Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 831 Respect is worse than obeying orders

He Jianning took a look, his eyes indifferent.

"This is Hanlan, which blooms in winter."

"Ha..." Bian Meijuan put the flower pot aside awkwardly, her face flushed.

She looked like a little daughter with a shy expression, but her previous arrogance was gone.

"Have you met the Ye family? How was it? Are you easy to get along with?" He Jianning asked.

The voice was gentle, not cold, but it couldn't be said to be enthusiastic either. It sounded like an elder talking to a younger person.

Bian Meijuan secretly raised her eyes and glanced at him in surprise. She was very happy when he could say a few words to her.

Just thinking about what she promised him, Bian Meijuan's heart sank again.

"Just like that. It's not as good as the rumors at all. The family is not monolithic. Instead, it's full of conflicts. They stare at each other all the way through the meal."

Bian Meijuan curled her lips and said, "The three families are almost in a fight."

"Huh?" He Jianning was very surprised: "Tell me more specifically."

"It's all because of that Hua Zhao, the Ye family is about to be broken up! She is just a troublemaker." Bian Meijuan said.

He Jianning's eyes immediately narrowed and he looked at Bian Meijuan.

Bian Meijuan blushed immediately when he stared at her, lowered her head and continued talking.

She saw it during the lunch meal, and all the contradictions pointed to Hua Zhao.

But He Jianning understood that the conflict with Ye Cheng's family was not resolved, but Ye Shang's family was filled in.

He smiled, Ye Jia Ye Li, Ye Dan Wang Jian...who should I use?


Bian Meijuan glanced at him secretly, her heart almost beating out of her chest.

"Is Ye Tao not bad?" He Jianning asked again.

One sentence made Bian Meijuan's heart drop again.

"Not bad at all, not good at all, dull and ugly, far worse than..."

She blurred the word "you".

She has known He Jianning for many years, and it can be said that she has been obsessed with him since she was a child.

He Jianning pretended not to hear.

"You have to know that with your status and conditions, finding Ye Tao is already the best choice." He Jianning said: "And I am not going to die soon, so I am not a good match."

Bian Meijuan was silent, tears were about to fall.

"The Ye family has a good family tradition. As long as you don't do anything wrong in the future, Ye Tao will treat you well, and your life will be stable and happy."

He Jianning said: "Go, don't come here if you have nothing to do, let them find out that you and I know each other, it will only increase misunderstandings."

Sir, everything is considered for her...

Bian Meijuan left feeling sad and moved.

She must do something, he can't die!

He Jianning looked at her back and curled his lips.


On New Year's Eve, the Ye family gathered together again and had a meal.

After the meal, everyone dispersed.

The men all went out to pay New Year greetings, the children all went out to play, and there were only a few women left at home who didn't want to go out.

Jinwen might have caught a cold when she was playing with her brothers and sisters the day before yesterday. She had been coughing for the past two days and had no energy, so Hua Zhao didn't let her go out.

If she doesn't go out, Yunfei and Cuiwei don't go out either, they stay at home with her.

The two little guys stayed with Jinwen and took turns telling her stories.

The stories are all made up by myself...

But if you speak seriously, you will also listen seriously.

"Little Red Riding Hood told the prince that I am the mermaid princess. If you give me the magic mirror, I will give you the dragon ball, and you can go and save the sleeping beauty." Cui Wei said seriously.

Jinwen listened eagerly.

Hua Zhao... She felt like she had nowhere to say this.

Finally he asked: "What does Little Red Riding Hood want the magic mirror for?"

"She wants to know who is the most beautiful person in the world?" Cui Wei said.

Jin Wen immediately said: "I know this. You don't need to ask the magic mirror, it must be mom!"

Cuiwei looked at Jinwen, then at Hua Zhao, and whispered: "Okay, then I am the second most beautiful."

Hua Zhao laughed.

The others laughed too.

Miao Lanzhi hugged Cui Wei and was reluctant to let go: "Grandma will take a pen and write down all the stories we told Wei Wei in a while. Maybe we can publish a book in the future!"

"Really?" Cui Wei's eyes lit up in surprise.

"Forget it, don't tell the truth." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Miao Lanzhi glared at her, asking her to play with her children, why are she so serious?

"I think it's OK." Ye Fang also smiled and said: "Now you can see Cui Wei's talent. When we grow up, our stories will definitely be more exciting. If publishing a book is not possible, publishing a few articles in magazines will definitely be possible. "

"Yes! It will definitely work!" Cui Wei nodded herself.

That small appearance makes people even more curious.

With a few people laughing around them, the other side of the living room seemed a little deserted.

Everyone must be present at the reunion dinner today.

Ye Jia, Ye Li and Qiu Mei are both here.

They couldn't fit into that circle, they were in each other's eyes. But they dare not go out to visit.

The way others look at them is always teasing, which makes people angry!

Another burst of laughter came, and Ye Jia felt so irritated that she couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out...

Yesterday, my father came back and said that this is the last year and if they fail to pass the exam again, they will not take the exam.

He would find them good jobs, put them to work, and get them married.

She is 23 this year and can't delay.

She is also anxious!

But she was unwilling to do so.

Can the academic qualifications of high school students be compared with those of college students?

And she took the exam for 5 years and failed in the end? Wouldn’t these five years have been in vain?

And, so embarrassing!

Is there any way to get her to go to college...

Looking at the main road and small roads in front of him, Ye Jia's thoughts suddenly became active.

If you want to go to college, there is not only one right path...


Ye Cheng went out to pay New Year greetings and met Tang Fanghe on the road.

She was pushing a bicycle and carrying a red cardboard box, which seemed to be a gift.

The box was so big that it couldn't fit on the back seat of her bicycle, so she had to push it in the ice and snow.

Ye Cheng stopped the car: "Teacher Tang, where are you going? I'll see you off."

Tang Fanghe turned around and saw that he was a little surprised, but she said, "I'm going to visit the homes of some needy students and deliver some New Year's goods. There are plenty of places, so you don't need to deliver them."

What a good teacher.

Ye Cheng thought for a moment and realized that the year he was supposed to pray to had actually already passed, and there were still a few families that needed him to go. Even if he didn't go, the eldest brother, the second brother, and even Ye Ming would go, and he wouldn't be the only one left.

"Come up here. I have nothing to do today. I have nothing to do."

"No, no, it's too much trouble." Tang Fanghe refused repeatedly and pushed the car to leave.

Ye Cheng's temper got even worse. He got out of the car and held down her bicycle. He immediately picked up the box on the back seat and threw it into the car, followed by the bicycle.

"Oh... this is inappropriate, it's too much trouble, you are so busy..."

Before Tang Fanghe finished speaking, Ye Cheng took his arm and pushed him into the passenger seat.

The car and things were in the back seat, what could she do? She can only be respectful rather than obey~

Ye Cheng took Tang Fanghe to visit needy students for a day, and really saw Tang Fanghe's gentleness and kindness.

This is not the first time that Tang Fanghe has taken care of these students in need. She will help during holidays, or when someone's family has an accident and needs money.

She teaches graduating classes and college entrance examination classes. Some students have been with her for a long time, two or three years, and she has taken care of them for two or three years.

It's not just a joke.

Every student's parent was grateful and moved to tears when they met her.

Ye Cheng looked at the woman beside him who was smiling like spring water, and for the first time, he felt emotions he had never felt before.

It was dark, and he sent Tang Fanghe home.

Standing at the door of Tang's house, looking at the dark little yard, Ye Cheng suddenly realized: "Are you celebrating the New Year alone?"

Under the light of other people's homes, a hint of sadness finally appeared on Tang Fanghe's face, which had always been gentle and calm, but it was fleeting.

She smiled, but it was still so beautiful: "Yes, they are all in other cities. Let's wait until next year. I will go to them to celebrate the New Year. This year can't be done. All the money has been spent. I have no money to buy a ticket."

Ye Cheng's heart suddenly trembled and he opened his mouth to say something.

A figure suddenly rushed out of the slant and rushed toward them.

Ye Cheng reflexively kicked him.

The figure screamed "Ouch".

Ye Cheng was stunned. It was Zhou Lihua's voice.

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