Ye Ming quickly pulled back his unbandaged hand, opened the door and got out of the car.

However, Zhou Lihua did not rush in front of him, but was stopped halfway by Liu Yuegui and her children.

"Let me go! Make sure I don't tear her apart!" Zhou Lihua shouted very loudly. This is her home, her children are here, and she has help this time.

"Why are you still standing there! Your sister has been beaten! Why don't you fight her back!" Zhou Lihua shouted at Ye Chen and Ye Xing.

"Three..." Ye Tao started to ask the third aunt, but quickly stopped.

"Zhou..." It's a bit inappropriate to call him by his first name.

Forget it, let’s not call him that.

"You just saw Ye Li being beaten, but don't you know why she was beaten? You still have the nerve to scream..."

Ye An pulled him: "Why are you telling her this? She doesn't understand."

If she had been reasonable, she would not have survived to this point.

"Let me go! You are also helping her bully me!" Zhou Lihua beat Liu Yuegui who was holding her.

Liu Yuegui shouted in her ear: "I am doing this for your own good!"

Letting her go would really hurt Hua Zhao's hair, and Miao Lanzhi would tear Zhou Lihua apart.

Miao Lanzhi just tore it off. She could only tear off her clothes and hair.

Ye Mao, can she get by with the old man?

make life difficult for!

"You are such a fool!" Liu Yuegui couldn't help but said again.

Why can't she recognize the reality until now? Still want to cause trouble for Hua Zhao? Do you have to commit suicide to give up?

Zhou Lihua is not a fool, she is a madman.

Ever since she stumbled on Hua Zhao for the first time, she felt like she was possessed by a demon and had to find her back.

However, I couldn't get it back.

Time and time again, she gave up.

"She didn't care this time! She was unscathed, but my daughter is dying. I'm not done with her! I want the old man to give me a review!" Zhou Lihua's eyes were bright. This time she finally made sense?

"That's nonsense, there's nothing wrong with Ye Li!" Ye Shang said.

Ye Li's injury looked serious, but everyone in the know could tell that it was just a flesh wound that could just be healed.

In fact, Ye Ming was not seriously injured, and I don't know if he injured his muscles or veins.

If Ye Ming is injured, the old man will not do anything to Ye Li, but he will definitely vent his anger on Ye Cheng and Zhou Lihua.

It's all because they failed to educate their daughters well.

Ye Shang turned back to Ye Ming and said, "You go ahead and go to the hospital to have your hands checked!"

Hua Zhao suddenly opened the door.

Ye Ming turned around instantly and put his hand against the car door: "Don't get down."

Although there are so many people, Zhou Lihua will definitely not be able to cause any trouble, but it is still better to be careful.

He had never regarded Ye Li as a threat, but she almost hurt Hua Zhao just now.

Danger is everywhere.

"It's okay. I'll just say a few words and leave. No fight." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he opened the door.

For the first time, Ye Ming personally experienced Hua Zhao's great strength.

He felt that he had exhausted all his strength, but it was like pushing a train. Not only did it have no effect, but he was pushed away by the train.

Hua Zhao opened the door easily, got out of the car, and walked to Zhou Lihua.

Liu Yuegui and Ye Ying immediately grabbed hold of Zhou Lihua, and Ye Dan came over to help.

Ye Xing put Ye Li aside and rushed over with Ye Chen.

Ye An and Ye Tao stood in front of the two of them instantly.

Ye Xing and Ye Chen were stunned.

The four brothers looked at each other without giving in.

"Aunt Zhou, are you here to ask your children to go with you?" Hua Zhao said.

This statement stunned everyone, as they didn't expect that she would ask this question.

Zhou Lihua was stunned for a few seconds, glared at Hua Zhao and said, "None of your business!"

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "It's none of my business. I just want to remind you that they are such grown-up people. You have to ask them their opinions and whether they are willing to follow you."

Zhou Lihua was stunned and shouted: "I am their mother! I have made them grow up by pooping and peeing since they were little! Feed them and dress them! Ye Cheng didn't even stretch out his hand, they were kissing me! Don't follow me Who am I with?"

"But they are not children anymore." Hua Zhao suddenly asked Ye Jia, who had been standing at the door of the house: "Are you willing to go with your mother?"

Ye Jia wanted to hate Hua Zhao to death, why did she ask her? Why ask her! Why don't you ask the other three people!

She just stared at Hua Zhao and said nothing for a long time.

Following her father, she will still be the daughter of the Ye family. Even if she doesn't go to college, she will have a good job and find a good husband.

Follow your mother?

It's no exaggeration to say that her father will still take care of her, but it will definitely be greatly reduced!

Especially in the eyes of outsiders, following her mother... her husband's family's standard has to drop several levels!

Her silence was the answer.

Zhou Lihua's eyes glazed over for a moment, then she turned to look at the other children.

Hua Zhao asked Ye Li again: "Are you willing to go with your mother?"

Ye Li secretly praised her quick reaction. Before Hua Zhao looked over, she closed her eyes and pretended to be dizzy!

"Whether she is really dizzy or not, everyone can tell, right? I won't expose her." Hua Zhao turned to look at Ye Xing again.

Ye Xing sneered: "I am willing..."

"You don't want to!" Qiu Mei said suddenly. After a few steps, she walked over and put the child in his hand.

"Xiaobao's milk powder costs dozens of yuan a month. He also needs to learn piano and painting, which costs dozens of yuan a month. He hasn't even bought a piano yet, but this costs tens of thousands!"

Hua Zhao didn't expect that in 1981, someone would already start a chicken baby.

Well, the chicken baby thing has been around since ancient times, or how to call it "hoping for a child to become a dragon".

Qiu Mei continued to read in a low voice: "Your salary of about one hundred yuan a month is not enough for you to go out and socialize by yourself! How long has it been since you gave me money? My father and I are all living expenses for Xiaobao." Out!

"You are a man who can't afford to raise a wife and children, so you want to raise your own mother instead? OK, you can, but your son is no longer your biological son? Do you want him to starve to death?"

Ye Xing froze.

Hua Zhao's eyes jumped back and forth between the two of them.

Are they reconciled?

Roughly the same.

They had been married for several years, and Ye Xing really didn't like Qiu Mei at first.

But Qiu Mei was scheming and beautiful. She slept in the same room every day, with a child in the middle as lubricant. After a few years, Qiu Mei took Ye Xing down again.

Although Ye Xing is still not nice to her, the two of them are living a normal life as a couple...

Qiu Mei washed and cooked for him every day, and he listened to Qiu Mei's chatter every day.

Now she is right to say all this. Without his father's subsidy, he really cannot afford to support his wife and children.

My mother has long since lost her job, has no pension, and has no savings.

It doesn't matter if Qiu Mei starves to death, Xiaobao is his biological child...

Ye Xing fell silent and lowered his head in silence.

Zhou Lihua looked at Ye Chen with dull eyes.

Ye Chen, who had been silent all this time and seemed invisible in the Ye family, suddenly said: "I'll go with you."

Zhou Lihua seemed to come to life, and her eyes became bright.

Hua Zhao didn’t expect that one person would survive.

But this did not prevent her from continuing to stimulate Zhou Lihua.

"Of the four children, only one is willing to go with you. You have failed to achieve your goal of leaving Ye Cheng without a home, right?" Hua Zhao asked.

Zhou Lihua looked at her, her face was burning, and she was furious inside.

"none of your business!"

Hua Zhao ignored her embarrassment and said with a smile: "And are you stupid? You took them all away, so that my third uncle can live a good life in the world of two people.

"The third uncle is old, but the new third aunt is still young, so having another child is not a problem..."

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