"What's the matter?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Tell me when you get in the car." Ye Ming turned around and hugged the child and got in the car.

Miao Lanzhi also hugged Cui Wei distressedly and glared at Ye Shu: "What are you looking at? I don't have the eyesight to pick up Yunfei!"

Ye Shu blinked, she wasn't his biological child, was she? She came back unexpectedly without telling her family. When her mother and brother saw her, they acted like they hadn't seen her. Wouldn't it be a surprise?

But Ye Shu just curled his lips and bent down to hug Yunfei.

She used to go home once a year and didn't see many surprises from them. This time she had only been gone for a few months.

Hua Zhao stopped Ye Shu and picked up Yunfei: "I'll do it."

"Don't come, don't come, let her hug you!" Miao Lanzhi said anxiously, "Don't stretch yourself."

Hua Zhao looked at Ye Shu and smiled, and said to Miao Lanzhi: "Mom, you are going to be a grandma, and my sister can't stretch her arms."

Miao Lanzhi was stunned for a moment before she understood. She immediately slapped her thigh and looked at Ye Shu in surprise: "Really?"

She was really surprised, her eye circles were red, and there was a sparkle in her eyes.

Her daughter had an unfortunate marriage. Unexpectedly, she got divorced, got married again, and had a child in her 30s!

This time, I can always live a down-to-earth life. Will Hehe grow old beautifully?

As a mother, sometimes she really hopes that her hair will turn gray and her whole life will pass by, so that she can see that her children will be safe and happy throughout their lives.

Ye Shu's eyes suddenly turned red and he hugged his mother's arm. She was still his biological child.

"Get in the car, it's cold outside." Ye Ming urged in the car.

But he looked at Ye Shu with a look of surprise and relief.

His family is expecting multiple babies again.

Several people got in the car. This time the car was no longer a Jeep, but an imported Mercedes-Benz, Ye Ming's special car.

"What's the matter?" Hua Zhao asked again.

Ye Ming drove and glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

She has always been mentally strong, and this little thing shouldn't scare her.

"Aunt Zhang, she is now at the police station and has been detained for 15 days. Three days have passed now," he said.

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "Aunt Zhang, my mother?"

Ye Ming nodded.

"Don't worry, she didn't suffer." Miao Lanzhi sat in the back with her and quickly took her arm to comfort her: "I've taken care of everything. I can't bear the pain, and no one dares to bully her..."

The more she talks, the more powerless she becomes. Is being detained a matter of suffering and being bullied? It's a matter of dignity.

Outsiders don't care whether you were wrongly accused or not. They only see that you were detained, and they will look at you through colored glasses in the future.

"What's going on?" Hua Zhao asked.

"There was something wrong with the food in the hotel, and people almost ate to death." Ye Ming said.


Hua Zhao and Ye Shu said at the same time.

They would believe in any restaurant that could eat dead people, but they didn't believe in Zhang Guilan's restaurant.

"The inspection results are indeed true." Ye Ming said: "Toxic substances were found in the food, and they were highly toxic. Dozens of people were hospitalized, and two people were critically ill."

And the people who come to eat are all big guys...

If the Ye family were not powerful enough, Zhang Guilan would not be detained for 15 days, but maybe 15 years.

Hua Zhao had calmed down and asked, "How are the two critically ill people doing?"

Ye Ming nodded, and he could indeed grasp the key points.

If these two people died, the Ye family would not be able to save Zhang Guilan.

"Still in the hospital, but out of danger, but seriously injured." Ye Ming said.

"We will do our best to treat them and make sure they recover and return to their original state," Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming nodded and was already doing it. If it weren't for the medicinal wine brought by the Ye family, these two people would have entered Babao Mountain now.

But the medicinal wine left by Hua Zhao was gone, and they were deeply poisoned. Ordinary medicinal wine seemed to have little effect.

If Hua Zhao doesn't come back, he will make a phone call.

Ye Ming said something and Hua Zhao nodded.

"How is my grandpa?" Hua Zhao asked.

If something happens to Zhang Guilan, Hua Qiang will be anxious.

After several years of getting along, Hua Qiang has regarded Zhang Guilan as a relative.

When Hua Zhao was away, Zhang Guilan took care of his daily life, washing and cooking.

Hua Qiang is really not good at it.

In the past, Hua Qiang had some objections to Zhang Guilan, but it was not that she complained about her remarriage. Her son died and she was only in her 20s, so it was normal for her to remarry.

He blamed Zhang Guilan for not taking good care of Hua Zhao and almost caused Hua Zhao's death.

But since he knew what the Liu family and Zhang family were like, he felt relieved.

Taking Hua Zhao away, whether he took him to the Liu family or stayed in the Zhang family, the results would probably be the same as in Huashan.

"Grandpa is okay, he doesn't know." Ye Ming said.

When he went to see Zhang Guilan, Zhang Guilan specifically told Hua Qiang not to tell him, lest the old man worry.

"Are Dawei, Xiaoqin and the others okay?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Everything is fine, except for being a little anxious." Ye Ming said.

The children are grown up and sensible. They can face such a big thing rationally. The key is that they believe in the Ye family.

Knowing that his relatives were all well, Hua Zhao had the guts to ask: "The food is poisonous. It can't be a problem with the ingredients. Is someone poisoning it? Do you know who it is?"

Most of the ingredients are provided by her vegetable base, so there can be no problems.

Hua Zhao had a hunch that someone had poisoned him.

It's weird to talk about this.

"It's true. The poison was in the water. We investigated all the employees and several tables of diners that day, and no problem has been found so far." Ye Ming frowned and said.

In addition to the diners, they even used tricks on the employees. Some of them couldn't bear it and confessed.

But it's not actually them.

As for the diners...it wasn't just the people at a certain table who were poisoned that day, it was everyone.

It is unlikely that it was done by an enemy of a certain diner, as the attack was a bit too broad.

But it’s hard to say.

Things have reached a deadlock, and Ye Ming is a little clueless.

You can't use tricks on those diners.

None of them are simple.

And sorting out their interests... is even wider, and everyone in the entire circle has to be covered.

Hua Zhao nodded and said nothing.

The car drove directly back to the courtyard.

Hua Zhao immediately went back to the room and took out a bottle of essence and handed it to Ye Ming.

The liquid in this bottle is yellow-green, with a lot of golden liquid mixed in it, which is definitely enough for detoxification.

After chatting affectionately in Hua Qiang's room for a long time, Hua Zhao put the child at home and asked Ye Ming to take her to the scene to have a look.

The hotel has been sealed.

But Ye Ming can still bring people in.

The room was in a mess, tables and chairs were overturned, and filth was everywhere.

"At that time, several tables of guests became poisoned suddenly, and the scene was chaotic." Ye Ming said.

It only took a few minutes from the first person falling to the ground to everyone else falling to the ground.

Because it's a big boss's birthday that day, so we're here to treat him. The meals are all served together and the banquet is held together.

Poisoned together.

Zhang Guilan panicked and called Ye Ming.

Ye Ming came over and saw the scene.

Hua Zhao avoided the filth on the floor and came to the kitchen.

The medicine was put in the water, poisoning everyone, and the only way to start was in the kitchen.

Although there is running water in the kitchen, there are also several water tanks, which are convenient to use.

However, there are also hidden dangers, and now it has caused a catastrophe.

"The poison is indeed here." Ye Ming said.

They took samples from here and found the ingredients of dichlorvos.

This is a commonly used pesticide, and it is useless to trace its origin.

But this can only stump Ye Ming.

Hua Zhao stood in front of the flower tree in the yard and retrieved its memory.


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