Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 832 Meeting the right person

Zhou Lihua screamed and fell to the ground. Several more figures came out of the darkness and helped her up.

"Okay, I didn't believe what my sister said before, but it turns out that my brother-in-law is really hooking up with a shameless vixen!"

"This is a serious style problem!"

"It's pitiful that my sister has given birth to children for you all her life, only to be kicked out at the end of her life!"

"Did you guys hook up before?"

Ye Cheng heard it and they were Zhou Lihua's brothers and sisters.

His face turned dark red: "It's not what you said."

If it were before today, he could shout this sentence.

But now, he only dares to say it, and he feels a little guilty for no reason.

Who is Zhou Lihua? She was someone who had spent her whole life with him. She could understand every expression and tone of Ye Cheng's words.

Upon hearing these words, her eyes instantly turned black and she fell back to the ground.

She was indeed here to "catch an adulterer" today, but she was just here to catch Tang Fanghe, intending to punish her and ruin her reputation.

There are many teachers from No. 6 Middle School living in this area.

But she came during the day and there was no one.

I inquired with the neighbors and found out that Tang Fanghe would come back at night, and she would wait here with her people after dark.

The result was such a "surprise" for her!

"I can't live anymore! I can't live anymore!" Zhou Lihua kicked her feet and rolled on the ground.

"You have misunderstood..." Tang Fanghe said.

But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted. Two women rushed towards her, claws and teeth bared, and they began to scratch.

Ye Cheng saw clearly this time that they were Zhou Lihua's two younger siblings.

This time he didn't kick him, that wouldn't be appropriate.

He just turned around and protected Tang Fanghe tightly.

Last time, Tang Fanghe almost lost her appearance because of him. The same thing must not happen again!

Tang Fanghe was also frightened, clutching his shirt tightly and hiding in his arms.

Zhou Lihua went crazy and got up from the ground crying and howling to join the battle group.

The alley was very lively.

People in the whole alley came out to watch the fun.

Everyone also knew the whole story from Zhou Lihua's scolding.

"Hey, this woman's voice sounds so familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere before." Someone in the crowd said.

After being reminded by her, another person also said: "It sounds familiar to me too."

Both of them are familiar, so it’s not an illusion.

"Ah, I heard it. Isn't this the mother of Ye Jia and Ye Li?"

"Ah, yes, it's her!"

Several people echoed.

Ye Jia and Ye Li failed to pass the exam, so Zhou Lihua became anxious and blamed the teacher for not teaching well. She often came to school to make trouble, or asked the teacher to make special troubles for them.

She has had sex with both soft and hard girls, and the teachers at No. 6 Middle School are very familiar with her.

Now that it's dark, I can recognize him just by his voice.

"That's not right. Isn't she divorced? What kind of adultery is she trying to catch now?" one person said.

"Yeah, I heard that Ye Jia Yeli's parents divorced, it's been several years!"

"It's so hard to give up."

"It's hard to let go, so what have you been doing?"

"That's right, no matter who she looks for now, it has nothing to do with her, and it's not against the law. Her trouble is in vain."

Knowing that their colleague did not seduce a married woman, everyone dared to speak out and help.

Moreover, Tang Fanghe's popularity is really good, and there are many people who help her speak.

"Looking at Zhou Lihua like this, you know why she got divorced."

"Yeah, what man can stand it?"

"It's okay to tolerate her for so many years."

In the darkness, everyone looked at Ye Cheng.

He was wearing casual clothes today, and his facial features could not be seen clearly in the dark, but his tall and straight figure could be seen clearly, and it was not obvious that he was a man in his 50s.

And when being beaten and scolded by so many people, he just silently protected the people in his arms without speaking, explaining, or fighting back.

"Honest man."


"Now I finally meet the right person."

This sentence fell in Ye Cheng's ears, and he heard it in his heart.

Looking at Zhou Lihua, who was baring her teeth and claws and howling like a madman, and then looking at the woman in his arms who was trembling with fear but silent, the balance in Ye Cheng's heart finally tilted.

"That's enough!" Ye Cheng shouted, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

"Don't make trouble here. If you have anything to say, go back and talk."

"I'm going to make trouble here!" Zhou Lihua shouted: "You know how embarrassing it is now? What have you done? I want you to show your face!"

"Either go back and talk, or go in and talk." Ye Cheng also has the qualities of the Ye family. He has calmed down and said every word.

"You have destroyed my reputation and constituted slander. If you don't stop, I will go in and explain the situation properly."

Zhou Lihua felt as if someone had strangled her neck, her voice fell silent instantly, and she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

Suddenly I felt that he was so strange, as if I didn't recognize him.

"Let's go."

Ye Cheng said, holding Tang Fanghe in his arms, pushing her into the car, then quickly got in the car and drove away.

Zhou Lihua, who had just approached the car door, was stunned. She looked at the taillights getting further and further away and collapsed on the ground again.

Ye Cheng took Tang Fanghe and went to Ye Zhenguo's place.

Everyone in the Ye family is here now, and no one opens the door to go anywhere else.

As for going to your own home, now is not the time.

After getting out of the car, Tang Fanghe suddenly came to his senses. He quickly arranged his hair and said nervously: "Why are you here? It's not appropriate for the Chinese New Year. And what happened just now, don't let the elders know, it will make them worry in vain."

Ye Cheng looked at her, hesitating, wanting to say something, but couldn't open his mouth several times.

Hua Zhao couldn't help but walked out from the corner of the yard.

On New Year's Eve, there is a custom here of staying up all night, including the elderly and children.

The room was too noisy. She came out to get some air, but she saw this scene.

Hua Zhao looked at Tang Fanghe with wonder in his eyes.

It’s only been a few days, can you even visit us during the Chinese New Year?

With this method, is she going to become a disciple?

Ye Cheng was also surprised to see her, and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Shen's daughter-in-law, can you do me a favor?"

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