Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 824 You don’t tell the truth

"The second aunt and her family are coming back?" Hua Zhao was very happy: "Then there will be someone to chat with you from now on."

Miao Lanzhi was also happy: "And the whole family is back, including Ye Ying and Ye Dan."

"They are coming back too? What about the son-in-law?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Come back together and adjust the work. It's not the man's hometown anyway. He has no relatives, so he can leave at any time." Miao Lanzhi said.

In fact, Ye Shang also left the capital more than ten years ago and went to many places since then.

These two sons-in-law are not from there, so coming to the capital now is not a bad thing for them.

On the contrary, I was very happy.

Who doesn’t want to go to Beijing for development?

Hua Zhao nodded and thought of Ye An and Ye Tao again.

"Ye An is 30 this year, isn't he? Ye Tao is also 28? Does he have a partner?"

"After the New Year, it will be 31 or 29!" Miao Lanzhi felt worried for Liu Yuegui when she mentioned this: "No! During the two years you were abroad, they didn't come back to celebrate the New Year. They said they had a mission and couldn't leave. I After asking around, there is no such thing, I just don’t want to come back for a blind date!”

"What's going on?" Hua Zhao was a little surprised. Normally, when they were twenty-four or five years old, it was understandable that they didn't want to get married. But now that they are in their early 30s, they still don't want to?

"Who knows what they think." Miao Lanzhi was even more incomprehensible than she was: "When they come, ask them!"

"Me? Can I do it?" Hua Zhao looked doubtful.

"Anyway, we've all asked, but it doesn't work, so I'll leave it to you. Maybe you can!" Miao Lanzhi said, "You have to act like a sister-in-law and force them to question them!"

Hua Zhao: "...Okay, I'll try."

She was quite curious anyway.

The next day, Ye Shang’s family all arrived.

Hua Zhao finally met all his family members.

Next to Ye Ying and Ye Dan stood their husbands and children, each with five or six children, the older one twelve or thirteen years old and the younger two or three years old.

"Look, this is the second aunt that mother said. Pretty, isn't she?" Ye Ying said.

"Beautiful!" a group of children said in unison.

Boys and girls, big and small, looked at Hua Zhao with wonder in their eyes.

Children also have aesthetic tastes.

"Hahaha, you're so good." Hua Zhao smiled happily and immediately gave candies to everyone.

The candies are the best you can buy on the market, chocolate, wine candies, and white rabbits.

Immediately replaced with a bigger smile.

Yunfei and Cuiwei were also very happy. They saw relatives of the same age for the first time.

"Let's go play." Hua Zhao said.

The group of children dispersed in an instant and went to play in groups.

The room felt like it was exploding instantly...

"Sisters, thank you for your hard work." Hua Zhao said to Ye Ying and Ye Dan, "Isn't it tiring to raise so many children?"

"Why are you tired? You're not tired at all." Ye Ying said: "You only feed her before she is one year old, and then she goes to nursery school, then elementary school, junior high school, then high school, college, and starting a family."

Ye Ying looked at her eldest son and suddenly sighed: "The children have grown up in a blink of an eye, and you won't even be tired even if you want to."

Her eldest son has recently entered a rebellious stage, which is completely opposite to the well-behaved person he used to be when he was a child, which makes her very sad.

Ye Dan looked at Hua Zhao's belly and smiled: "Are you almost done? There are already four of them, and I guess you won't be able to hold them for five or six in the future. Are you tired?"

Hua Zhao thought about it, he was really not tired.


At this time, there were several waves in the room. Ye Shang was chatting with Ye Mao, Miao Lanzhi was chatting with Liu Yuegui, and Ye Ming was not around, so the job of entertaining the young people fell to Hua Zhao.

She sat there and chatted with a few people, but the focus was on two brothers-in-law whom she had never met before.

Ye Ying's man is called Sun Qing. He wears glasses, is tall and thin, doesn't talk much, and has the air of a gentle scholar.

Ye Dan's man's name is Wang Jian. Like her, he has a lively temperament and is very talkative. No matter what topic anyone talks about, he can pick up the conversation, and he is not rhetorical, but has something to say.

The person is also more handsome.

His eyes are just a little wandering, and he always glances at Hua Zhao from time to time.

Hua Zhao was a little unhappy.

After chatting for a few more words, Hua Zhao urged Ye Ying and Ye Dan to go upstairs to rest.

And she kept Ye An and Ye Tao.

"Second sister-in-law, is something wrong?" Ye An asked.

"Yeah." Hua Zhao took them to the attic.

She has turned this place into a sunroom. It's freezing and snowy outside, but it's as warm as spring here.

"Wow, this one is good, this one is good!" Ye Tao looked at the glass structure carefully: "I will build one when I get back!"

"Where is it built?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I divided the house in half. It happens to be on the top floor, with a large open-air balcony. It's fine in the summer, but it freezes to death in the winter!" Ye Tao said.

Ye An also looked carefully. He also divided the house. Although it was not on the top floor, it still had a balcony, which might be needed.

"You two already have a house, but don't you think something is missing?" Hua Zhao asked.

"What's missing?" Ye Tao looked confused.

But Ye An understood: "...Second sister-in-law, are you the lobbyist sent by my mother?"

"No." Hua Zhao said, "I'm just curious! Please tell me why you are not looking for a partner and satisfy my curiosity!"

Ye An Ye Tao....

"Tell me, if you convince me, I might help you convince the second aunt. Otherwise, the blind date team can be arranged from the first grade to the fifteenth grade. Do you believe it?"

"Believe it, believe it!" Ye Tao nodded like garlic: "We have all experienced it, why don't you believe it!"

"I don't have any special reason, I just don't want to." Ye An was the first to confess: "I'm scared. Look at the relatives and friends around me. The only ones who are happy may be you and your second brother."

Ye Ming Ye Shu is divorced. This is how Ye Xing’s marriage came about. Is it scary?

The marriage of the two sisters is actually a mess.

And he lived upstairs in the dormitory, surrounded by family members above and below him. He felt tired every day when he listened to their parents talking about their parents through the non-soundproof floor.

"I don't think marriage is very warm at all. It may look good at first glance, but then if you look closely, it's full of dregs," Ye An said.

"So it's better to be alone and be pure."

"Aren't children cute?" Hua Zhao asked.

Men of this age are eager to pass on to the next generation, right?

Ye An frowned: "It's cute, but just look at it, it's troublesome."

Ye Tao also nodded: "I helped my sister look after the child for two days. Oh my God, I would rather go on an A-level mission!"

"That's someone else's child. When you have it yourself, the feeling will be different." Hua Zhao said.

The two still shook their heads.

Hua Zhao also shook his head, looked at Ye An and said, "If you don't tell the truth, I can't help it. It seems that the second aunt's blind date meeting can only be held as scheduled."

She could see that Ye An's rhetoric was carefully prepared. She might have rehearsed it countless times before, and she had every setback in place.

It's too perfect, but it's too good.

Ye An sighed, do you want to be so smart?

"Okay, I say."

Ye Tao immediately looked at him nervously: "Brother..."

Ye An didn't pause and said directly: "I like men."

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