Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 819: Persuading breakup or peace?

The woman is not very young, but she is very beautiful, her clothes are very fashionable, her smile is gentle and soft, and she speaks softly, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

They are completely different styles from the refreshing, talkative and pushy Zhou Lihua.

Hua Zhao's eyes lit up and he guessed her identity, Tang Fanghe.

Miao Lanzhi was chatting with Tang Fanghe on the surface, but her eyes were always a bit baffled.

Seeing Hua Zhao come in, she quickly picked up the children and hugged them one by one as if she was relieved.

"Hua Zhao is here. Ask her if you have anything." Miao Lanzhi said.


Hua Zhao looked confused.

"I've always wanted to meet you." Tang Fanghe said softly: "I am a teacher at No. 6 Middle School. Your college entrance examination scores are still unsurpassed by anyone. I would like to ask if you have any learning methods that can be passed on to the younger students. They?"

Hua Zhao suddenly realized that she had used this excuse to let Ye Cheng take her in, brilliant.

She immediately cooperated enthusiastically and started chatting with Tang Fanghe.

Hua Zhao was very good at chatting, and in just a few words, Tang Fanghe "unintentionally" revealed many of his strengths.

Ye Cheng, who was chatting with Ye Mao, looked over several times, with surprise and admiration in his eyes.

Tang Fanghe was also very surprised and looked at Hua Zhao carefully.

How does she feel that Hua Zhao is deliberately "helping" her?

After chatting for a while, Hua Zhao handed the "battlefield" to Ye Ming, and she was called to the kitchen by Miao Lanzhi.

"Your third uncle would actually bring a woman to your house. Although the excuse is high-sounding, why do I feel wrong?" Miao Lanzhi said to Hua Zhao.

Out of a woman's intuition, she felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between Tang Fanghe and Ye Cheng.

"What do you think of her? Is she better than Zhou Lihua?" Hua Zhao asked.

Miao Lanzhi immediately looked at Hua Zhao: "What's going on?"

"Big brother is looking for someone!" Hua Zhao immediately threw the blame.

Seeing her expression, Miao Lanzhi immediately glared at her: "You two!"

Now that Hua Zhao knows, she must be involved in this! She even came up with the idea! Otherwise, Ye Ming would not take the initiative to tell her about this kind of thing.

After being together for so long, Miao Lanzhi also understood her somewhat.

"Hehe~" Hua Zhao giggled.

"But Mom, what do you think?" she asked.

Miao Lanzhi stretched her neck and looked out through the glass. From here, she could also see Tang Fanghe, sitting there elegantly, chatting with everyone gracefully.

"I've heard of her before, and she sounds good, but who knows what she's like in person?" Miao Lanzhi said.

She was also a little afraid of well ropes.

"Zhou Lihua looked pretty good back then. And now she's putting on airs and showing her best side. Who knows what she'll be like when she gets angry?"

Is there any woman who doesn’t act playfully?

Hua Zhao spread his hands: "We can only know this when the time comes."

"You two are just looking for trouble." Miao Lanzhi actually objected to finding a partner for Ye Cheng: "If Zhou Lihua knows about it, she can come to the door!"

"She doesn't know that we introduced her. If her elder brother doesn't tell her and Tang Fanghe doesn't tell her, she won't know!" Hua Zhao felt that if Tang Fanghe was smart, he wouldn't tell.

"I don't care about you." It was already like this. It was useless to talk more. Miao Lanzhi took the fruit and went out.

Tang Fanghe left after eating at home, and of course she hitched a ride with Ye Cheng when she left.

Social conditions are getting better and better, and Ye Cheng is finally able to afford a car.

Ye Cheng opened the car door himself and asked Tang Fanghe to get in the car.

Tang Fanghe raised his head and smiled gently at him.

Ye Cheng smiled back naturally.

Hua Zhao couldn't help but hold her heart in her hands. She felt that her plan was going to succeed!

Miao Lanzhi was afraid that Zhou Lihua would make trouble, but Hua Zhao was looking forward to that day. If she really comes to make trouble, it means that she has lost Ye Cheng.

"Don't be too happy too early. I think Third Uncle hasn't reacted yet." Ye Ming said from the side.

"This is better. This is called moisturizing things silently. By the time he reacts, he is already stuck in the mud and can't extricate himself!" Hua Zhao said.

Otherwise, if he saw through it from the beginning, Ye Cheng would definitely refuse it from the beginning.

Ye Ming glanced at her, the woman's thoughts... He felt that he didn't understand more and more.

After staying at Ye's house for a while, Hua Zhao drove home by himself when the snow outside became lighter.

As soon as I got home, I saw Xu Zhiming at the door.

There was a layer of snow on his shoulders and head, and there were a circle of footprints at the door, but the steps in front of the door were clean.

He didn't knock at all, just lingered at the door.

"Why don't you go in?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I just came to take a look." Xu Zhiming took off his glasses, wiped them and put them back on. He looked at Hua Zhao and said, "Although an apology cannot be replaced, I still want to say sorry to you on behalf of my family."

He said it sincerely.

At this moment, in this situation, Hua Zhao couldn't refuse.

She nodded: "I understand."

Xu Zhiming paused again and said, "Your mother must be in a bad mood. You should try to persuade her."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Hua Zhao was stunned and stopped him: "What are you trying to persuade? Partition or peace?"

Xu Zhiming stopped and walked back.

He looked at Hua Zhao again.

The expression on her face was calm and rational.

Also, this is not an ordinary 20-year-old girl.

Tell her something and she might understand.

Moreover, it seems very necessary to say it in advance.

"I don't know whether I should continue with your mother." Xu Zhiming confessed: "I like her very much. She fully meets my requirements for a partner. She is gentle, virtuous, kind-hearted, reasonable, and has good cooking skills.

“I would very much like to spend the rest of my life with her.

"My family loves her too..."

Hua Zhao raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"Of course, their liking is different from mine. What they actually like is you, the Ye family, and the power."

Xu Zhiming sighed: "This makes me a little ashamed. In such a family environment, it will be difficult for your mother after marriage, so I hesitated."

Hua Zhao also raised his other eyebrow, looking at him noncommittally.

As Ye Ming said, this person was really sober and sensible, and he actually told her all his family's thoughts.

Really smart too.

She just can't see the thoughts of the Xu family now, and they will definitely be exposed in the future.

Since he is interested in her and the power of the Ye family, he will inevitably "take advantage" in the future and make many demands, which will naturally be exposed.

Now that he said it, he seemed to be frank.

"Then you hesitate slowly." Hua Zhao said: "If you can't handle your family, really don't show up at this door again, acting like you're infatuated. My mother's next blind date is already here. On the way."

After saying that, he ignored him, turned around and drove the car into the yard.

It's no use cutting open his heart to show her, she can't see it.

But she still left him room, because she had to ask Zhang Guilan's opinion whether to continue with him.

When Hua Zhao entered the door, he saw Zhang Guilan standing at the gate, separated from Xu Zhiming.

She was on the porch, and although there was no snow falling on her body, there were no traces of her footprints on the snow.

She also stood behind the door for quite some time.

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