Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 862 I’ll give you three years

Ye Shen was deceived.

Susanna asked him to come to her home to discuss how to announce the cancellation of the wedding, but once he went in, he couldn't come out.

Well, he didn't want to come out. He was worried that he wouldn't have the chance to stay at Dylan's house for a few days and look for something.

It is also because of this that no matter what Susanna says, as long as he is invited, he will come.

"It's impossible to announce the cancellation of the wedding. I can't afford to lose that person." Susanna said, "So you can only marry me!"

Behind Susanna were 10 bodyguards, tall and burly, each holding a weapon in their hands and wiping it.

A clear threat.

Ye Shen sat silently on the sofa, neither agreeing nor refusing.

Susanna softened her voice again: "It's just an engagement ceremony now, not a real marriage. I'll give you three years. If you still don't agree after three years, then we will announce our breakup."

This condition sounds good. If Ye Shen is single, there is no reason not to agree. If he doesn't agree again, it will be abnormal.

A wealthy and beautiful actress would be no longer a man if she refused such a humble courtship.

But Ye Shen still couldn't agree, not even the engagement.

If his little girl knew about it, she would really turn into a black bear spirit in an instant and fight him for 300 rounds...

"Do you have a sweetheart?" Susanna suddenly asked: "The missing Zhu Manli?"

This is the legendary Su Heng's only lover.

But she disappeared for unknown reasons 2 years ago, and no woman has appeared around Su Heng since then.

So infatuated.

Susanna looked at Ye Shen with twinkling eyes.

She likes infatuated men.

Ye Shen suddenly felt that Zhu Manli was finally useful as his partner.

"I still have to work. Give me today's newspaper and a room with a phone." Ye Shen said.

He didn't resist desperately! This is the default. Suzanne laughed.

"Okay, come with me!" She personally led Ye Shen to her room...

Ye Shen frowned and pushed away the room next to hers.

"That's O'Neill's." Susanna said.

"Then change it." His expression was cold.

Suzanne was inexplicably afraid to refuse.

She reluctantly took Ye Shen to a guest room on the second floor.

Ye Shen lived here.

Every day financial newspapers and various newspapers are placed in front of his desk, and the various financial data he needs are collected and delivered at any time.

There are three telephones, allowing him to contact his subordinates at any time and direct his work.

Of course, the phone lines were cut off after the market closed.

Susanna stayed by his side all this time.

On the surface, I wanted to get close to him, but in fact, I wanted to prevent him from calling for help.

However, at the end of the day, Ye Shen didn't. He's just working hard.

Suzanne was getting happier and happier.

Duplicitous man!

At night, she wore sexy pajamas and came to Ye Shen's room... outside the door, she found that the door was closed.

She was too embarrassed to wear such clothes and asked the housekeeper to get the key to open the door, and she didn't dare to knock on the door loudly so that others could hear her.

I could only leave in frustration and embarrassment.

Is he a man?

In the dead of night, Ye Shen gently opened the door and walked out.

He didn't wander around, he just went to the kitchen, took some food out of the refrigerator, and went back the same way.

The bodyguards hiding in the dark watched the whole process, which made me feel relieved.


Hua Zhao waited for 20 days. Seeing that the time to visit relatives was coming, but Ye Shen hadn't come yet, she became anxious again.

Was he exposed when he was close to the target and was discovered and arrested? Or just...

She quickly called Yuan Wu, but Yuan Wu hesitated.

Yuan Wu felt that it was so difficult for him. Why was he the one who answered the phone? How can he tell Miss Fang tactfully so as not to make her sad?

The boss has lived at Susanna's house for a long time, and I heard that the engagement ceremony will be held tomorrow.

Hua Zhao misunderstood, and his heart suddenly lifted.

"What happened? Where is he now?"

Compared to his boss, Miss Fang was also his savior. Without Miss Fang, he would have died that night.

Moreover, the boss didn't say no, and he didn't take back his previous order of "he's not here, just listen to Miss Fang."

Yuan Wujiu said: "He is now at Susanna's house and has been staying for many days."

Hua Zhao frowned, he was really at Dylan's house.

"How did you know he was at Susanna's house? Has he contacted you recently?"

"Contact me every day." Yuan Wu said.

As he was talking, the phone next to him rang. Ye Shen's assistant picked up the phone and the two started talking and working.

"Look, we're calling again." Yuan Wu hesitated and said, "Do you want to talk to the boss on the phone?" He could convey it.

Hua Zhao felt relieved when he heard that Ye Shen could still contact the outside world every day.

As long as others are okay.

"No, I understand." Hua Zhao hung up the phone after saying that.

Yuan Wu hesitated while holding the phone. Should he call back now? I haven't told Miss Fang yet that the boss is engaged to Susanna.

"Who is Yuan Wu calling?" Ye Shen suddenly asked on the other end.

The assistant looked at Yuan Wu. He actually didn't know that he didn't hear what Yuan Wu called him.

Yuan Wu was instantly frightened. Although the boss had changed his mind, he seemed to be unable to let go of Miss Xia. If he knew that he had tipped off Miss Fang, he would be in trouble.

"An insurance seller." Yuan Wu said.

Assistant conveyed.

Although Ye Shen didn't sound like it, Susanna was watching from the side, so he couldn't ask any more questions and hung up the phone.

Hua Zhao was already packing his luggage and was going to find Ye Shen.

He was definitely in trouble.

Otherwise, how could he have lived in Susanna's house for so long.

"Mom, you are going out again." Yunfei was a little unhappy when he saw that she was only packing her luggage, and whispered: "Are you going to see dad again? You won't take us with you this time."

Hua Zhao suddenly felt guilty: "Baby, I'm so sorry."

Hearing his mother's apology, Yunfei suddenly softened and said immediately: "Okay, I forgive you. But, when will dad come to see us?"

This question is even harder to answer. Without knowing Ye Shen's situation, Hua Zhao didn't dare to make random promises.

Seeing his mother's expression becoming even more guilt-ridden, Yunfei immediately said, "Forget it, I won't ask." However, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

He also knew that he was going back to China. After returning, if he wanted to see his father, he would have to count the years.

"Tell dad that I miss him." Yunfei said and left the room.

Still a little sad.

He is a child after all.

Hua Zhao felt extremely distressed. She would definitely bring Ye Shen back this time!

She wanted to see how Susanna kept people!

She flew over on the same day's flight.

After landing, we first went to "Miss Fang's" house and looked for her car.

Fortunately it hadn't been transferred yet, so she had the perfect reason to come.

When I got home, I found that the car was gone.

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