Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 884 Give him some face

Hua Zhao immediately looked at Tang Fanghe.

I noticed that Tang Fanghe was smiling.

Seeing Hua Zhao's gaze, she turned around and whispered, "I don't know if she's dead, but she's making trouble at this time, so I guess she won't die."

"Not necessarily." Hua Zhao said: "There are always some women who feel that their own death is the best punishment for men and will make them regret it for the rest of their lives."

She shook her head: "How silly."

Tang Fanghe nodded in agreement: "Yes! Men do regret, but they regret marrying that woman! Let them end up in this situation today.

"They will also try their best to forget about women because they are guilty and afraid of ghosts. They will not think about them for the rest of their lives."

So punishing others with death is simply a big mistake. Death can only punish his parents and everyone who loves him.

And those enemies are probably going to applaud him.

This is just plain stupid.

Hua Zhao also nodded in agreement and looked at Tang Fanghe with admiration.

Unexpectedly, she was born in this era and had this awareness.

"But are you dead or not? Why don't you tell me?" Tang Fanghe looked out the window.

The woman's cry just now also sounded outside the door at the right time: "Brother-in-law! Go and see my sister for the last time! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

"Look, he's not dead." Tang Fanghe smiled.

Her smile was natural and calm, and she didn't take it seriously at all.

"You're still smiling." Hua Zhao said: "With Ye Cheng's personality, he will definitely go and see it. Even if he doesn't want to go, there are so many guests outside watching, so he has to go."

Otherwise it would be too heartless.

After all, he is a figure and needs to maintain his image.

"What are you going to do?" Hua Zhao looked at Tang Fanghe and asked.

Although she is already in her 40s, this is her first marriage.

The groom left her to meet his ex-wife on their wedding day?

She was so angry at the change of place.

"What should I do? I am very happy." Tang Fanghe winked at Hua Zhao: "You are still young, learn from it~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Cheng opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Hua Zhao also in the room, his expression paused.

But he couldn't care less about her now. He looked at Tang Fanghe with a deep apology on his face: "I'll go for a while...I'll be back soon!"

"No need." Tang Fanghe looked concerned and anxious: "I'll go with you! Sister Zhou is like's all because of me, I'll apologize to her!

"But if she wants to reconcile with you again, I won't agree! We have obtained the marriage certificate and are legally married. From now on, you can only be my husband!"

She looked at Ye Cheng and said affectionately and firmly.

Ye Cheng's heart suddenly felt as sweet as drinking honey.

Ever since he met Tang Fanghe, he had always taken the initiative, confessed his feelings, and revealed his true feelings.

Tang Fanghe accepted him passively.

Occasionally thinking about it, he felt a little uncertain in his heart. Did she dislike him? Can they grow old?

But now, he is finally relieved!

"You stay here and I'll go by myself. I'll be back soon!" Ye Cheng said with a smile.

He still had some brains left, knowing that Tang Fanghe's meeting with Zhou Lihua now would add fuel to the fire.

A look of tears appeared on Tang Fanghe's face: "Today is our happy day, but you went to see Sister Zhou? Leaving me here alone to be laughed at by the guests?"

Ye Cheng was anxious: "No, no, that's not what I meant..."

"But that's what you did." Tang Fanghe looked at him accusingly, but her tone was still gentle.

And after a few seconds, she controlled her emotions and said softly: "But I understand your difficulty, do you think this is okay? I will go out with you, and then you can just throw me wherever you want. You can go see Zhou Lihua again." .”

Seeing his beautiful wife's expression and her magnanimity, Ye Cheng couldn't bear to refuse anymore: "Okay."

Tang Fanghe immediately took his arm and walked out. While Ye Cheng was distracted, she looked back at Hua Zhao.

Did you learn it? To overcome strength with gentleness, women must learn to use the knife of "gentleness"!

We must also learn to "endure the best".

Hua Zhao understood.

But she shook her head. If the time hadn't been right, she would have kept Tang Fanghe and told her that this trick only works on normal men like Ye Cheng.

For some men, only a butcher's knife works.

However, she had to admit that Tang Fanghe was very powerful. He managed Ye Cheng perfectly in a short period of time without him even realizing it.

Why did she leave her when she went out? Hua Zhao guessed this door. Tang Fanghe must have a way to get Ye Cheng to take her to see Zhou Lihua.

Ye Shu came in from the outside and asked Hua Zhao in surprise: "What's going on? Why did the third uncle take... the new third aunt out? To see the old third aunt?"

What is this operation? She almost doubted her third uncle's IQ!

"Is he afraid that Zhou Lihua will not die and deliberately angers her to death?" Ye Shu asked.

Hua Zhao laughed loudly: "It's not the third uncle who wants to make Zhou Lihua angry to death, it's our new third aunt who wants to make her angry to death."

Did Tang Fanghe go to apologize to Zhou Lihua? Only Ye Cheng could believe such nonsense.

However, she believed that Tang Fanghe would really "apologize" when she came to Zhou Lihua.

But the current situation is that no matter what she says, Zhou Lihua will go crazy whenever he sees her.


After a while, Hua Zhao heard Zhou Lihua's roar not far away, like a wild beast.

The place where Zhou Lihua rents is right across the alley, very close in a straight line.

Not only Hua Zhao heard it, but the quiet guests also heard it.

The wedding was lively. The bride and groom had left before it even started. They couldn't eat and drink so much here. If it was quieter, they heard the noise over there.

The crowd suddenly became more lively with their eyebrows raised.

Although the Ye family has been prospering in recent years, why does it feel like the family is unlucky? There are so many people in total, and several are divorced!

Can you still finish today's meal?

Ye Zhenguo is also going to be furious!

"Go, drag him back to me! After the wedding is over, he can go wherever he likes!" The old man said this sentence almost through gritted teeth.

Hua Zhao immediately volunteered to call someone... well, just to watch the excitement.

As a result, he was stopped by Ye Ming at the door.

He looked at Hua Zhao and Ye Shu speechlessly, and said to Ye Shu, "Are you so fond of joining in the fun?"

"Ha, isn't it? It's hard to hold back in a foreign country..." There were not so many compatriots there, and there was no such excitement. She felt so lonely.

After I came back, my personality rebounded a bit...

"You don't have to go, we will be back soon." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao listened with pricked ears. Zhou Lihua was helping Ye Cheng recall their good times. He had just recalled the age of 25 and could not finish it for a while.

But that's not the point. She asked Ye Ming: "Brother, don't you go and see...won't you go and bring the person back in person?"

Ye Ming looked at her funny and angrily: "I want to save some face for my third uncle."

He also has a good ear. Among the good memories he heard Zhou Lihua talk about before, including Ye Cheng praising her thin waist, he couldn't put it down...

Ye Ming turned his eyes away. It can be imagined that his third uncle's face must be black now. As a junior, he will not look at the scene.

The few people sent by Ye Ming almost saved Ye Cheng, and he pulled Tang Fanghe to escape from the small courtyard.

"You guys stay at the door! If anyone comes out, their legs will be broken!"

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