Seeing Hua Zhao's eyes, Zhang Guilan immediately put her index finger to her mouth to silence Hua Zhao.

She didn't want Xu Zhiming to know that she was peeking at him here.

Hua Zhao nodded, covered Cui Wei's mouth, and led the three little ones into the house.

The quick-tongued Cui Wei was about to ask why her grandma was there.

Zhang Guilan also hurried into the room, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Since you heard everything, what do you think?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhang Guilan sighed: "I don't have any ideas. That old lady Xu is not easy to get along with at first glance, and his sister-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She doesn't want me to come in. No matter how hard I force it, my life will not be good in the future." .”

She understood the woman's thoughts right then.

There is no unreasonable hatred. Like Sun Xiaojuan, she just doesn't want to be her sister-in-law, so she doesn't leave any room for anything.

Hua Zhao nodded and said nothing more.

There are plenty of good men.

"I'll let my mother-in-law arrange someone else."

"No, no, no, no!" Zhang Guilan immediately stopped: "I want to take a break. Besides, this one just got old, and he immediately took over the next one. It's not good for people to know!"

She and Xu Zhiming were not the kind of people to meet today and immediately say no, bye.

That kind is yellow, and it will be no problem to see the next one in the afternoon.

She and Xu Zhiming had been dating for a while. It would be too anxious to break up today and go on a blind date tomorrow.

"Okay." Hua Zhao said.

"Don't worry about my affairs and go about your own affairs!" Zhang Guilan didn't want to talk about this topic with her anymore.

Then let’s not talk about it.

Hua Zhao told her another thing: "The Zhang family was sent away by me."

Zhang Guilan was stunned, she didn't know about this yet.

The Zhang family often blocked her at the door, but she never took the initiative to look for them.

She hadn't had time to wonder after not seeing them for a day.

Hua Zhao told her the matter.

Zhang Guilan looked at her speechlessly, but didn't say anything.

Hua Zhao didn't do anything violent, he just deceived the person back, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Let's go and wash up with grandma!" Zhang Guilan dragged the three little ones out.

Hua Zhao had a rare moment of peace. After thinking about it, he got up and went to the side room.

The things that were "purchased" from the Du family were all piled up here before I had time to hide them.

She didn't have time to take a closer look to see if it was a baby.

There was a small box of gold bars and a box of silver dollars. After looking at these, they were put aside.

There was a pile of gold and jade jewelry. Hua Zhao looked carefully and picked out a few jade articles of good quality.

The rest are paintings, calligraphy and porcelain.

She now has some appreciation for this, and seeing all the good things, she laughed happily for a long time.

Smiling, she suddenly thought of the Du family and wondered if they were going to dig for treasure now.

It's a bit far away from the village and difficult to observe, but Du's house is not far from her home.

The entire Second Ring Road of Beijing is such a big place.

Hua Zhao had already found an opportunity to communicate with the big tree in front of Du's house before, and it was easy to communicate again now.

She immediately "looked" over.

The men of the Du family were having a meeting in the house. There were seven or eight people, and their faces were darker than the sky outside.

"It's been two days, and there's no clue at all. Over the years, no one in that village has become rich, no one has left, and there are no suspicious outsiders." A man asked.

Hua Zhao still couldn't recognize the Du family and didn't know who they were.

It's just that this man looks very similar to the old man in the front seat. He is probably one of Mr. Du's sons.

"Could it be Butler Wang..."

"No!" Mr. Du said: "Steward Wang is loyal and has no children. What does he want with those external things? And I made sure that everything is there after he died."

As he spoke, he looked at his third son with an unkind expression and suspicious eyes.

The box is still there, but the items are gone. Who is the most suspicious?

"Dad!" Du Laosan looked at his father in disbelief: "You doubt me? I don't! I, I have been working for so many years! I work hard every day and work hard every day! I have no chance!"

"Look, look, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have a chance~" Someone immediately said in a strange tone.

"And it's not like there's no chance. You still have holidays and annual leave. Huh? Didn't you go to your in-law's house in other places for annual leave last year? You didn't even celebrate the New Year at home. We didn't see anyone. Who knows where you went!"

"Yes, I remembered, this is what happened!"

"The year before last, the third child said that his son was sick in another place and went to see him."


After everyone counted this, they discovered that Du Laosan spent a lot of time away from the capital.

Du Laosan simply couldn't argue. He turned around and pointed the finger at another person, his little brother, his father's son, and his beloved.

"Xiaowei went with us at that time! He also knew that he was also suspected!"

"You fart!"

The two immediately started arguing.

After a few words, they started fighting.

The stuff is gone, the boxes are still there, all the boxes are there!

It's not like someone accidentally discovered and poached it, it's like someone knew the specific location and poached it specifically.

This must be an insider crime.

There are only three people who know about the hidden treasures. Mr. Du's other sons even just knew about it.

It turned out to be a huge disappointment within two days of being pleasantly surprised.

It's almost more painful than not knowing.

The room was in a huddle, and no one suspected the Ye family or Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao was not happy.

She found a figure in the corner of Du's house.

Du Hanliang was lying on the bed, looking straight at the roof, as if he was stupid.

He wasn't imprisoned?

Hua Zhao was a little surprised.

But when she saw the wheelchair on the ground, she thought of the answer. Du Hanliang might have been paroled for medical treatment.

After all, he was seriously injured at the time, and Ye Shen killed him. Not only was his leg disabled, but he also almost died. It took him a long time to save his life.

It doesn't look like he's very awake now.

But she guessed wrong.

Du Hanliang, whose eyes were dull, suddenly became energetic and shouted out the door: "You bitch! Get out of here! I'm here!"

The next second, the door of the room was pushed open, and Wen Jing immediately walked in. Without daring to say anything, she lifted the quilt and started to clean up.

There was no expression of disgust on his face.

But this obviously didn't satisfy Du Hanliang, so he picked up the rubber hammer at hand and threw it at Wen Jing.

Wen Jing couldn't hide, she could only endure it, otherwise someone from the Du family would hold her down and hit her even harder.

"Isn't my shit smelling good? Eat it for me!" Du Hanliang shouted while beating him.

Wen Jing refused to die, so she hurriedly packed up Du Hanliang, turned around and ran out.

Fortunately, Du Hanliang was lame and couldn't catch up.

After leaving Du Hanliang's sight, she came to the ice and snowy warehouse outside and washed Du Hanliang's dirty clothes with cold water. Half of Wen Jing's face was filled with tears and half with hatred.

Idiot, forget it if you don't succeed, why didn't you get beaten to death directly?

She looked down at her frostbitten hands, feeling the pain all over her body. Now, if he doesn't die, she will die...

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