Zhou Lihua looked at the angry Qiu Mei and suddenly felt familiar.

This must be the way he used to get angry because of Hua Zhao.

What Qiu Mei said is not unreasonable...

Originally, I should have thought so too.

If Hua Zhao had given medicinal wine to the Du family, now the Ye family would be the benefactors of the Du family. How could such an unreasonable disaster happen to their family?

But after dying once and then coming back to life after drinking the medicinal wine poured down by Hua Zhao himself, she couldn't open her mouth anymore.

If she scolded Hua Zhao again, she would feel like she was no longer a human being.

Hua Zhao was right not to give the Du family medicine and wine. What the Du family did to her was nothing personal. She had a grudge against their family, so how could she save her enemy?

If it were her, she wouldn't save him.

"What kind of human language are you talking about? It was Du Chaosheng who arrested your son! If Ye Ming hadn't arrived in time to save him, if it hadn't been for the medicinal wine developed by Hua Zhao, your son would have been dead! Who is the benefactor and who is the enemy? Can’t you tell the difference?”

Zhou Lihua said.

Qiu Mei looked at her in surprise.

Ye Jia Ye Li also looked like she didn't know her mother.

They were not surprised by whoever said this, but when Zhou Lihua said it, they were astonished!

Zhou Lihua herself was a little embarrassed.

"Hey, what did I say wrong? Huh?"

This, indeed, does not exist.

"But if it weren't for Hua Zhao, my son wouldn't have been arrested!" Qiu Mei said.

"You're being unreasonable." Zhou Lihua frowned and looked at her.

Qiu Mei glanced at her up and down, was she reasonable? She was saved by Hua Zhao and couldn't open her mouth.

It seems that she is no longer needed this time, so I have to do it myself.

"I don't care, my family's treasure suffered a big crime because of her, she has to take responsibility!" Qiu Mei hugged the child and went to find Hua Zhao.

"Hurry up and stop her! Cough cough cough~" Zhou Lihua shouted.

There was a fire and her throat was sore from the smoke.

Coupled with the fact that she was poisoned and frightened before, she now has no energy and feels exhausted even when she talks.

Ye Jia Ye Li obediently stepped forward to stop Qiu Mei, but how could she stop her?

Although Qiu Mei was a eldest lady at home in the past, she was not as valuable as Ye Jia and Ye Li.

Qiu Mei has done a lot of work since she was a child, and she has a lot of strength. When she loses her temper, no good man can stop her.

Besides, Ye Jia and Ye Li only meant it. Qiu Mei wanted to trouble Hua Zhao. They were happy to watch the show on the sidelines, so how could they stop her?

If their mother hadn't stopped them, they would have wanted to make trouble with Hua Zhao about Zhou Lihua.

"You...hey." Zhou Lihua looked at Ye Jia Ye Li and sighed.

"Forget it, I'm going to rest." Zhou Lihua stopped looking at them and went straight to the room where she and Ye Cheng were.

After dying once, she looked away from many things.

She thought she would be heartbroken if she stepped into this room again, but it didn't.

She put on her clothes and fell on the bed, fell asleep, and soon started snoring.

Qiu Mei came to the door of Huazhao's house.

"Hua Zhao! Help~~" She slapped the door and shouted sadly.

The lights suddenly turned on from far and near, and the neighbors who were watching the excitement got up.

Hua Zhao just lay down and sat up with a sigh. Does she have to move?

Well, this is possible.

The house on Beihai is bigger and prettier than here, and it is surrounded by a park, so it is convenient for grandpa to go out for a walk.

The key is purity!

What are you calling for help? She watched how much medicinal wine Ye Ming poured into Ye Jiaqing. The sleeping pills he took had long been cured.

Now the child's little eyes are moving around flexibly, and he can't figure out who the mother is calling for help, and whose life is being saved.

Hua Zhaodu saw it through the purple vine at the door.

"No! I'm tired. I don't see anyone!" she shouted.

The bodyguard who was about to ask for instructions heard this and immediately blocked Qiu Mei from the door, refusing to open the door no matter what she said.

Qiu Mei became anxious and shouted: "Hua Zhao! Do you still have a conscience! My son almost died because of you!"

There was a door opening nearby. It was the neighbor's door.

Standing in the yard and listening is no longer enough, they want to see the scene.

Hua Zhao thought about it, got dressed and walked out.

"What is she making trouble? Is there something wrong with Jiaqing?" Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu had already gotten up, and Ye Shu asked Hua Zhao.

Because Hua Zhao said he couldn't see him, they didn't open the door.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Hua Zhao went over and opened the door.

Seeing her, Qiu Mei suddenly put on an aggrieved expression: "Hua Zhao, Jiaqing suffered a big crime today, please save him."

"His poison has been cured and the child is in good condition now. If you are worried, take him to see a doctor." Hua Zhao said.

"Poisoning, what a terrible thing. He just looks good. You can't tell what's wrong inside. Maybe even the examination won't show it. He's just a mother. You know how I feel." Qiu Mei looked at Hua Zhao. cried.

"So?" Hua Zhao asked.

"So, please give me a few more bottles of medicinal wine, and I will consolidate it and clear away the remaining poison." Qiu Mei said.

She was making trouble with Hua Zhao. Why was she making trouble? Did he just come to scold her to vent her anger?

She's not that naive.

She won't do anything that doesn't benefit her.

It is too difficult to make Hua Zhao like her and give her some benefits.

She didn't have a good impression in Hua Zhao's eyes, and she knew it.

So let’s get a little practical.

A bottle of medicinal wine currently sells for 70,000 to 80,000 yuan on the black market, and it may be even higher in the future.

And her son was poisoned. It was hard to say how many bottles it would take to clean up the remaining poison.

Oh~ So this is what I wanted.

Hua Zhao looked at Jia Qing and said, "His poison has been cured and there is no need to consolidate it."

"The solution is unsolved. You are not a doctor. Even a doctor would not dare to draw a conclusion after just one glance. You are too sure."

Qiu Mei's tone was no longer good. If she couldn't be soft, she would be tough.

"You obviously still have medicinal wine in your hand! When the Du family came to ask for it, you didn't sell it! Seeing that the whole family died of illness! The Du family was forced to arrest my son and mother-in-law in exchange for the medicinal wine, and now my son has been poisoned You are irresponsible! You are still not human!"


"What did the Du family do again?"

"Hua Zhao still has medicinal wine in his hand?"

Hua Zhao heard his neighbors discussing in twos and threes.

She knew this would happen.

Except for the last sentence, everything Qiu Mei said was true, but she felt like she was confusing right and wrong.

At this time, no, at any time, her identity and reputation are very important and cannot be smeared by others.

So she came out to meet her.

"Is it wrong for me to keep something so important to save my life? Was it me who poisoned the Du family?

"They asked for medicine but failed, so they caught your son and poisoned him. I have already detoxified your son, but now you speak for the Du family and blame me."

Hua Zhao looked at Qiu Mei with contempt: "Are you sick?"


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