Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 835 What are you looking at me doing?

"What's the matter?" Hua Zhao asked with a calm expression.

Just because you can talk to Tang Fanghe doesn't mean you can talk to him.

Ye Cheng felt embarrassed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"It's not convenient for your Aunt Tang to go home recently. You have several empty houses. Can you lend her one to live in for a few days, just a few days, while I... wait for her to find a new house and move out immediately! "

Zhou Lihua will definitely make trouble in front of Tang's house in the future, or go to her work to make trouble.

Fortunately, it's winter vacation now and there are no classes.

As for the Ye family, Hua Zhao has a vacant house that he can borrow for use.

"No, no!" Tang Fanghe stood next to Hua Zhao and immediately waved her hand: "I'll just go out and stay in a hotel for a few days."

"Staying in a hotel is not a long-term solution." Ye Cheng said.

Who knows how long Zhou Lihua will be in trouble?

And Tang Fanghe didn't even have the money to buy a train ticket. She probably only had enough money to stay in a hotel for a day or two.

What then? Not eating or drinking?

He could give her money, but she would definitely not want it!

It would not be appropriate to place her in a relative's home. Other people's houses are full of people.

Huazhao has many houses, but they are still vacant, so it would be just right for her to live in a small one for a few days.

"It's just a few days. I'll arrange a house for her immediately in the next few days. It will be arranged soon." There was a hint of pleading in Ye Cheng's tone.

Tang Fanghe looked at him moved and inexplicably.

Ye Cheng noticed it and his face turned a little dark. He didn't dare to look at her and stared at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao looked at Tang Fanghe, thought for a few seconds, and finally nodded as if for her sake: "Okay."

"No, no need." Tang Fanghe refused repeatedly, with an embarrassed and embarrassed look on her face. She also knew that she really had no place to go, so she could only accept it shamelessly.

Ye Cheng suddenly felt guilty because it was all because of him that she was put in this situation.

Regardless of the New Year's Eve, Ye Cheng turned around and went out to look for a house.

After arranging the house, he still had to deal with Zhou Lihua's emotions.

School will start in a few days after the new year, and Zhou Lihua cannot be allowed to go to school to cause trouble.

Or, he could change Tang Fanghe's job.

Tang Fanghe and Hua Zhao looked at each other, both raised their eyebrows and smiled.


After New Year's Eve, it's a new year. With the new year and new atmosphere, Hua Zhao dressed herself and her three babies up beautifully and went out to pay New Year greetings.

After paying homage to neighbors and important relationships on the first day of the lunar month, we begin to pay homage to our own relatives on the second day of the lunar month.

In the past, I had never visited the Ye family, and almost all my relatives were not in the capital, but this year was different.

Ye Cheng moved back to the capital, and Ye Shang also came back.

But Ye Cheng's family...

"You don't have to go, I'll go on behalf of the family." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao thought for a while and shook his head.

Since we don't want the Ye family to fall apart, at least we can save face.

She and Ye Cheng's family have reached the point where they don't even come to visit during the New Year? The rhythm of old age and death?

If outsiders know it, I don’t know how to speculate or make fun of it.

Besides, now she not only represents herself, she also represents Ye Shen and her three children.

If she doesn't visit Ye Cheng's house, her children will no longer have contact with Ye Cheng's family.

Then there is a crack in the Ye family.

What's more, now that Zhou Lihua no longer lives there, she goes to take a walk and sit for a while, so that everyone can look good and doesn't get in the way.

And Ye Shang’s family all went.

However, Ye Cheng was not at home, so Ye Xing entertained them.

"Where is your dad?" Ye Shang asked strangely.

Is third brother so busy? Are you so busy that you don’t have time to stay home on the second day of the Lunar New Year?

Ye Xing looked very unhappy.

Except for him, none of the four children in Ye Cheng's family has a good face, only the daughter-in-law has a rosy face~

When they returned to their home in the afternoon of the first day of the new year, they knew why Tang Fanghe showed up at Ye's house last night.

They were actually caught and raped by their mother... at the gate!

Not only did his father take Tang Fanghe home that night, but he also threatened his mother and told her not to make trouble.

If there is any trouble, he will... clean up the Zhou family.

My father actually used this method on his own family, just for a woman he had just met not long ago.

No more home, no more face.

The veins on Ye Xing's forehead were exposed, and he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Hua Zhao.

Ye Ming suddenly frowned.

He discovered that Ye Xing had changed at some point.

It is no longer as open and sunny as it used to be, but has become a little darker.

He likes to think the worst about people and things, and his thoughts are somewhat extreme.

The last time he talked to him about Hua Zhao, Ye Xing listened humbly and nodded from time to time, but he knew that he actually didn't listen to a word.

He didn't know what he was thinking this time.

Hua Zhao also wanted to know what he was thinking.

"What do you see me doing?" she asked directly.

Ye Xing narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked: "Do you know where my dad is now?"

"How do I know?" Hua Zhao looked confused.

She really didn’t know the specific location, but she knew what Ye Cheng was doing~

Helping Tang Fanghe move!

With Ye Cheng's status, it was quite easy to find a house. He found it on the first day of the new year.

Hua Zhao took in Tang Fanghe, but only for one night.

Yesterday Ye Cheng told her to move today.

Not in the first year of junior high school, he spent the whole first year cleaning up the newly rented house. Cleaning, buying daily necessities, etc., so busy that my feet never touch the floor.

He also suddenly became cautious. He didn't tell Hua Zhao the address of the house at all, because he was afraid that she would leak the news.

Really well protected.

Ye Xing narrowed his eyes again and asked, "You have a good relationship with Tang Fanghe? When did you meet?"

"Well, not long ago, your dad took her to my in-laws' house, and we met." Hua Zhao told the truth.

"As for the relationship, I have a good temper. As long as she is a normal person, I can have a good relationship with her."

This sentence has some connotation.

Ye Xing pretended not to understand and just asked: "Really?"

His tone and expression were not very good.

"What do you mean?" Hua Zhao was embarrassed and looked at him with a frown.

In fact, I was laughing in my heart, and I was also sighing that Ye Xing was very sharp, and he was worthy of being named Ye, and he actually suspected her.

If he hadn't thought of it at all, then she would have suspected that Ye Cheng's branch was not Ye Zhenguo's at all, but maybe he picked it up.

"Nothing interesting, just asking." Ye Xing turned away after speaking.

Ye Shang's family looked at this and that, a little confused.

Ye Ming suddenly spoke and explained to them: "Third uncle has been with Tang Fanghe on New Year's Eve to express condolences to poor students. When he was sending Teacher Tang home at night, Zhou Lihua saw him and a few people got into a fight."

As the grandson of Ye's family, it would be abnormal for him not to know that such a big thing happened for two days.

But Ye Shang's family didn't know it, and they collectively took a breath.

"No... Uncle San is not that kind of person." Ye Ying said: "Besides, they are going to condolences poor students, it is an honest matter..."

The more she talked, the more guilty she became.

Condolences to poor students is an honest matter, but what does this matter have to do with Ye Cheng? It’s simply impossible to hit him with eight poles!

So condolences to students and so on are all illusions, and being with Tang Fanghe is the purpose, right?

"You lied! Tang Fanghe praises you every day in class! You and her must have known each other for a long time! You must have asked her to break up our family!" Ye Li cried.

Huh? Her intuition is also very keen.

Just as Hua Zhao was about to praise her, Ye Li suddenly bent down, picked up the stool behind her and threw it towards Hua Zhao.

The distance between them was very close, less than three meters between them, and the flying stool arrived almost instantly.

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