Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 846 It turns out to be him

"We didn't! This is all a misunderstanding." Bian Liren said immediately.

"You're saying no more now? Didn't you shout loudly at the door just now? Now people outside think I am seeking wealth and death, what should I do?" Hua Zhao said.

Bian Liren felt that her father's death could not be in vain, but could her reputation be lost in vain?

There are always a lot of people in front of her house... Let them make a scene like this and then leave easily? Outsiders might think she is easy to bully.

Bian Liren understood: "Let's go clarify it now!"

"Go from house to house and explain clearly the causes and consequences." Hua Zhao said.

The Bian family members were silent and looked very rejected.

say what? Let them go out and say that their daughter deliberately bought fake ginseng and drugged her grandfather to death?

That way their family can be laughed at for 50 years! I no longer have to go out to meet people.

"Can't speak? Then I'll ask someone to teach you." Hua Zhao said: "Liu Ming and Zhou Bing, you lead people and follow them. They can't speak, so you speak."

"Yes!" A room full of bodyguards responded in unison, looking at the Bian family members eagerly.

Extraordinary momentum.

This is a naked threat.

Bian Liren was a big figure, and he also wanted to save face. Being threatened like this by a young woman, he immediately couldn't stand up.

"How big of a deal is it? If we go out and tell it, everyone around us will know about it. Going door to door to tell it is a bit too much." Bian Liren said.

Hua Zhao smiled, turned to the police and said, "Several comrades, Bian Meijuan is suspected of poisoning her own grandfather, can we file a public prosecution?"

There is no frame-up, but there is murder!

She didn't want to let Bian Meijuan go easily. She was going to interfere in Ye Tao's marriage, and she didn't want Bian Meijuan to be her younger sister.

Bian Meijuan suddenly jumped up from the sofa: "What is a public prosecution?" It doesn't sound good!

"I didn't murder my grandfather! It was an accident! I didn't know, I didn't want to, I didn't! That medicine... was fed to my grandfather by my father! Not me!" Bian Meijuan blurted out.

Bian Liren was stunned, and then became furious! If you pounce on him, you'll be punched and kicked.

This is really a curse!

If you can kill her grandfather with medicine now, you can kill him with medicine later!

This time there were no bodyguards to stop him, so Bian Liren had a good time.

Ye Tao was close at hand and didn't stop him.

Based on what she just said, a spanking is a light punishment.

Hua Zhao ignored them. She still looked at the two police investigators and asked, "Can a public prosecution be filed?"

The two police officers looked at each other. They had never seen anything like this before!

How could a granddaughter drug her own grandfather? Besides, it doesn't sound like it was intentional.

"You have already caused real harm, so let her go so easily?" Hua Zhao asked again.

She knows that the current laws are a bit chaotic. The Criminal Law was born in 1979 and implemented in 1980. Many judges and lawyers have not fully understood it, let alone these grassroots workers.

She didn't know if this sentence would work.

But her face works well.

The two policemen who came to investigate today are old acquaintances. They were the two responsible for dealing with Zhang Xiaowu since Hua Zhaogang moved here.

Over the years, they have dealt with a lot of things about Hua Zhao, and no one who dares to offend her will be fine.

"Factual harm has indeed been caused. Let's go back and ask." The two police officers said.

They have to go back and ask whether this is illegal and how to deal with it.

Hua Zhao nodded with satisfaction, as long as they were willing to study this matter carefully, that would be fine.

Although Bian Meijuan could not constitute intentional homicide, she was definitely at fault.

Enough for her to drink a pot.

Bian Meijuan, who was being beaten over there, actually didn't pay attention to the pain on her body. Her ears kept standing up, listening to what was going on here.

She was shocked when she heard Hua Zhao ask the police to take her away with just a few words.

"I was wrong! I shouldn't have offended you! I apologize to you! Let me go!"

No matter how arrogant you are, you must bow your head when faced with a situation.

It's not a nice place. If you go in and come out again, you won't be a good person in the eyes of outsiders.

Where can I find a good husband-in-law in the future?

"What are you talking about? Are you going in now because you offended me?" Hua Zhao looked at her: "You still don't know where you went wrong."

Bian Meijuan was also thinking about this issue in her mind. Where did she go wrong? Did she make the mistake of giving ginseng to her husband?

No, no, no, that's not wrong. Mr. is so young, he doesn't deserve to die, and he can't die...

Wrong, it’s Hua Zhao’s fault!

Why doesn't she sell ginseng to her husband?

If she sells it, she won’t touch the ginseng tree! A 20-year-old ginseng seedling cannot catch the eye of the gentleman! Why is she so embarrassed to give it away?

Bian Meijuan looked at Hua Zhao with resentment in her eyes.

She actually resented Hua Zhao? Ye Tao looked at her, disappointed, then turned away for a moment and never looked at her again.

All the emotion in his eyes disappeared without a trace, nothing left.

Who is Bian Meijuan? It has nothing to do with him anymore.

The police took Bian Meijuan and the old man selling counterfeit medicine away together.

The bodyguards escorted Bian's family and went door to door in this alley to explain what had just happened.

Everyone didn't believe that Hua Zhao would sell fake medicine for 50,000 yuan, but now after hearing the explanation, they just thought the Bian family was ridiculous. The Ye family is so powerful that they solved the case in a few hours.

Also, Hua Zhao is so cruel.

Going from door to door saying such embarrassing things over and over again, they all started to sympathize with Bian's family.

All the face of the Bian family was really lost on this day.

The next day, on the day of Mr. Bian's funeral, except for actual relatives, no friends came to see him off.

They didn't inherit any of Mr. Bian's connections.

If Mr. Bian knew, I wonder if he would be very happy.


"Where's that ginseng tree? What did Bian Meijuan do to it?" Hua Zhao asked Ye An.

Bian Meijuan was brought in for interrogation, and almost no one paid attention to her anymore.

Ye Tao went back to the vegetable base to help.

In fact, there was nothing that required him to do anything, it was all physical work, and if he did it, it would be a waste of time.

He came here before to avoid Liu Yuegui asking him to break up with Bian Meijuan, but now he came to avoid Liu Yuegui asking him to go on a blind date.

His first love failed, and now he is no longer interested in love.

Only Ye An was paying attention to what happened next.

Hua Zhao thought about it and asked. She was very curious about Bian Meijuan's original intention. Was it for money or what?

I always feel like there is some gossip in this!

Ye Shen was not at home. She was too bored and could only dig up gossip about other people's families.

"We didn't find that ginseng tree at Bian's house." Ye An talked to Ye Ming, and they assumed the Bian family with the greatest malice.

Maybe Bian Meijuan was pushed out by them to jack up the vat. In fact, this was a conspiracy used by the Bian family to frame Hua Zhao.

Is the ginseng in their home, or has it been moved somewhere?

If this is the case, then no one in this family can let it go.

But no signs of this have been found so far.

Hua Zhao was also curious about her, or why they made such a fuss and took the life of the old man Bian.

"I..." Go check it out.

But when he looked up and found that the person opposite was not Ye Ming, but Ye An, Hua Zhao immediately changed his mind: "I'm going back to pack my luggage. You continue to investigate. If you have any news, come back and tell me. If I have gone abroad, then call me." Telephone."

After all, he is still young and so curious.

Ye An smiled and went out to continue investigating.

In the evening, Hua Zhao also went out.

Those ginsengs were all created by her and grew up by eating energy. If the distance is not too far, she can sense them.

It's just that this kind of induction cannot be compared with the seeds she gave to Ye Shen. This kind of induction is very weak and requires a very close distance.

Hua Zhao came to the downstairs of Bian's house and sensed carefully, but found nothing. It seemed that it had really been moved by her or them.

Hua Zhao spread his hands and could only drive home.

When passing by the flower market, she suddenly braked and stopped on the side of the road.

There was a faint energy response on her left hand side. She turned around and recognized that this was He Jianning's Taoyuan.

It turned out to be him...

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