Hua Zhao quickly got dressed and went to the living room. Sure enough, he found Zhang Guilan's face was slightly bruised.

"What happened?" Hua Zhao frowned and asked, "Did Liu Xiangqian beat him? Or was it Mrs. Zhang?"

She couldn't even call her grandma.

"Not really." Zhang Guilan sighed: "It was Liu Qianqian and the others who were fighting with your uncles. I stopped them and accidentally hit me. It was not intentional."

She was sure that the fist came from Zhang Daquan. After beating her, he almost knelt down to admit his mistake to her.

Of course Liu Xiangqian took the opportunity to ask for help and wanted to do something!

Zhang Guilan immediately rubbed her arms, trying to wipe away the disgusting feeling when he touched her.

"What do they mean? Aren't they leaving yet? Do you want me to send them away?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhang Guilan shook his head: "I have no intention of leaving, but don't worry about it. They can stay here as long as they like. You can't control it. It's no better than before."

There is no longer the sin of blind migration, the legs are growing on them, and they really go wherever they like.

What if Hua Zhao forcibly sends people back? They can come by car if they turn around.

Send it back?

Find a reason to lock them up and prevent them from coming back?

That would definitely require the use of extraordinary measures. Zhang Guilan didn't want to do that, as it would cause trouble for the Ye family.

"It's not my money anyway. They can stay as long as they like." Zhang Guilan said.

She couldn't hold back and didn't pay the Zhang family's hotel accommodation fees!

She felt that she was quite cruel...

But she knew that she had to be cruel, otherwise these people would live in the hotel forever and not take them away even if they lived in the hotel for a long time.

The Zhang family really had no money. There were so many people living in several rooms, so they went to Liu Xiang and his son to ask for money.

After all, it was promised at the beginning...

Naturally, a fight ensues.

For unknown reasons, Liu Xiangxiang and his son stayed in a hotel with the Zhang family.

When they were fighting, Zhang Guilan happened to be there. Seeing that Mrs. Zhang had joined the fighting group and was about to be beaten, she subconsciously rushed forward to stop them, but she was beaten.

Hua Zhao knew that Zhang Guilan was right. Even if she broke these people's legs, she would have no reason to stop them from coming to the capital.

"Don't worry about it." Zhang Guilan said, "I hired 10 security guards this time! If they dare to cause trouble, I will drag them out."

Because Mrs. Zhang was here, she didn't dare to say to fight out.

"Okay." Hua Zhao nodded and said nothing. She really didn't have to take care of this kind of thing for Zhang Guilan.

It would be best if she could handle it by herself. If not, it would not be too late for her to take action.

Seeing that Hua Zhao had fastened the wrong button on her clothes, Zhang Guilan's eyes flashed and she said, "Don't worry about me anymore. Go and do your own thing. I'm fine!"

Hua Zhao still didn't understand, but Jin Wen understood. He raised his head and said to Hua Zhao seriously: "Mom, go and have a baby brother with dad! I won't go find you, so there's no need to lock the door."

Hua Zhao's face instantly turned red. He turned around and left without daring to stay any longer.


Two days later, Ye Shen, Ye Shu, Yao Lin and Yao Kun all left.

There was silence in the house.

This time Hua Zhao felt empty.

Fortunately, "Zhang's Private Kitchen" was about to open, so Hua Zhao quickly went to find something to do for himself.

The opening ceremony was not big, no one was invited, just she and Zhang Guilan set off firecrackers, making it lively.

Hang a big red flower on the signboard and put two fashionable flower baskets at the door, and it will be open for business.

Only the neighbors came to watch the fun.

But no one came forward, and no one entered.

When Zhang Guilan was busy in and out a few days ago, her neighbors came to inquire. They found out that she only opened tables here and did not accept individual customers, and that the price per table started at 100 yuan, so no one asked anymore.

100 yuan? More than one month’s salary for one meal? Is she crazy about money?

People around were talking a lot.

But now society has changed, and Zhang Guilan is no longer afraid of others' comments.

Now not only is discussion useless, reporting is useless, so what are you afraid of?

At 11 o'clock, Miao Lanzhi came to the door with a group of people.

I made a promise to attract customers, how could I break my promise?

There were not many people in this group, there were only 10 of them, which was enough to form a table.

But she believes that if these ten people go back, they can naturally bring in another 10 tables of guests.

Zhang Guilan's business will be opened soon.

Miao Lanzhi's prediction was not bad at all. These people came here with the mentality of giving Miao Lanzhi face, but when they tasted it, they found that the food tasted better than anything they had ever tasted before. So what else is there to say?

Who can say no to good food? Anyway, it costs the same, only a little more expensive than the restaurants they usually go to.

They are all big guys and never go to roadside restaurants, so they can accept the prices of the Zhang family's private dishes.

This is no problem.

Within a few days, Zhang Guilan got started, but she was a little tired from the busy work in the kitchen and front.

She decided to hire a few more second chefs.

She discovered that with the vegetables provided by Huazhao, as long as someone with a little better cooking skills could make something good, the food would not be bad, and it would not be a bad sign.

Liu Xiangqian and Zhang's family members all showed up at the hotel door, but they were quickly escorted away by security guards.

Mrs. Zhang tried to make a fuss, but was stopped by Zhang Daquan.

Zhang Guilan is no longer the Zhang Guilan of the past, and she is about to become prosperous. How can they be so forceful? Only soft ones.

If they didn't come to cause trouble or interfere with her business, Zhang Guilan would just turn a blind eye and act like she didn't see them, and go about her business.

Xu Mei also visited the hotel several times, became jealous, and turned around to find Hua Zhao.

"Look at me, open your big eyes and take a good look at me! I'm idle too! Find me a job quickly!" Xu Mei sat opposite Hua Zhao and shook her.

"Don't shake, don't shake, I'm dizzy..." Before Hua Zhao could finish speaking, he vomited all over Xu Mei.

Hua Zhao...

Xu Mei.....

Others in the room...

The three little ones ran over in an instant. Yunfei hugged Hua Zhao's thigh and looked at her in horror: "Mom! What's wrong with you?"

Cui Wei was so frightened that she cried.

Jinwen lay in front of Hua Zhao with a nervous look on his face.

They are not invulnerable to all poisons. They have gotten sick and vomited when they were so old, so they knew they were sick.

Miao Lanzhi was also beside her. She blinked and suddenly clapped her hands and smiled: "Xiaohua! How many days has it been?!"

Hua Zhao counted the days and felt a little desperate. If it was true, he had just sat down, but now he had a reaction?

It almost came earlier than Jinwen’s morning sickness!

Jinwen's morning sickness was caused by fear. What should we do about this? She didn't want to suffer that kind of shock again.

"It's not the day yet. Let's see in a few days." Hua Zhao struggled.

She likes babies very much, but she doesn’t want to suffer from severe nausea during pregnancy.

"I have some clothes in the house. You can find one to change by yourself." Hua Zhao said to Xu Mei who was in a daze as he went to the bathroom.

Xu Mei looked at the three little ones next to Hua Zhao's legs, and then looked at Hua Zhao's belly, her eyes turned red with envy.

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