After the meal was over, Hua Zhao stood up and left without saying anything more.

After walking out of the door and walking a long way, she breathed a sigh of relief. She really said too much and made many mistakes. Facing He Jianning, she really couldn't be careless at all.

But this hurdle should be over. She came to inspect the surrounding properties, and it made sense to eat at the only Chinese restaurant nearby.

If she couldn't get through it, there was nothing she could do, so let Ye Shen solve it on his own.

He Jianning still stared at her back until she disappeared.

Then he picked up the newspaper underneath his briefcase.

The headlines on the front page are still the news of the actress' wedding.

The actress changed her mind again, feeling that Hawaii was too ordinary. She wanted to have a grand wedding in the snowy mountains of Switzerland, the African savannah, or the desert of Egypt.

There are so many options and I’m so confused that I can’t decide on a wedding date at the moment.

The Dylan family always knew that Ye Shen was refusing and would not be easy to win, so they did not talk too much for fear that they would not be able to step down when the time came.

"What a waste. One million wasted in vain." He Jianning muttered.

He was able to become this censor because he had already entered a special system and was involved in many jobs abroad.

But he later quit due to health reasons.

But since he learned that Ye Shen was working, he applied for a new job.

The superiors did not agree at first, but after two years of activity and a change of leadership, he finally got what he wanted.

Knowing Ye Shen's current identity and location, he immediately contacted an organization abroad.

This organization was accidentally discovered by people who came out to do tasks in the past. They passed the information back and registered it.

He Jianning had privately confirmed it many years ago and it was true.

And that file was supposed to have disappeared in a fire a few years ago.

Fortunately, he still remembered the contact information.

But he didn't expect that a piece of inconspicuous news back then would play a big role in Ye Shen.

He Jianning smiled, he did not reveal Ye Shen's true identity to the outside world.

Although he uses any means to attack his enemies, he also has a bottom line. They can fight within themselves, but externally, they cannot harm the national interests.

He only revealed to that organization that Su Heng was actually an orphan of the royal family and held the secret of the royal treasure.

And he hopes to use 1 million to let them keep people here, while he can dig for treasures in the country with peace of mind.

It's a lie, but some people believe it.

No one jokes about $1 million.

And royal treasure? No one can resist such a great temptation.

I would rather believe it!

Several senior officials of the mysterious organization studied it and decided to keep Su Heng and share this secret.

O'Neal was one of the top executives, and he took over this task.

They will not let Su Heng leave until he explains the location of the treasure.

And Ye Shen asked the ghost, where did the treasure come from... He could only stay here forever.

This is what He Jianning wants.

As for Suzanne, it was an unexpected surprise.

He held the newspaper. There were no photos of Ye Shen and Susanna in today's newspaper, but there were photos in the previous pages. Did Hua Zhao see them?

She probably didn't see it. She was busy inspecting properties, so how could she have time to read expired newspapers? Otherwise, how could she be in the mood to watch his excitement now?

She probably hasn't met Ye Shen either.

At first, he actually trusted Ye Shen, but he broke the rules and revealed his identity to Hua Zhao.

Secondly, there are so many "irrefutable evidences" in the newspapers. Even if Ye Shen explains again, Hua Zhao will not laugh now.

But just now she was clearly smiling beautifully and in a very good mood.

Therefore, it was just a coincidence that Hua Zhao met him here.

He Jianning also smiled.

Although the idea of ​​attacking Ye Shen with this matter came to nothing, it didn't matter. He would never be able to return to the country and see Hua Zhao anyway.

Even if Ye Shen applied to the superiors to end the mission and go home to reunite, the organization would not let him go.

How could he alone compete with an organization?

Moreover, the members of the organization actually had backgrounds in large financial groups, which reassured him even more.

He Jianning smiled. He had to think about how to make Hua Zhao believe that he would never come back.

I hope this Suzanne can be more powerful.


Hua Zhao got on the plane and returned to the farm that afternoon.

At this time, O'Neill was knocking on the door of "Miss Fang"'s house.

Of course it can't be knocked open.

He went to inquire with his neighbors and found out that no one had lived in the house in the past two years. They had only seen the agent who usually came to manage it. He immediately knew that he had been cheated.

No, Miss Fang was cautious and did not leave her real address. After all, at the time of the car accident, he didn't even have time to say a few words to her or lie to her.

No, no, no, he never thought of lying to her!

He just wanted to be friends with her...

O'Neill was so angry that he kicked the garage door.

This house is a second-hand house and has not been repaired much since it was acquired. The garage door looks good, but in fact it is no longer reliable.

With a light kick, the iron door tilted up, revealing a wide gap.

O'Neill immediately saw his, no, her Ferrari parked inside.

I don’t want the car worth more than 2 million, just park it in a dilapidated house that I haven’t visited in a few years...

O'Neill raised his eyebrows. She was indeed not as greedy for money as her father thought.

Also, how could such a just lady risk her life to save him to be a greedy person?

In other words, 2 million is nothing in other people's eyes.

O'Neill looked at the house and the community in front of him. This is a middle-class community. The price of this house is about 200,000.

But it is vacant and cannot be lived in, and there are special people to take care of it to prevent it from being taken over by interested people, which shows that her family background is good.

O'Neal immediately became happy. He was an Oriental from a good family background, and he was so beautiful that he was easy to inquire about.

If Hua Zhao lived in this city, it might be easier to inquire about her, but unfortunately not. Her regular activities are thousands of miles away from here.

It's like being alone in the Northeast and asking about a beautiful girl from Hainan's too difficult.


Hua Zhao has returned home, and what greets her is the warm hugs of the babies and the anxious eyes of Ye Shu.

Have you met him?

Ye Shu asked with his eyes.


Hua Zhao nodded.

How about it?

Ye Shu blinked.

Hua Zhao blinked and smiled at her.

Ye Shu immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

She knew her brother was not like that!

Yao Kun looked at her and then at Hua Zhao.

"What riddles are you two playing?"

"Since you know it's a riddle, why are you still asking?" Ye Shu scolded him: "I found out why you are so blind!"

Yao Kun.....

"Xiaohua, have you seen him? Where is he?" Yao Kun asked Hua Zhao directly.

Although he asked Ye Shu, he actually already knew what they meant. Hua Zhao seemed to be ideal in this field.

"I didn't see it." Hua Zhao said.

Yao Kun was stunned for a moment, this was different from what he thought.

But it’s best not to see nature.

"Then let's go over the accounts. Last quarter's report has already come out. Let's go over it while you're here. This will save you the trouble of having to mail it to you when you go back. It's troublesome and time-consuming." Yao Kun said.

He wanted to find something for Hua Zhao to do that she liked so that she would forget about men!

"Okay." Hua Zhao looked at him and smiled. This cousin is a very cute person.

Hua Zhao is really busy. Yaoji Food is already very big. One quarter's accounts are enough for her to keep an eye on for several days.

And she is no longer an international student, and her family leave this time is only one month.

But when she was almost busy and didn't see Ye Shen come to see her, she suddenly became anxious.

It won't go well, right?

It was indeed not going well. Ye Shen was under house arrest by the Dylan family at this time.

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