Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 845 The evidence is conclusive

Bian Meijuan was startled, stared at the box for a few seconds, and said, "There was no box when you sold me the ginseng. I was afraid that the ginseng would be crushed, so I bought a box myself!"

She turned out to be very smart and closed the loopholes.

Hua Zhao nodded, a box is indeed not much evidence.

She was not in a hurry.

Now, the best way is to find the ginseng tree she sold. It may be hidden in Bian Meijuan's room.

It can't be thrown away by Bian Meijuan, or eaten all.

Even if she sells it, if they find the buyer, they can identify Bian Meijuan.

Suddenly, the old Chinese doctor Sun said: "This is not ginseng at all, but it looks fake..."

Bian Meijuan's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and she felt a huge ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Old Chinese Medicine Doctor Sun said: "I know one person with this kind of fraud technique, and he lives in the capital."

As he spoke, he looked at the Bian family members beside him, the expressions on their faces clearly showing disappointment and disgust.

After the initial surprise, he slowly thought of a possibility.

He told them about this person, and the ginseng was most likely made by that person.

They deliberately replaced it with fake ginseng to frame Hua Zhao!

"Who?" Ye Ming asked.

Old Chinese medicine doctor Sun gave the person’s name and address.

Ye Ming immediately asked someone to bring him over.

Bian Meijuan was still holding on, but her overall condition was a little bad. She no longer dared to look at Hua Zhao, and her body was trembling.

Everyone saw her abnormality.

The hearts of the Bian family suddenly felt like being thrown into a frying pan. Is it all Bian Meijuan's fault?

Then they will be embarrassed today!

If I had known better, I wouldn't have made such a fuss at the door wearing filial piety!

Now, if it was Bian Meijuan who did it, their family would become the laughing stock of the entire capital!

Ye Tao rushed into the room and looked at the ginseng on the table first.

His eyes widened for a moment, and he asked the Bian family without giving up: "Is this the ginseng you said you bought from Hua Zhao? The ginseng that killed old man Bian?"

No one answered him.

They must have been nodding wildly before, but now...

Ye Ming answered for them: "Yes."

Bian Liren stared at his daughter, opened his mouth, and wanted to say no.

But if not, then they can get out now.

It’s hard to get off the tiger.

Ye Tao got Ye Ming's answer and instantly turned to stare at Bian Meijuan.

This ginseng was very different from the one sold by Hua Zhao that day. Even if he didn't understand, he recognized it. This was not the one sold by Hua Zhao at all.

Bian Meijuan lied, she framed Hua Zhao!

"Why are you doing this?" he asked in confusion.

He really couldn't understand, was Bian Meijuan doing it for money? Killed his grandfather for money? Is she so vicious?

He didn't believe it.

"I didn't do anything." Bian Meijuan said.

But there was obvious guilt in his voice.

Now she just hopes that the old man selling fake medicine is not at home and will not be caught by the Ye family.

Or, he might as well just die!

That way she'd be fine.

Just as I was thinking about it, the counterfeit medicine seller was dragged in.

Seeing this yard, he knew that he had encountered a hard problem and that there was no point in trying to quibble.

He readily admitted that the "ginseng" on the table was made by himself.

"I just made something, but I didn't intend to use it to harm anyone! It's none of my business!" the old man shouted.

"What you make is none of your business and no one's business!" Bian Liren rushed over and started beating him.

Now they can only ease their embarrassment by blaming everything on him.

But he was stopped by Liu Ming and was not hit.

Hua Zhao's bodyguards were also in the room at this time, watching eagerly at the Bian family who were about to make a move.

The Bian family members had no choice but to sit quietly and did not stand up.

The old medicine seller felt relieved and shouted: "If I were a knife maker, would it be up to me if the knife killed someone? It was obviously this woman's problem. She knew the thing was fake, but she gave it to her grandfather to eat. The problem is of course her fault!"

"She knew it was fake?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes!" The old man nodded desperately: "She told me herself that she wanted to buy fake ones, so she gave me 200 yuan. How can I buy 20-year-old wild ginseng for 200 yuan? It doesn't matter if I buy one that is three to five years old. "

"I know..." Hua Zhao looked at Bian Meijuan meaningfully.

"I know..." Ye Tao also looked at Bian Meijuan and repeated these words.

He didn't think the worst about her at first. He thought she had been deceived and thought this was a good ginseng, better than what Huazhao was selling!

Or, to put her in a worse light, in order to save money, she sold the ginseng she bought from Huazhao at a high price, and then spent 8,000 or 10,000 to buy an ordinary 20-year-old wild ginseng.

Unexpectedly, she knew it was fake.

"Why?" Ye Tao's eyes were even more confused. Did she just want to use her grandfather's life to frame Hua Zhao?

Do Hua Zhao and her have such a big hatred?

Bian Meijuan was now slumped on the sofa, shaking all over and having no energy to speak.

This look says it all.


Bian Liren broke away from Liu Ming, turned around, rushed in front of her and slapped her.

"Why!" he asked repeatedly, slapping him one slap after another.

She killed her father! They will also kill their whole family! This evil!

Other members of the Bian family also had this doubt and rushed over to beat Bian Meijuan.

Bian Meijuan was overwhelmed instantly.

Hua Zhao frowned: "If you want to beat me, I will kill you and go back to your home."

The bodyguards immediately stepped forward and pulled the Bian family away.

Ye Tao walked over, squatted in front of Bian Meijuan who was lying on the sofa, moved her head and asked, "Why?"

"I, I can't help it. I lost my ginseng and I can only find a replacement, but I don't have money..." Bian Meijuan burst into tears:

"I didn't expect it would kill grandpa! I thought it was fine! He said it was made from grass roots and it would be fine after eating!"

The old man selling medicine immediately shouted: "As long as a normal person takes it, it will be fine! Even if your grandfather is 84 and he has not been paralyzed in bed for several years, he will be fine if he takes it."

Only people who have been bedridden for a long time and are extremely weak cannot eat it.

But there were few such people, so he thought he didn't need to explain.

Whoever thought it would happen would happen.

Ye Tao seemed not to have heard. He only stared at Bian Meijuan: "You lied. I sent you downstairs to your house that day. Where could you throw the ginseng? Did you throw it at your door?"

"Maybe it fell on the road while riding in the car." Bian Meijuan said.

She is also very capable. She can tell lies easily and reasonably.


It's a pity that she met Ye Tao.

"If that wooden box falls on the ground, I will hear it." Ye Tao said.

He is very confident about this.

He is someone who has saved up to 60,000 yuan in allowances in a few years. He is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Anyway, it's really lost, and there's nothing I can do about it!" Bian Meijuan cried.

If anyone asked her again after that, she would always say the same thing.

The matter was finally revealed, and Hua Zhao didn't want to see her again.

She said to the policemen who were sitting quietly in the corner of the room: "Several comrades heard it. The evidence is conclusive. They framed me."

Bian family...

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