What was amazing about Hua Zhao was her strength, not her speed. She couldn't dodge at such a close distance, so she could only resist.

She quickly turned around to protect her stomach.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ye Ming next to him had bounced up, and he had disappeared in the next moment.

Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

The severe pain did not come as expected.

Ye Ming stood in front of Hua Zhao, reaching out and grabbing the heavy solid wood chair.

"Ye Li..." He looked at Ye Li coldly for two seconds, and then he threw the chair away with a strong hand.

The heavy chair hit the ground hard and fell apart instantly.

A hole was made in the concrete floor.

Fragments of chairs and cement residue burst onto everyone's legs, and their hands were painful and frightening.

Is Ye Ming so strong?

Ye Ming is angry...

But it should be, Ye Li really went too far, Hua Zhao is not only her sister-in-law, but also a pregnant woman!

"Ye Li!" Ye Shang stood up and scolded: "Hurry up and apologize to your sister-in-law!"

Ye Li held her neck and didn't move.

But everyone could see that she was scared and her body was shaking slightly.

Ye Ming also stood still, staring at her solemnly.

"Hurry up! Apologize to your sister-in-law!" Liu Yuegui stood up and slapped Ye Li.

I don't know whether I'm glad or disappointed that Miao Lanzhi didn't come today, otherwise she would definitely hit Ye Li by now.

Hua Zhao is now Miao Lanzhi's biological daughter, and no one can compare with her.

When the time comes to really take action, it will hurt the harmony.

Well, it seems that there is no peace between the two families anymore, but at least the family named Ye has not made any move.

"Hurry up and apologize." Ye Ying also came over and pushed Ye Li.

Not to mention that Ye Li beat Hua Zhao, even if she beat an ordinary person, it would be too much!

No wonder the third uncle divorced Zhou Lihua and fell in love with someone else.

Looking at the mother from daughter, it can be seen that the daughter has been spoiled like this, which shows how Zhou Lihua usually educates her and what she is like.

All three people "forced" her, and Ye Li's temper got even worse.

"I won't apologize! I'm not wrong! She tore my home apart, what's wrong with me hitting her? Not to mention she hasn't hit her yet!

"You are all snobs! Now you only see the uncle's family, not us at all! You just hold Hua Zhao, her stinky feet smell good! Shameless!"


A slap hit Ye Li on the face, and Ye Li fell to the ground.

Hua Zhao waved his hand.

She had wanted to beat her for a long time, and finally she had the chance to do it openly.

I really wanted to hit her again...but I was afraid of beating her to death.

"Ye Li!" Ye Xing suddenly rushed over to check Ye Li's injuries.

Everyone was shocked when the person was turned over.

Half of Ye Li's face was swollen, purple-red, and very scary. There was blood flowing from the corners of her mouth. She was also confused and her eyes were straight.

"You actually killed me!" Ye Xing raised his head and shouted towards Hua Zhao.

"She also killed Hua Zhao." Ye Ming suddenly stretched out his palm.

Just now this hand was covering the chair, but now the palm was red, swollen and bleeding.

There was a nail on the chair that cut his palm.

He just happened not to hold the nail, but if the chair hit Hua Zhao, the nail would hit Hua Zhao's body.

Ye Ming stared at Ye Li, his eyes darkened, did she do this on purpose?

Everyone took a breath again.

Hua Zhao didn't expect it to be like this. He immediately looked at Ye Li on the ground and regretted that he had acted lightly just now!

Ye Xing looked away: "This chair was broken before. I didn't pay attention when I repaired it. It was an accident and has nothing to do with her. She didn't mean it..."

"Ye Xing." Ye Ming looked at him and said: "Now in your eyes, do you only see other people's faults and not your own? And everything is other people's fault. Why did your parents divorce in the first place? Don’t you know the real reason?”

Ye Xing lowered his head and said nothing.

Ye Li's eyes gradually sobered up, she looked at Ye Ming and cried: "My parents divorced because of you!"

Ye Xing still said nothing.

Ye Ming was completely disappointed: "Then there's nothing more to say, let's go." He turned back to Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao immediately stepped forward: "Take care of your wounds first."

Ye Shang looked at Ye Xing and Ye Li, then at Ye Ming and Hua Zhao who had already walked out quickly, and he was also very disappointed and said: "Let's go too."

The family had no objections and filed out.

When I walked to the gate, I saw Hua Zhaoye and Ye Ming standing at the door without going out.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Lihua looked at Hua Zhao strangely. She thought Hua Zhao would not come to her house.

Yes, that's right, this is her home! Even if she doesn't live here anymore!

Zhou Lihua thought of the purpose of today, and even Hua Zhao ignored her and squeezed in from beside her.

"Ye Xing, Ye Chen, Ye Jia, Ye Li, pack your things and follow me!" she shouted standing in the yard.

Didn't Ye Cheng really want to separate from her and abandon their family? She finally thought of a way to take revenge on him, she would make him homeless!

Ye Cheng is almost 60, how many more years can he live?

She wants to take away the children and leave him alone for the rest of his life! No one is taking care of you! Let his old age be miserable! I regret abandoning her!

"Where are you going?" Ye Jia asked standing at the door.

"Go live with me! Your dad doesn't want us anymore~" Zhou Lihua said with a tearful tone: "He wants to marry that vixen! You all go with mom, and we don't want him either!"

Ye Jia immediately regretted what she said just now!

She stood at the door, not moving.

Hua Zhao, who originally got in the car to leave, didn't leave after hearing this.

She found the first aid kit and cleaned Ye Ming's wounds while saying, "We'll leave later and see the excitement first."

Ye Ming was not in a hurry and nodded: "But this is the last time. Don't show up here in the future. It's best not to meet this family alone."

The third uncle's family, once his younger brothers and sisters, have now become "this family" in his words.

Hua Zhao lowered his head and suddenly said: "If I hadn't been so tough and given Zhou Lihua some benefits, maybe I wouldn't be like this today."

Ye Ming turned to look at her and asked after two seconds: "If we really go back to the beginning, would you really do her some good?"

Hua Zhao thought for a while and shook his head: "No."

People are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. As long as she gives Zhou Lihua a little sweetness, she will definitely go further than she is now.

"I thought wrong." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "The problem lies with her, not with me."

Ye Ming smiled, said nothing, and turned to look at the yard.

Zhou Lihua shouted again: "Ye Xing Ye Chen, come out and follow mom!"

Ye Chen walked out: "Ye Li... is injured. Brother needs to take her to the hospital first."

"Injured? How did you get injured?" Zhou Lihua quickly entered the house, rushed out within a few seconds, and went straight to the car at the door.

"Little goblin, I'm going to tear you apart!" she shouted.


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