Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 872 Returning to China

Both Murray and O'Neal went to the hospital.

O'Neal's foot showed obvious trauma, but Mori did a full-body examination and found no reason for the severe pain all over his body.

In the end, it came down to the mental aspect. I was under too much pressure and was very angry.

"Are we going to arrest Su Heng?" O'Neill asked his father in a wheelchair.

Morrie said nothing.

"No!" Susanna said from the side: "We are already embarrassed enough. If we call the police to arrest people, people outside will say that we are angry and intend to retaliate."

Because courtship does not result in revenge, it would be too ugly to let the public know.

She is the one who can't stand the negative news the most.

She has given up her job for the past three months and is afraid to go out.

"But if we just let him go, it will be even more embarrassing for us!" O'Neill said.

After a long while, Mori shook his head: "What's the use of asking the police to arrest him? With your minor injuries, he spent some money to release you on bail."

And he was angry because of the pain all over, and there was nothing he could do about Su Heng.

"Then let him go like this?" O'Neill said loudly.

After all, we are young people. No matter how much we have on our minds, we cannot help but be impulsive.

"Of course not." Mori glanced at his son irritably: "Can't you deal with someone without calling the police? Are you out of your mind?"

O'Neal calmed down instantly, and it turned out that he was also mad.

The Dylan family took action that day.

Various accidents began to happen around Ye Shen.

On the way to work, I encountered car accidents, big cars and small cars, all kinds of car accidents.

In an hour's drive, you can meet two or three times.

The cars were heading straight towards him.

Fortunately, it was Ye Shen himself who was driving the car and he avoided it every time.

When you get out of the car, you will meet "drunks" and "drug addicts" who want to pounce on him.

If you hide there, you will encounter objects thrown from high altitude, broken elevators, etc.

Ye Shen carefully avoided it.

After he left Dylan's house, he did not stay at home, but went to work as usual.

As for the issue of digging tunnels, he reported it and someone has already started taking action.

And he will continue to be outside, confusing the Dylan family.

So he can't just suffer accidents, he also creates accidents.

He returned these accidents intact to the Dylan family of three.

The Dylan family was suddenly very busy.

Even Morrie in the hospital encountered fake doctors several times!

The two sides were fighting in full swing, who still wanted to take a look in the basement?

With Hua Zhao's help, the soil was loose and the tunnel was dug in three days. All that was left was to replace the contents with models and pack the real thing away.

These Hua Zhao can no longer be seen. She has already boarded the plane home and will land in two hours.

Ye Shu followed back.

Hua Zhao has been here for a month, but Ye Shen hasn't shown up yet.

Although Hua Zhao said it was okay, was he lying to her? In fact, you feel extremely sad?

Ye Shu was worried and came back to persuade her.

Besides, she was homesick.

She didn't miss home even after staying abroad for two years, but after only staying for a few months this time, she couldn't think of anything else.

I miss my parents, my grandparents, my brothers, and even those friends who are not very close to me.

Is she...dying? Only people who have heard that they are going to die think this or that! Is it true that she can’t pass the hellish hurdle of giving birth?

"You are pregnant. Your hormones and endocrine disorders are disordered. You just like to think wildly. Don't be nervous." Hua Zhao advised her in turn.

"What a hell, you see, I've given birth to several babies and it's all fine, and now that medical care is advanced, if it's really not possible, there's still a caesarean section, so it's fine," she said.

When Ye Shu heard about the caesarean section, she became even more frightened.

Despite her carefree appearance, she was able to withstand injections, but she was afraid of injections. When she saw the tiny needles, she felt so weak that she wanted to faint, and no one could help her.

A caesarean section not only requires injections, but also requires knife operations on her body, knife after knife...

Ye Shu suddenly turned pale.

Hua Zhao...she only found out that Ye Shu had this problem recently. Ye Shu had no chance to get sick before.

Yao Kun only discovered this a few days ago when he had a cold and had an injection.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid. As long as I'm here, you will give birth smoothly. We won't have injections or caesarean sections."

"Don't, don't mention those two words!" Ye Shu said with a white face.

Hua Zhao was worried and wanted to laugh at the same time.

"Come, Jinwen, let's see if the baby in your aunt's belly is a little brother or a little sister?" Hua Zhao asked.

Jinwen lay on her lap, took a serious look at Ye Shu's belly, and said with a milky voice, "I can't see it."

This is an honest baby...

Cui Wei was smart: "It's a little brother!"

She also knew that these adults generally liked boys, so whenever someone asked her to see what her pregnant aunt was carrying, she would always say it was her brother.

Yunfei smiled and said nothing.

Ye Shu laughed loudly. The anxiety he felt just now disappeared as quickly as it came.

With Hua Zhao here, she wasn't actually worried.

Even if she really went to hell, she believed that Hua Zhao could bring her back.

Their family is really lucky to have Hua Zhao, so why does her brother not know how to cherish blessings?

Ye Shu, who knew nothing, complained about Ye Shen. She endured it again and again, and did not dare to mention Ye Shen again.

Because she asked twice before why Ye Shen didn't come, Hua Zhao didn't look good.

Hua Zhao knew what she was thinking by looking at her expression, and immediately changed the topic.

She really doesn't want to mention Ye Shen now, she's worried! anxiety!

"You came back with me and didn't even say hello to Yao Kun. When he came home and found you weren't there, he was probably going to cry." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

There was a minor accident in the branch factory, and Yao Kun went to deal with it personally. The only one who sent Hua Zhao to board the plane was Ye Shu.

Then Ye Shu suddenly thought of it, bought a plane ticket and came back with him.

"It doesn't matter what he, a grown man, crying looks like!" Ye Shu said with disgust, but with a smile on his face.

When she suddenly saw the needle, she fainted instantly and almost scared Yao Kun to death.

He rushed to the hospital while crying while holding her, looking like he was broken down.

Knowing that she was fine and just fainted from the injection, she cried with joy and cried like a fool.

Ye Shu saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, feeling that he really married the right person this time.

She left quietly, and Yao Kun would definitely catch up.

Thinking of this, Ye Shu smiled even sweeter, as if he were in love.

Hua Zhao refused to eat dog food and closed his eyes to sleep.

When I woke up, the plane had landed.

After leaving the airport, she saw Miao Lanzhi and Ye Ming who came to pick her up.

"Brother actually came to pick me up in person? What an honor~" Hua Zhao joked with him.

Last month, Ye Ming was promoted. Now he is a big leader, and he can also be said to be able to handle everything around him.

You still have time to do something as trivial as picking up the airport. Do you miss your child?

Hua Zhao stuffed Jinwen into his arms.

Ye Ming took it happily.

But he got straight to the point: "I have something to tell you."

Hua Zhao looked at his expression and felt that it might not be a good thing.

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