Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 829 It’s not too embarrassing to show off

Tang Fanghe didn't come to attend the Ye family's family dinner. She knew that Ye Zhenguo would appear here today, so she came here specifically to thank him.

Thank you to the Ye family for helping the Tang family.

If it weren't for the help of the Ye family, the Tang family might not be able to redress or turn around now, and the family would still be living in the countryside.

But there was He Jianning in the capital. After the Tang family was rehabilitated, they all left the countryside and went to other cities to develop. Only Tang Fanghe stayed here.

Today, she came to thank Mr. Ye on behalf of the Tang family.

"Uncle Ye, do you still remember me? When I was a child, I was lucky enough to have a meal with you." Tang Fanghe asked with a smile.

Ye Zhenguo smiled, nodded, and greeted her, but he didn't actually remember it.

In the past, the Tang family had a close relationship with the He family. We were not familiar with them, we just knew them.

But now, the tide has turned.

Ye Zhenguo looked at Tang Fanghe, she was indeed a very delicate and decent woman, much better than Zhou Lihua.

There is also scheming.

Using this kind of excuse to appear in front of everyone in the Ye family, Ye Cheng looked stupid and coincidental.

It makes people angry just looking at it!

Ye Zhenguo glared at Ye Cheng again.

Ye Cheng was also confused.

After Tang Fanghe thanked him, he was about to leave, but Ye Zhenguo stayed behind.

"Since we're here, let's have a meal together."

Tang Fanghe refused with a smile: "Today is the Ye family's family dinner, so I won't join in the fun. If I have a chance next time, I will come again. Thank you very much!"

"Hey, you'll have to do it next time, you vixen, you're shameless." Someone in the corner whispered.

Hua Zhao glanced at it and saw that it was Ye Li.

Ye Zhenguo had already glanced at him, and Ye Li immediately shrank her neck, but she sat still and her eyes were red.

"I'm not wrong, she is the vixen who seduced my father." She whispered softly.

She and Ye Zhenguo were not at the same table, and the only people around her heard her words.

Ye Ying, Ye Dan, Liu Yuegui and the others.

Several people immediately looked at Tang Fanghe with wide eyes. Is there such a thing?

Tang Fanghe stood there calmly, preparing to leave, as if she didn't hear Ye Li's words.

Ye Cheng had already gouged Ye Li fiercely, but he couldn't teach Ye Li a lesson in public. In desperation, he glanced at Hua Zhao.

"Teacher Tang, please stay for a meal. I happen to have something to trouble Teacher Tang." Hua Zhao walked over with a smile and pulled Tang Fanghe to the children's table.

"These are children from my eldest sister's family and my second sister's family. They will come to the capital to go to school in the next year. Which elementary school or junior high school is better?" she asked.

One sentence allowed Tang Fanghe to stay openly.

Ye Ying ignored the gazes of Ye Li and Ye Jia and sat next to Tang Fanghe: "Are you a teacher? From what school?"

The college entrance examination has resumed, and all caring parents attach great importance to their children's education.

She is worried about school recently. Only when the school is settled can she make a decision on where to buy a house.

These are life events.

As for those words that Ye Li muttered...she believed in Third Uncle's character, and she also believed in Hua Zhao.

If Tang Fanghe was really indiscreet, how could Hua Zhao talk to her in a pleasant manner.

Tang Fanghe smiled and chatted with Ye Ying. They spoke eloquently about the major and minor schools in the capital.

Ye Ying suddenly had a lively conversation with her, and Hua Zhao couldn't even get a word in.

She glanced at another strange woman on the next table, probably Bian Meijuan.

He looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, with braided braids, big eyes, round face, and high nose bridge.

Some plump lips are not ugly, but look sexy.

The whole person's temperament also has a hint of publicity, which makes him look very individual.

Not a popular model.

Hua Zhao glanced at Ye Tao and found that Ye Tao was secretly looking at Bian Meijuan.

I didn't expect him to like this.

Bian Meijuan noticed Hua Zhao's gaze and immediately turned to look at her.

There was no hiding, no smiling, just looking at Hua Zhao, with a sense of not showing any weakness.

Hua Zhao smiled at her.

Only then did Bian Meijuan return a somewhat reserved smile, nodded towards her, and looked away.

There was also a hint of pride on his face, and Hua Zhao took the initiative to greet her.

Hua Zhao rolled his eyes inwardly, childish~

But the daily life of the sisters-in-law from now on...

Well, Ye Tao is probably qualified to take care of her family. She doesn't see her on a daily basis, so it would be nice to see her during the holidays.

The waiter started to serve the food, and no one said anything anymore. Everyone ate quietly.

Wang Jian ate this delicious food that he had never tasted before, and suddenly felt that the capital was a great place, and it was great to be rich.

How can I impress Hua Zhao?

Hua Zhao, however, was not eating steadily. She glanced at several tables from time to time, and the atmosphere was a bit tense.

Ye Zhenguo kept his face straight, glaring at Ye Cheng for a while and Ye Shang for a while.

Ye Cheng was stared at for a while, and then glared at Ye Jia and Ye Li who were about to make a move.

Ye Jia Ye Li stared at Tang Fanghe on the table next to her.

Hua Zhao also suffered from a few eye-rolls from Ye Dan from time to time.

She was afraid that someone would jump up and disturb the meal.

If you smashed a plate or bowl, do you want them to pay for it?

Haha, Hua Zhao had fun himself and started laughing.

Seeing how happy she was, the first person who couldn't help it was Ye Li.

"They're working together!" she said in a sinister tone.

In order to promote Tang Fanghe, Hua Zhao sat at the children's table with her.

They were sitting shoulder to shoulder, talking and laughing, which was an eyesore to some people.

Hua Zhao turned to look at her.

Ye Li stared back unceremoniously.

Hua Zhao was considering whether to give her a warning, but Ye Zhenguo finally couldn't help it.

"You're so weird! Who are you talking about?" Ye Zhenguo yelled.

Now his three little grandchildren are his darlings, and even Hua Zhao's status is ranked ahead of others.

Embarrassing Hua Zhao in front of so many people? Absolutely not!

Ye Li was frightened and sat there with a red face, nervous and scared.

Ye Zhenguo had only scolded his grandson in the past, but never his granddaughter. This was a first for her.

Ye Li wished she could evaporate on the spot to relieve her embarrassment.

Ye Zhenguo felt that he was wrong in not training his granddaughters in the past. He let them be educated by their own mother, and they ended up like this!

"How is your study going? It has been three years since you took the exam, and your scores are getting lower and lower. Are you still taking the exam this year? Can you pass it?" Ye Zhenguo asked.

In front of so many people, Ye Li felt like her face was smoking.

Ye Jia next to her was not much better. She had taken the exam for one more year than Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't say a word or dared to say anything. She felt that this year was quite difficult.

"If it's not the right material, don't force it. If it doesn't work, just come down and work." Ye Zhenguo said.

"Dad!" This time, Ye Cheng was the one who was anxious. How could a grandfather hinder his granddaughter's future?

Ye Zhenguo no longer had a good look on him, and glared at him with a dark face: "You must be self-aware! The admission scores for the college entrance examination are getting higher and higher, but she is getting less and less! She can't even get into a junior college, so she still needs to take the exam? She will take the exam for the rest of her life. ?”

It’s not too embarrassing!

But he didn't say the last sentence.

But everyone made up their minds.

"Ah~~" Ye Li suddenly covered her face and ran away crying.

Ye Jia seemed to want to comfort her and ran out after her.

Ye Xing suddenly stood up, looked at Hua Zhao intently for a few seconds, and then turned and left.

Ye Zhenguo's face was really dark this time and extremely ugly.

He has never cared about Ye Jia, Ye Li, a girl, and has not given any serious education. It is understandable that she did the wrong thing and said the wrong thing. What happened to Ye Xing? Are you actually jealous of Hua Zhao?

Ye Ming also frowned, remained silent for two seconds, got up and chased after him.

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