Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 844 Are you so cruel to yourself?

A group of people outside the door were wearing sackcloth and mourning, but Ye Ming didn't recognize them for a moment.

Bian Liren had a close relationship with Liu Yuegui, so Bian Meijuan could be included in Liu Yuegui's candidate list, but Ye Ming did not know Bian's family.

Fortunately, he had seen Bian Liren twice and recognized him after a second glance.

"Bian..." He was about to say hello when he was interrupted by the crying of Bian's family.

Bian Meijuan's eldest aunt, little aunt, and several daughters-in-law and children of the Bian family opened their mouths and cried loudly.

"Dad, you died so miserably!"

There were about ten people crying loudly.

Ye Ming was stunned, it seemed that Mr. Bian was gone.

But why cry in front of his house? !

It's obvious that the person who came here is not good-natured.

"Bian Meijuan, what's going on?" He directly asked Bian Meijuan, who was at the end of the crowd.

Bian Meijuan's eyes were straight and she didn't look at him at all. When she heard his question, she hid behind the crowd.

She didn't want to come at all, but she didn't dare not to come. If she didn't come to confront Hua Zhao, wouldn't it make her feel guilty?

But when she got to the door, she was really scared.

"A few days ago, my Meijuan spent 50,000 yuan to buy a ginseng tree in Huazhao. Is this the case?" Bian Liren asked.

"Yes." Ye Ming said.

Although he didn't go to his second uncle's house to warm up the pot on the third day of junior high school, he knew about it, and he also knew that Hua Zhao made a deal afterwards for Ye Tao's sake.

Bian Liren was relieved, as long as he admitted this.

"My dad died after eating this ginseng!" Bian Liren's eyes turned red: "You have to be responsible!"

Ye Ming almost laughed angrily.

But for the sake of the deceased, he said kindly: "My condolences.

"But if I remember correctly, Mr. Bian is 84 years old this year and has been bedridden for 6 years. In previous years, he could occasionally see the nanny pushing him downstairs to bask in the sun, but in the past two years, no neighbors have seen him. It can be delayed until today. In fact, It’s been quite surprising.”

Bian's family members couldn't stop crying. They didn't understand the old man's situation so clearly.

The children thought about it several times before finally realizing that the old man was indeed 84 years old and had been bedridden for 6 years.

But haven’t you gone downstairs in the past two years?

not very clear.

As for the grandchildren, I’m not even sure whether grandpa is 84 or not.

But Ye Ming opened his mouth and came.

Bian Liren suddenly felt a little weak. This was the difference in family background.

People have the ability to understand so much...

However, his father's death cannot be in vain!

Otherwise, he will not be able to hold his head high in the circle!

His own father was killed, but he swallowed his anger? Everyone will look down upon him.

"Although my dad doesn't go downstairs anymore, he can eat, drink, and live well! With a ginseng hanging, he can live for at least several years! But he was killed by one of your fake ginseng!" Bian Liren shouted.

"You are seeking wealth and murder!"

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows: "Fake ginseng? You probably don't know ginseng."

"Old Chinese doctor Sun said it was fake ginseng!"

Only then did Ye Ming discover that among the group of people wearing sackcloth and wearing filial piety, there was a special case.

Old Chinese medicine doctor Sun walked out of the crowd and said directly: "The ginseng that Mr. Bian ate is indeed fake. Bian Meijuan said she bought it from Huazhao. I'm worried. Come and have a look."

Ye Ming frowned, this makes things more complicated.

Hua Zhao walked out of the door, stood next to Ye Ming, looked at the family members and said, "This is a big deal, you should call the police."

She didn't need to introduce herself, Bian's family could guess who she was at a glance.

They were stunned and called the police? They really haven't thought about this.

Calling the police is a dead end.

They can't afford it.

And they don’t want to complain, they just want someone to pay for their father’s death.

Bian Liren looked at Hua Zhao with some surprise in his heart. She was so confident. Was she planning to use the power of the Ye family to settle this matter, or was she just confident?

No one spoke, the family members were thinking.

Hua Zhao turned around and called Liu Ming: "Go and call the police for them, accuse me of selling counterfeit medicines, seeking wealth and murder, and bring the police to investigate."

Are everyone...all so cruel to me?

Hua Zhao added: "By the way, sue them for false accusations for me."

If Bian's family doesn't sue her, she can't bite back!

Liu Ming understood and strode off.

"You guys, come in and talk." Hua Zhao said: "But only those who can take charge of the family. These juniors should go back to watch the funeral of their grandfather."

Hua Zhao suddenly turned around and asked Ye Ming: "Are all the Bian family members here? Isn't anyone missing?"

Ye Ming counted them and nodded: "One is a lot."

"Ha, isn't the old man over there alone now? Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a filial family." Hua Zhao shook his head and sighed.

Bian Liren's face turned red: "The nanny is guarding..."

"Well, you know, that's called a nanny." Hua Zhao said.

Bian Liren couldn't speak any more.

Birth, old age, illness, and death are also important matters, especially for some elderly people, who take them extremely seriously.

You can be plain and low-key when you are alive, but the funeral must be done in a beautiful way.

Even if it's not beautiful, it still has to be that way.

But the Bian family members were fine and just left it alone.

The people watching around understood what was going on, and immediately pointed at the family members next to them.

Bian Meijuan lowered her head, secretly happy, she could leave? She is going to keep a vigil for her grandfather. She can stay there for a year!

Hua Zhao suddenly said: "Bian Meijuan stays, let's come in together." After saying that, he turned around and entered the hospital.

Ye Ming glanced at Bian's family and asked Mr. Sun, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, to go in with him.

The Bian family members looked at each other and really sent their children back, taking Bian Meijuan in with them.

Bian Meijuan entered the yard with shaking legs.

After entering the room and sitting down, Hua Zhao asked, "Where's that fake ginseng tree? Let me take a look."

Bian Liren immediately took it out of the bag.

Before she opened it, Hua Zhaoguang knew something was wrong when she looked at the box. This was not the box she specially ordered.

When she opened it, although only half of the ginseng was left, she could tell that something was wrong even if it was just a crumb.

"This is not the ginseng I sold to Bian Meijuan. It must have been stolen." She looked at Bian Meijuan: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Death was imminent... No, when things came to an end, Bian Meijuan became calm.

"This is the ginseng you sold me, and you don't admit it... shameless." She said with a frown.

If she says no, then it’s not? She can't prove it!

The more she thought about it, the calmer Bian Meijuan became.

"In terms of shamelessness, I can't compare to you." Hua Zhao said, "Call Ye Tao. He has seen the ginseng I sold you that day."

Bian Meijuan immediately said: "You are all a family, of course he lied to you and helped you! What he said did not mean it!"

Hua Zhao also knew that Ye Tao's words would not work in court, because he was a witness with an interest.

If there is no other evidence to support the case and the other party does not recognize it, it will be difficult to obtain confirmation based on only a single relative as a witness.

If Bian Meijuan refuses to admit it, this matter will be really difficult to handle.

Suddenly, Hua Zhao looked at the box on the table and felt that it looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it in a store, but it was not a popular model, it was a bit expensive, and there was only one store selling it.

"Where did you buy this box? When did you buy it?" she asked.

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