Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 830 Sir, do you like it?

The meal ended on a sour note.

Ye Zhenguo called Ye Cheng and Ye Shang away.

There is only a room full of juniors left.

Without Ye Zhenguo and Ye Shang, Ye Dan became bolder again and stared at Hua Zhao blatantly.

Hua Zhao was puzzled. When he met Ye Dan for the first time, he felt that she was a very good person.

But maybe it was because her interests were not touched at that time.

No, people were trying to touch her interests now, and she just didn't let them.

It seems that the Ye family's family rules are really good. Relatives cannot talk about money, otherwise they will collapse.

Ye Dan took another look.

Seeing this, Miao Lanzhi was confused. She came over and asked Hua Zhao quietly: "What's going on? Have you offended her?"

"No, she offended me." Hua Zhao said in a normal voice.

Miao Lanzhi....

Ye Ying also heard it and was shocked. The consequences of offending Hua Zhao were not good. She didn't look far away and just said that she was at home. Look at Zhou Lihua and then look at Ye Li just now.

"Don't be familiar with her! Let me talk about her!" Ye Ying immediately went to Ye Dan.

Hua Zhao stopped her: "No, I don't take it seriously." That's impossible.

"After dinner, there's nothing interesting here. I'll take the children to play somewhere else," she said.

In the end, not only the children went, but everyone went.

Hua Zhao was a pregnant woman, and it was impossible for her to take care of more than ten children by herself, so everyone went to help.

In the end, Hua Zhao took them to the yard next to Beihai.

She doesn't always come here, but she has taken care of it into a small and beautiful garden.

Even in winter, there is a different kind of beauty.

Of course, this compactness is compared to the park next to it.

For a private yard, it was intimidatingly large.

Ye Shang’s family was shocked when they came for the first time.

Miao Lanzhi gave Hua Zhao a strange look. Why did she feel that Hua Zhao was deliberately showing off?

Hua Zhao glanced back at her and she guessed right, she was just showing off on purpose.

Some people may laugh it off after reading this, feeling envious.

But some people definitely feel uncomfortable after watching it.

This is called a magic attack!

Ye Dan really felt uncomfortable. Hua Zhao was so rich, but he was such a tough hen, never pulling a dime, which made people angry.

She was actually okay, she was just angry and stingy. Regarding the yard in front of her, she knew that even money in the capital could not buy it.

If she wants it, it depends on whether her father can be as capable as her uncle in the future.

Wang Jian couldn't bear it the most.

But he didn't show it, he just looked at every corner of the yard carefully.

Even so, Hua Zhao was very happy. It seems that the attack effect is good, and the blood loss may continue for a long time in the future~

She turned around, went to find Tang Fanghe, and asked directly: "When do you expect to be able to come in?"

Ye Xing's glare also annoyed her.

Although she did something very excessive to Zhou Lihua...but she never took the initiative and always retaliated passively.

Ye Xing was angry with her, why didn't he look back and see what his mother had done?

Helping relatives or not? She was going to be angry.

Tang Fanghe smiled: "I can't say that...if it's quick, it will be a month or two."

This speed made Hua Zhao take a breath.

Ye Cheng and Zhou Lihua have been married for life. Although they have been divorced for a long time, they really separated not long ago.

Tang Fanghe was able to conquer it in such a short time?

"It's amazing." She asked curiously, "Do you have any plan?"

After asking her what suddenly occurred to her, she immediately changed her mind: "Forget it, I'm not curious anymore! Your plan has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything! But on your wedding day, I will definitely give you a big gift."

Tang Fanghe smiled softly: "Thank you."

After meeting Zhou Lihua, she was indeed somewhat sure.

After spending time together, she found that Ye Cheng was a nice person, silly and easy to control.

She does want to get married.

Hua Zhao chatted with her for a few more words and then left, because she saw Ye An waiting for her in the corner for a long time.

We have to wait until she does.

Unable to hide forever, Hua Zhao walked over.

"Ha, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry that day and couldn't think of any good excuse..." Hua Zhao said a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter." Ye An smiled nonchalantly: "It can't be spread anyway."

There are almost no people who don't care about face. He wants face, but he doesn't have the magnanimity of Ye Ming. If the news that "he can't do it" spreads to everyone, he might really want to settle the score with Hua Zhao.

But it won't.

Even if his mother dies, he won’t tell, and he also believes in Hua Zhao and Miao Lanzhi.

"What's the matter?" Hua Zhao asked. She thought Ye An was here to ask for guilt.

Ye An frowned and asked, "Did my second sister do something?"

Hua Zhao nodded and told him what happened in the morning without hiding anything from him.

Ye An's brows tightened and he said: "My second brother-in-law is a bit too ambitious. Just ignore him and let me talk to him. As for my second sister, she listens to my brother-in-law..."

Hua Zhao didn't want to hear what he said: "It's best if you can stop him."

Ye An glanced at her. He actually didn't know Hua Zhao very well. They were away from home all year round and didn't know anything except the important affairs of the Ye family.

He didn't know how vicious Hua Zhao was.

But he heard a threat in the words. If he couldn't stop her, she would take action.

The consequences are definitely not pretty.

"Don't worry, my father will definitely talk about him when he gets back." Ye An said quickly.

He also figured out why his grandfather glared at his father.


Ye Zhenguo scolded Ye Shang and Ye Cheng one by one.

When Ye Shang came home, he called Ye Dan and Wang Jian over and scolded them.

Ye Shang, like Ye Zhenguo, rarely cares about his daughter and even less about his son-in-law. This is the first time he has scolded them so harshly.

Ye Dan wilted for a moment.

Liu Yuegui also knew what was going on at this time, and was immediately frightened.

"You actually dare to take advantage of Hua Zhao! Are you crazy? Can't you see the fate of your third aunt, no, Zhou Lihua?" Liu Yuegui shouted.

She was so scared.

Hua Zhao and Zhou Lihua fought several times, and she was almost always there, especially the last one, which was so brutal that it was simply too horrible to watch.

There was also the threat when Hua Zhao held her in his arms a long, long time ago...

Liu Yuegui has actually been afraid of Hua Zhao ever since.

However, Hua Zhao greeted her with a smile every time he saw her, which made her almost forget her fear at that time.

Well, now her daughter has helped her remember it.

"It's not that exaggerated." Ye Dan muttered in a low voice: "I didn't do anything too extreme. I just wanted her to help arrange a job for Wang Jian or make some investment. We are all relatives. Is there anything excessive about this? ?”

"In other people's homes, this may not be an excessive thing." Ye An, who had been listening, said: "Well, in the Ye family, this is not an excessive thing. But this matter is never forced. People can give it to them if they want to. If you give it, you won’t give it.”

There was one more thing that Ye An kept silent in his heart. They must have done something that Hua Zhao didn't like.

From what we have heard, we can know that Hua Zhao is actually not a stingy person. He is very generous to the employees around him, not to mention Ye Ming and Ye Shu.

They are very generous to Qin Zhuo.

Ye Dan is no better than Qin Zhuoyuan.

Ye An's eyes roamed back and forth between Ye Dan and Wang Jian.

"Anyway, you should think more about it in the future. People have refused like this. If you try to force it again, it will be shameless." Ye An's words were direct, but they were true.

Wang Jian blushed and told Ye An that he would not do it.


After coming out of Beihai's yard, Ye Tao and Bian Meijuan took a stroll in the park before Ye Tao sent them home.

Bian Meijuan's home lives relatively far away, outside the third ring road, which is considered to be on the edge of the city.

Her parents' workplace is here, so it's normal for her to live here.

After Ye Tao left, Bian Meijuan did not go home.

She came out from the back door of the compound, then got on a bus and went to the flower market in the South Third Ring Road.

After wandering around for a while, she was pleasantly surprised to find a pot of blooming orchids, then she held it and turned left and right, quietly sneaking into the peach garden through a narrow back door.

"Sir, look! There are orchids in bloom this season, do you like them?" She held the flower pot and looked expectantly at the man in front of her.

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