"They asked me to exchange three bottles of medicinal wine for Jiaqing's life..." Zhou Lihua said while coughing up blood: "There are three of them. Jiaqing is in a coma. I don't know what's going on..."

Her consciousness gradually became blurred, and she couldn't say anything else. She kept talking about Jiaqing.

Originally, the child had another name, named by Qiu Mei.

She didn't like it and named herself Jiaqing.

Her family celebration....

Hua Zhao quickly went back to the house to get medicinal wine and drank it for her.

Although Zhou Lihua always makes trouble for her, this is a defeated general who has been tortured so badly by her, and she never thought of taking her life.

Moreover, the other party was waiting for her to go back and replace him with medicine, so she couldn't die.

Ever since she became a mother, Hua Zhao has never seen anything bad happen to her children, especially when they encounter misfortune.

And this child is Ye Zhenguo's great-grandson, and she must be saved.

It's not possible to grab them head-on, you have to outsmart them.

Because of the dark night and the lack of advanced equipment, the sniper was blind.

"There are only two people, I will take them there." Ye Ming took the three bottles of medicinal wine handed over by Hua Zhao, put them in a pocket and hung them on Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua was overjoyed.

She no longer vomited blood, felt the pain gradually diminishing, and regained her strength quickly.

"Thank you, thank you!" She looked at Hua Zhao and thanked her repeatedly.

Then he got up and walked out.

She never forgot the two-hour appointment, and she was afraid that she would not be able to make it in time.

But her mind was still clear.

He turned around and asked Ye Ming: "Brother Ming, what do you think I should do? Give them the medicinal wine directly? Will they return Jiaqing to me? Or will they kill people and silence them?"

"You ask them to give you the child first, and then you give them the medicinal wine. Leave the rest to me." Ye Ming said.

The other party should agree to this. The medicinal wine has been brought back. Even if it is in Zhou Lihua's hands, it is still in the other party's palm. They don't need to threaten their children anymore.

As for silence...

This Ye Ming can't say for sure. Who knows what the madman will do?

"Let's go." Ye Ming crossed her to find someone.

"I'll go too." Hua Zhao suddenly said.

Ye Ming immediately looked back at her with disapproval. She really didn't have the self-consciousness of a pregnant woman at all!

"I won't go in, I'll wait in the car, stay close, don't worry." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Lihua was stunned and looked at her complicatedly.

Hua Zhao felt that he was the last line of insurance.

If Ye Ming and the others could successfully succeed, she wouldn't have to take action.

If not, the dark night can hide her movements.

"I will follow you even if you don't take me with you. I just want to tell you." Hua Zhao said.

What else could Ye Ming say?

"Let's go, wear more clothes."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and called four bodyguards to set off with him.

Zhou Lihua looked at Hua Zhao complicatedly, said thank you several times, turned around and rode her bicycle away.

Miao Lanzhi stamped her feet behind her: "How could this happen... Why hasn't Brother Shen come back yet? No one can control his wife!"

When Ye Shen was mentioned, Ye Shu and Yao Kun both fell silent.

Yao Kun held Ye Shu's hand tightly, fearing that she would also rush over.

Ye Shu touched his belly again and again, too nervous to pay attention to him.

Although she didn't like Qiu Mei, and she wasn't even close to Ye Jiaqing, after all, he was a descendant of the Ye family, her nephew, and she didn't want anything to happen to him.

If she hadn't known that her eldest brother was not as kind to her as Hua Zhao, she would have wanted to watch it.

Waiting at home anxiously.

Zhou Lihua rode back very steadily this time and did not fall again, although she was still a little weak.

But she brought medicinal wine, such a precious thing, which was related to the life of her grandson! Nothing can happen.

It was said before that the Ye family's medicinal wine was good and it was said to be amazing, but she actually didn't believe it. In her eyes, it was all others trying to flatter the Ye family.

But having personally experienced the feeling of being near death and then being pulled back, she felt that the 70,000 to 80,000 bottles available for purchase were really too few!

How much is life worth? Some people are willing to spend seven to eight hundred thousand or even more to buy it.

Zhou Lihua got off her bicycle and staggered into the house.

"Did you bring it?" Du Chaosheng asked immediately.

But when he saw the pocket around her neck, heard the jingling sound inside, and looked at Zhou Lihua's condition, he knew it was done!

Her face turned out to be rosy, and she looked energetic. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

She has drunk medicinal wine, and Yejia medicinal wine can indeed detoxify!

Du Chaosheng immediately grabbed her pocket.

Zhou Lihua covered her head and said, "Where is my grandson? Give me my grandson first!"

Du Chaosheng grabbed the bag and said without looking back, "Give it to her."

Ye Ming guessed right. Du Chaosheng regarded Zhou Lihua and Xiao Jiaqing as a turtle in a urn or in the palm of his hand, and didn't take them seriously at all.

What's the difference when the child moves from the table to Zhou Lihua's hand?

Zhou Lihua hugged Jiaqing tightly and touched him carefully. She felt relieved that he didn't suffer any trauma.

"Why is he unconscious? What did you do to him?"

Du Chaosheng took three bottles of medicinal wine and looked carefully under the dim flashlight light. The shining green made his heart palpitate.

He immediately opened one and took a sip.

Instantly, my lungs, which felt as dry as if they were smoking, were moisturized, and my breathing became smoother than ever before.

"Ah, comfortable~" Du Chaoshang exhaled and closed the lid carefully before he was in the mood to answer Zhou Lihua's question: "We just gave him some sleeping pills."

But he wouldn't tell her, because he was afraid that Ye Jiaqing would be disobedient, because it would take him a long time to be comatose, and because he didn't care, the dose they used was a bit high.

"Why did you want medicinal wine? You didn't tell the truth, did you?" Du Chaosheng looked down at Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua sat on the ground, hugging Jiaqing, and looked up, inexplicably feeling that his eyes were sinister and terrifying.

"When I arrived at Hua Zhao's house, I was speechless. She asked for the antidote, so she brought me a bottle to drink. I took the rest and ran away without her noticing. "

Du Chaosheng's expression paused. If this was the case, could Hua Zhao let her go? Not allowed to pursue you?

"She was the only one at home at that time?" Du Chaosheng asked.

"No, Miao Lanzhi, Ye Ming, and Ye Shu are both here. Otherwise, only Hua Zhao is here, how could she save me?"

Ye Ming is actually there! He will definitely come after him!

Du Chaosheng quickly put away the bottle and left.

Zhou Lihua breathed a sigh of relief. She said this because she hoped that they would be afraid of Ye Ming and leave quickly!

I have to admit that she is not a fool. How could Ye Cheng fall in love with a fool back then?

Zhou Lihua was very clever back then.

But sometimes cleverness doesn’t help.

Du Chaosheng put three bottles of medicinal wine into the bottles he brought with him, then put the empty bottles back into his bag and threw them on the ground.

He glanced at the two helpers beside him and motioned to them.

Someone suddenly took action and hit Zhou Lihua hard on the back of the neck.

Zhou Lihua fell down instantly.

One person turned on the stove, drew out the flames, and threw them on the floor, bed, table, and closet.

The fire broke out instantly.

This was not enough. In order to avoid being rescued, another person opened the valve of the gas tank.

Zhou Lihua couldn't think about it, so she drank the pesticide first, regretted it, and went to find the antidote. However, when she returned home, she found that her house was on fire and her grandson was still inside. She rushed in to save them, and both of them died.


As for the Du family's gradual improvement, it is no longer important whether the Ye family will doubt them.

As long as they don't get caught doing it, they can be as suspicious as they like.

They are not afraid.

Anyway, the two families are already mortal enemies.

Du Chaosheng led the people out quickly.


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