things were wrong...you'll know when he's done!

No one knows what he is thinking, but at least he knows that he cannot do the wrong things he did before. This is a huge improvement.

Ma Qiuping walked to Old Man Li's bedside and said, "Uncle Li, I will take my son back right now."

"You can't leave! What will I do if you leave?" Just eating and drinking would make it difficult for him to die. He can't go to the canteen by himself even if he's like this.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I'm an old fool, I deserve it! Just take pity on me because I have no children!" Old Man Li was about to get out of bed and kneel down in front of him.

His knees are weak, so this movement is not difficult for him. He has been kneeling for more than 10 years, and he only relies on kneeling to eat.

Ma Qiuping didn't touch or stop him. She took a step back and said, "Don't worry about eating. I'll hire a nurse to take care of you until you're discharged from the hospital."

Now a caregiver earns 3 yuan a day, which she can afford.

It was worth a few dollars to buy Old Man Li from holding on to her.

Ma Qiuping took advantage of Old Li's daze and quickly took her son away.


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