Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 885 I regret it again

Ye Cheng was also furious.

There were also a bunch of relatives of the Zhou family in the yard. The old, weak, sick and pregnant were blocking the door, otherwise he would have rushed out just now.

With a dark face, he took the frightened Tang Fanghe back to Zhang's Hotel.

Before the people came back, Ye Ming drove Hua Zhao and Ye Shu back, and left the door himself, ignoring Ye Cheng's embarrassment.

A wedding ended with the host and guests pretending to be nonchalant.

Hua Zhao has also seen weddings in the 1980s. Even if it was a wealthy wedding, except for the food, everything else was very simple.

Because Ye Cheng was the oldest child and was getting married for the second time, the ceremony was extremely simple.

Just bow, the elders say something, and that's it.

Ye Zhenguo was so angry that he didn't want to say anything and just said a few words in a hurry.

Ye Cheng didn't blame him this time. He also hoped that the wedding would end as soon as possible and let these people leave as soon as possible. Don't let them hear Zhou Lihua's yelling...

Everyone in this life will be lost today!

As soon as the ceremony ended, Ye Cheng took Tang Fanghe and left.

The guests were also very conscious, even if they were a little reluctant to part with the food, they all stood up and left.

Hua Zhao looked a little unsatisfied, but he also felt refreshed.

The Du family seemed to have done a good thing by transferring Ye Cheng away, and she might have a smoother life in the future.

By the way, the Du family.

Hua Zhao found Ye Ming who was playing with the children and asked him: "Is this all the Du family has done? We haven't broken our bones."

Ye Shang's job is to level up, and I can't see how it will be done at the moment.

Ye Cheng was a bit miserable, he went out and suffered a lot.

The others were all juniors of the Ye family, and it was already a big job. Even if the white sesame seeds were replaced with black sesame seeds, Ye Zhenguo didn't bother to care.

Not to mention that they are still young, they are currently practicing at the grassroots level. Even if they are not, he can always replace sesame seeds with watermelon seeds...

So I didn't take it seriously at all.

"The Du family just said harsh words?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Ming smiled and said: "They don't want this either. However, we are all smart people. The Du family is going to die, and the enemy is us. Of course, the so-called 'connections' will be carefully considered."

However, even though he said this, his brows did not loosen, but instead furrowed even tighter.

The Du family is not a good family.

The blows the Ye family has received now are all on the surface. What they are planning secretly cannot be seen at a glance.

He's still staring.

Although she didn't want to scare her, a pregnant woman, by saying it, she shouldn't be scared.

And this cannot be hidden.

"You'd better not go out recently, let alone go out alone. Be careful of the Du family, they have some shady forces in their hands." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao nodded and asked curiously: "Is the Du family really going to die? Is there nothing the hospital can do?"

"Only Mr. Du is the most dangerous, the others can still survive for a while." Ye Ming said.

Although the news was kept strictly confidential, he still knew it.

The most dangerous ones are the elderly and children. It's hard to say how many of the Du family's men will survive.

But even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will still need to practice for many years in the future, and you can no longer work hard.

Even so, how many years you can live depends on your fate.

It's really miserable. The left half of Hua Zhao's face is full of sympathy, and the right half of his face is happy.

But the smile never reaches his eyes.

Lately, her heart has always been in suspense, and she can't really laugh.

After looking at the children, Hua Zhao asked them to play by themselves first. She called Ye to the study room.

"Have you heard from Brother Shen recently?" she asked in a low voice.

Ye Ming shook his head: "I haven't had time to ask you about this. Ye Shu told me about the newspaper. What happened? Has he contacted you?"

Ye Shen's contact with him was only for occasional work needs. As for Ye Shen's mission there, he didn't mention a word.

And except for Ye Shen who took the initiative to contact him, he couldn't contact Ye Shen.

Hua Zhao thought for a moment and said, "The things in the newspaper are all misunderstandings. I met him."

"Then what? Why do you look worried now?" Ye Ming asked.

"...We found the treasure. He is digging there alone now. I wonder if it will go well. I am a little worried." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming was stunned: "Treasure?"

After thinking about it, Hua Zhao stayed away from talking about the weapons. She only talked about the ones that would belong to her: "The treasures of the 'pirates'! But it is a bit dangerous to snatch them from the hands of the 'pirates'."

Ye Ming was silent.

They are no longer satisfied with picking up, but robbing?

And being so far away, nothing he could say would be of any use.

But seeing how worried Hua Zhao was, he decided to find something for her to do.

"The vegetable base has been destroyed, what are you going to do?" he asked.

Hua Zhao tried his best to put away the uneasiness in his heart and said: "Although the land has been destroyed and we can no longer grow vegetables, the land is still mine and it will not be taken back, right?"

"No." Ye Ming said.

"I feel relieved now." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

It doesn't matter if you lose the money for ordering food, the land is the big one.

"The vegetable field has been destroyed. Just find another one." Hua Zhao asked: "Has the 1,000 acres of land promised to me been approved?"

Ye Ming nodded: "The strawberry seeds have passed the verification and the land has been approved. I was about to ask you where to choose."

Ye Ming found a map of the capital, pointed at several places near the fifth ring road, and asked, "Where do you choose?"

Hua Zhao looked at the map and gasped, salivating.

"What do you mean? Are 1,000 acres of land in these places? So close?"

Ye Ming glanced at her strangely, close? Does her perception of distance differ from his?

Hua Zhao then remembered that this "five rings" was just the five rings in her eyes.

Now the second ring has not been repaired, and the third ring is only half of it. No matter how powerful Ye Ming is, he can't imagine that the "fifth ring" is so far away.

And now everything outside the Second Ring Road is countryside! Outside the third ring road are wheat fields, what about the fifth ring road? In the eyes of people in the capital, it no longer belongs to the capital.

Ye Ming felt that he was doing something bad and did not give Hua Zhaomou a place close to home.

"Okay, okay, that's okay. It's very close. It's so close that I'm scared." Hua Zhao said.

These places will inevitably be developed in the future, and several of them are located outside the Fourth Ring Road and within the Fifth Ring Road. Not to mention that every inch of land is expensive, but the location is right and close to the business district, which will also be very valuable in the future.

She didn't even dare to take action.

She occupied 1,000 acres of such a good place? It will blind some people's eyes.

It would be bad to issue a policy specifically for her then.

But it was impossible for her to let go.

"Well, I regret it again..." Hua Zhao said.

"What?" Ye Ming asked curiously.

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