"What's wrong, Brother Ye? Is Ye Li seriously injured?" Tang Fanghe asked with concern.

"The arm is broken," Ye Cheng said.

"Ah! Then send him to the hospital quickly!" Tang Fanghe looked at Ye Jia again: "Is Ye Jia not injured?"

Ye Jia rubbed his hands. They hurt, but they were okay.

"It's okay that you're not injured." Tang Fanghe still had the suit hanging on one arm and patted his chest with one hand: "It's okay that it's okay."

Zhou Lihua was stunned when she saw her, and she even forgot to shout.

Tang Fanghe didn't care whether Ye Li went to the hospital or not, and looked at them seriously: "But you two are also at fault. How could you hit someone first? You met Hua Zhao, a woman, and she just blocked you. If this had been a man, you would have been beaten even harder."

He sounded completely considerate of them.

But if you think about it carefully, this seems wrong.

Zhou Lihua's focus is different: "Who are you? Who is your Brother Ye!"

Tang Fanghe looked at her, then at Ye Jia Ye Li, and suddenly said softly: "Oh, you are Brother Ye's ex-wife, right?"

Zhou Lihua burst out instantly: "Fuck you ex-wife! You are the ex-wife! I am his wife, his only wife! His forever wife!"

She roared at the top of her lungs, and the veins on her neck were exposed, looking hideous and terrifying.

On the other hand, Tang Fanghe stood there with a willow-like figure and a gentle face, showing her superiority and superiority.

Hua Zhao suddenly gestured towards Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was stunned and let go of his hand.

Zhou Lihua instantly rushed towards Tang Fanghe with bared teeth and claws.

How could Tang Fanghe, an elegant and weak woman, know how to fight? She would only protect her face from being beaten.

"That's enough!" Ye Cheng pulled Zhou Lihua away and said through gritted teeth, "What's the situation like in such a large public place!"

Zhou Lihua's heart suddenly went cold, and her eyes instantly gushed out: "You actually turned on her? Are you and her having sex with each other? Do you still want to be embarrassed?!"

Of course Ye Cheng wanted to lose face. He now felt that all his life's face had been lost at this moment.

"Shut up! Go home!" Ye Cheng shouted with a dark face.

"You actually yelled at me! We have been husband and wife for more than 20 years, and I gave birth to your children! You actually yelled at me because of a broken shoe!"

Zhou Lihua was very sensitive and grabbed the suit in Tang Fanghe's hand: "We are still shopping and buying clothes together! When did you get together?"

Hua Zhao suddenly said: "You are an ex-wife, but you are very lenient. Do you know what an ex-wife is? It means that a man marries a woman and it has nothing to do with it!"

The heat in the gossipy eyes around you has decreased. Being caught by your wife for breaking your shoes is different from dating a lesbian and being caught by your ex-wife.

Ye Cheng looked at Hua Zhao and really didn't know whether to thank her or blame her.

But Zhou Lihua was like crazy: "It's you again! It's you again! Why are you everywhere!"

She suddenly revealed the truth: "Did you do it again?"

Hua Zhao spread his hands and made a helpless expression towards her.

"I don't know the same as you."

"Yes, we are not like a madman!" Miao Lanzhi reacted, rushed over and pulled Hua Zhao away.

"Don't leave! Tell me clearly! How does this woman know you?" Zhou Lihua shouted.

Women's intuition is sometimes really scary, and they can grasp details very well. She remembered that this woman had just called Hua Zhao's name. How did she know Hua Zhao?

Did this woman meet Ye Cheng through Hua Zhao? Or is it Hua Zhao whom she met through Ye Cheng?

If it is the latter, it will be terrible, which means that she has entered the Ye family and met the Ye family!

Hua Zhao didn't want to answer her, but she saw Zhou Lihua's fear and immediately changed her mind.

"We just met a few days ago. My third uncle brought her to my parents-in-law's house for dinner," she said.

Zhou Lihua suddenly looked ashen and could no longer scream.

Hua Zhao then left with satisfaction.

Ye Cheng looked at the crowd of people around him and didn't want to explain to Zhou Lihua that it was not what Hua Zhao said.

Although he brought the person there, it was not what Hua Zhao meant at all!

"I'll take Ye Li to the hospital, and you take your mother home!" Ye Cheng said to Ye Jia.

After saying that, without waiting for Ye Jia to answer, he took Ye Li and left.

After taking two steps, he thought of something and looked back at Tang Fanghe: "I'm sorry for what happened today. You go back first. I'll find you another day!"

There were many people around, and he just wanted to leave quickly, so he said the wrong thing in a hurry.

He just wanted to find her another day to formally apologize. After all, Zhou Lihua beat someone in public until her hair was disheveled.

The injury might not be serious, but it was too humiliating in front of so many people.

Tang Fanghe may have never lost such a person in her life.

Ye Cheng felt very sorry.

But to Zhou Lihua's ears, that's not what it meant.

The two of them really got along.

"Hey~ I can't live anymore!" She slipped and fell to the ground, slapping the ground and crying.

Things like spoiling may be a woman's innate skill, but some people activate it early and some activate it late.

Zhou Lihua is in her forties and will fall to the ground and act violently.

Ye Cheng looked at Zhou Lihua, who was crying and had runny nose, no different from a country shrew, and glanced at Tang Fanghe, who was silently tidying herself up, with a strong and calm face, and he felt a heartbeat, and quickly pulled Ye Li away.


After exiting the shopping mall gate, Hua Zhao turned to the side but did not leave.

"What are you doing? Do you want to beat Zhou Lihua again?" Miao Lanzhi asked warily.

Hua Zhao was stunned: "What do you mean again? When have I ever hit her? I've never hit her before, okay! I'm such a polite person, why would I hit an elder?"

Miao Lanzhi glanced at her sideways: "You have never beaten her, but you have done something worse than beating her!"

Zhou Lihua would definitely rather let Hua Zhao beat her than divorce Ye Cheng or shit her pants in public.

"Haha~" Hua Zhao couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh, you are still a pregnant woman! Don't fight." Miao Lanzhi pulled her to leave.

"I'm not waiting for her this time." Hua Zhao said, "I'm waiting for Tang Fanghe."

"What are you waiting for her to do?"

"Of course I want to thank her." Hua Zhao said.

She glanced at Tang Fanghe at that time, and she did mean to let Tang Fanghe come forward to stimulate Zhou Lihua.

That hurts more than Hua Zhao really hitting her!

But this was not good for Tang Fanghe, and it might wipe out the unsettled relationship between her and Ye Cheng.

But Tang Fanghe chose to help her without hesitation, and now he also resorted to a bitter trick. She had to show her feelings and reasons.

Ye Cheng helped Ye Li, who was crying without knowing anything, to come out, and Ye Jia came out dragging Zhou Lihua, who still wanted to go back to fight.

After a while, Tang Fanghe walked out elegantly alone.

Her hair was neatly combed and her clothes were straight. She didn't care about the eyes of the people around her and walked out as if nothing happened.

Hua Zhao pressed the car horn.

Tang Fanghe looked over.

"Thank you for today. If you need anything in the future, just ask." Hua Zhao said.

Tang Fanghe smiled. Today's beating was really worth it. She felt that Hua Zhao's words were more beneficial than marrying Ye Cheng.


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