Hua Zhao was very anxious sitting in the car.

Previously, they were afraid that Du Chaosheng and the others would be alerted if they heard the sound of the car, so they parked the car farther away.

Now, as soon as Ye Ming leads his people to the entrance of the alley, the two parties will bump into each other soon.

There will definitely be a fight.

The two men brought by Du Chaosheng looked difficult to deal with, and it would take some time to fight.

But it won't take too long.

This is terrible.

The gas explosion in the house requires exactly this time.

Maybe when Ye Ming finished cleaning up the two people and found out about the fire and went into the house to save Zhou Lihua, they happened to catch the explosion!

Even staying in an alley is not safe. The explosion of a gas tank is very powerful, and the surrounding houses are not strong, so it is easy to be injured.

Hua Zhao opened the car door and rushed out, quickly running to the entrance of the alley.

She didn't go in, and Ye Ming actually started fighting with the other party.

If she goes there, he will only stop her and waste time.

There was a flower bed at the entrance of the alley, and Hua Zhao threw a seed into it.

A very thin vine grew silently, crawled along the wall to Zhou Lihua's house, then got in through the crack in the door, and screwed on the valve of the gas tank.

It's too late, it's too late, it doesn't take a minute, it's not too late.

After doing this, Hua Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the fire in the house, there was nothing she could do.

This vine is a specially cultivated slender variety and is useless for putting out fires.

Moreover, it has just grown, has limited abilities, and is afraid of fire.

However, when Hua Zhao withdrew the vines, he pushed open Zhou Lihua's door and released the gas inside.

That was all she could do.

But that's enough.

The pungent smell and bright firelight have already made the surrounding neighbors react.

"Fire! Fire!"

There were shouts and people immediately ran out to put out the fire.

One is because people are simple and kind-hearted, and the other is because the surrounding houses are next to each other. If a house catches fire and cannot be controlled well, an alley or even several streets will be implicated.

Du Chaosheng held the bottle in his arms tightly, looking forward to the explosion. Only in this way would he have a chance to escape!

But why not yet!

Ye Ming heard that there was a fire, looked at it and found that it was Zhou Lihua's house, and instantly knew that Du Chaosheng was responsible.

He ended the fight immediately.

"Look at them, I'll go take a look!" After saying this, she had already arrived at the door of Zhou Lihua's house.

Zhou Lihua and Ye Jiaqing have been dragged out by kind-hearted neighbors.

"Oh, it's a gas leak. It smells so bad."

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise our whole street would have suffered."

"Then how did the fire start?"

"Who knows."

As everyone said this, they all turned their gazes on Zhou Lihua, feeling both sympathy and anger.

Living so close together, plus Zhou Lihua's troubles a few days ago, they all knew that she was an abandoned woman abandoned by a man.

Her children are not close to her either.

There is simply nothing left, and everyone is deserted.

But she can't commit suicide like this!

Besides, if you die, just die by yourself! What are you doing with the kids?

It’s not enough to take the children with you, but you also have to take them neighbors with you to the funeral!

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

Everyone was busy putting out the fire, so they threw Zhou Lihua and Ye Jiaqing into the alley and ignored them.

Ye Ming ran over to check.

Zhou Lihua doesn't have any major problems. The poison has been almost cured. She was comatose due to external force.

Little Jiaqing was in danger. His body was so limp that he couldn't shake it no matter how hard he was shaken, and his breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Ming immediately carried him and rushed to the entrance of the alley, found Du Chaosheng who was pinned to the ground, snatched the bottle from his arms, opened it and smelled it, and it turned out to be medicinal wine.

He immediately drank it for Ye Jiaqing.

At first he couldn't swallow it at all. After a few unconscious mouthfuls, he started swallowing in large gulps.

Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief and just drank.

He raised his eyes and saw Hua Zhao standing not far away.

Ye Ming immediately glared at her, didn't he say he couldn't get out of the car?

Hua Zhao smiled guiltily at him.

Ye Ming sighed and said to the person behind him: "Remove their legs."

"Kakkaka" three times, even Du Chaosheng didn't escape, and his thigh was pulled out of joint.

"You guys wait here, I'll call someone." Ye Ming said.

After saying that, he hugged the child and called Hua Zhao back to the car.

"Where's Zhou Lihua? Don't care about her?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Ignore her for now, send Jiaqing home, and someone will naturally take care of her." Ye Ming said.

After he said that, he drove and arrived at Ye Cheng's original home in two minutes.

Everyone in the family got up and stood at the door looking at the situation on the other side.

There's a fire in that direction. It's so close to my mother's house. Do you want to go take a look?

If not, it would be a cold day and their trip would have been in vain.

If so, the fire appears to have been extinguished.

While hesitating, Ye Ming stopped the car at the door.

Ye Ming walked down with Jiaqing in his arms.

Qiu Mei was stunned, then immediately came over and asked with a smile: "Brother, why is Jiaqing here with you?"

"He may have been poisoned and should have recovered. If you are worried, you can take him to the hospital for a checkup." Ye Ming said and handed the child to her.

Qiu Mei's smile turned into surprise: "What's going on?"

"It's a long story." Ye Ming said to Ye Jia and Ye Li again: "There is a fire at your mother's house. She is unconscious at the door now. You can watch and deal with it."

To be honest, Ye Jia and Ye Li disappointed him.

Looking from here, it is 80% certain that the house that caught fire was Zhou Lihua’s house.

More than ten minutes have passed since the fire broke out, but they are still watching here and have no intention of going over to take a look.

After hearing her words, the two of them ran over there in a panic.

Qiu Mei didn't move, she was more concerned about her son.

"Brother, what is going on?"

"Ask your mother later, I have other things to deal with now."

After Ye Ming finished speaking, he drove away.

Qiu Mei suddenly felt resentful when she saw Hua Zhao sitting in the car. What was more important than his son? !

Ye Ming sent Hua Zhao home, made a phone call immediately, and then went out.

Very good, we caught the current situation, this time we can wipe out the Du family in one fell swoop.

"What's going on?" Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu pulled Hua Zhao and asked.

Over there, Qiu Mei was also questioning Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua told the whole story. Finally, she patted Jia Qing, who had woken up and complained that he was hungry, and said, "Tomorrow, go and thank Ye Ming and Hua Zhao for saving your son."

Ye Jiaqing's body was still wet, with a familiar smell that she might never forget.

How much medicinal wine did Ye Ming use to save Xiao Jiaqing? He was so willing.

In the final analysis, this medicinal wine belongs to Hua Zhao.

Who knew Qiu Mei would explode when she heard this.

"I'm going to thank her? It's obviously her failure to sell medicinal wine that caused today's trouble, which caused my son to almost die! But I'm going to thank her?"

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