Although his child has not yet been born, Hua Zhao has no intention of doing good deeds.

But Ye Shen saw that it was unreasonable, and she also saw it.

Hospitals in Hong Kong City have stricter controls. Children must have legal status when registering for hospitalization. Once a child is found to be abducted, the consequences will be serious.

Which hospital gives up treatment? Maybe you can’t get into the hospital at all! That kid's identity is suspicious!

Thinking of this possibility, Hua Zhao immediately urged Ye Shen to find out where the other party's home was.

Thinking again of the child's high fever and coma, Hua Zhao couldn't sit still.

In order to save time, she did not wait in the hotel and went out with Ye Shen.


Li Xiong came to the villa with a glowing face.

"Where's Manny? Ask her to pack her things and follow me!" he shouted as he entered the door.

Hua Xiaoyu had many names after she escaped, and now she goes by Cai Manni.

Seeing his smiling and happy expression, Cai Chunni knew it was a good thing, and she suddenly felt unhappy.

She wrapped herself around Li Xiong's arm, leaned against him, raised her head and said softly, "What's going on? Only take my sister, not me?"

It's hard for her. It's not inappropriate for a person in her 30s to make a shy expression. It's pretty eye-catching.

It’s also hard for her to behave naturally when facing someone like Li Xiong.

Li Xiong is in his 50s, not young, but he is tall and strong, and his back looks like a bear.

He has big eyes and a square mouth, a fleshy face, and a centipede-like scar starting from his forehead, passing through the bridge of his nose, and reaching his chin.

With just this face, he can't even claim to be the boss.

Cai Chunni is also the only person in so many years who behaves so naturally, as if he is very handsome.

My children are scared to see my face now!

So even though she is no longer young, Li Xiong still likes her.

But what happened today...

"I'll give your sister a place to live. Be good and continue to live here. I'll visit you often in the future." Li Xiong said.

"Where are you going to take my sister? We sisters grew up together and have never been separated. If I don't agree, I will go too!" Cai Chunni said coquettishly.

Her and Hua Xiaoyu's true identities are hidden from everyone except the two of them.

Otherwise, let Li Xiong know that the two of them are actually wanted criminals? That would not only be embarrassing, but also dangerous.

"That won't work, be good. I'll take you shopping later." Li Xiong said, "Be good," but his eyes turned cold.

Cai Chunni knew that there was no need to discuss this matter, and she was immediately jealous and curious.

Looking at the smile on his face asking for credit before, I knew that the place he had changed would definitely be better than here!

It's also strange. Although Hua Xiaoyu is beautiful, she is just delicate at best.

There are so many women around Li Xiong, and she has seen several women who are prettier than Hua Xiaoyu, more enchanting than Hua Xiaoyu, and have better figures than Hua Xiaoyu and can act coquettishly.

Why does Li Xiong like bean sprouts and cauliflower Xiaoyu who is dressed in a rustic style?

And she is obviously more favored than Hua Xiaoyu, so why not give her a better place and let Hua Xiaoyu stay here?

Li Xiong indeed prefers Cai Chunni, but only Hua Xiaoyu can live in that place.

Many years ago, the master approved his destiny and calculated for him which zodiac signs and which women whose birthdays and horoscopes were compatible with his could help him increase his happiness and longevity, and ward off evil spirits and avoid evil.

According to the five elements and numerology, according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches...he didn't understand it anyway, so he just listened to the master and picked a woman in two or three years and lived in a Feng Shui house specially built for him.

The master said that he used a secret technique that could help him absorb the good fortune from women and help him ward off disasters.

Not to mention, it really worked. Since then, he has been going smoothly, and he has been able to avert several dangers.

But Hong Kong City is so big, and over the years, it can be said that he has found all the suitable women.

There are actually many people who match their zodiac signs and horoscopes, but they are ugly!

Just when he wanted to bite the bullet and admit it, the mainland opened up, and he immediately changed positions.

There were more people for him to choose from, and then he discovered Hua Xiaoyu.

The last woman's luck had just been sucked away. The master met Hua Xiaoyu and told him yesterday that she could be replaced.

That house can only be occupied by him, the woman with the same horoscope, and the master. It is not suitable for other people to live in it, and the feng shui will be messed up.

But this matter is a secret and cannot be told to the outside world.

"Where's Manni? Manni!" Li Xiong stopped talking to Cai Chunni and shouted loudly.

Hua Xiaoyu hurriedly ran up from the basement.

"Brother Xiong, when did you come? It's true that my sister didn't even call me!" She gave Cai Chuni an angry look.

Cai Chunni said that Hua Xiaoyu's rustic style was a bit outdated, but that was the old calendar.

The current Hua Xiaoyu is a little more rustic compared to the local girl from Hong Kong City, but compared to the Hua Xiaoyu in the past, she is as good as heaven and earth.

She is very fashionable now, as if she has been reborn, and her every frown and smile are delicate and charming, making her a rare beauty.

Now let her go back to Kaoshantun, even if she stood in front of her biological parents, they would never recognize her.

"You are busy taking care of the children, and you don't hear me when I call you." Cai Chunni said with a smile.

In front of Li Xiong, the two of them are good sisters who depend on each other for life, and their stabbings are all hidden.

Sure enough, Li Xiong's eyebrows wrinkled at the mention of the child.

"I heard that the child is dying of illness? Throw it out then! Don't dirty my place," he said.

It's okay to provide a few people and some money to help Hua Xiaoyu steal a child to make his "elite" happy, but it would be bad luck if the child died in his house!

He hates bad luck the most!

"He's not dying, he's still alive..." Hua Xiaoyu said.

"But it's almost done. I see that he's breathing in but not breathing out. I'm afraid he won't survive for a few days." Cai Chunni said "worried".

Hua Xiaoyu resisted and did not give her a blank look.

Li Xiong became impatient, stretched out his hand and pulled Hua Xiaoyu away.

He had a majestic figure, and Hua Xiaoyu was pulled by him, just like an eagle catching a chicken.

Hua Xiaoyu couldn't resist at all.

"Throw that kid away, as far away as possible." Li Xiong said to the bodyguard behind him.

"Don't! Brother Xiong, I beg you, don't throw him away. He got it with great difficulty and spent money and effort. Wouldn't it be in vain if he throws it away?" Hua Xiaoyu begged.

As for the little money, Li Xiong didn't take it seriously at all, just threw it into the water and let it go.

"Let's go, I'll take you to live in a villa on the mountain. It's much bigger than here. Compared with that, this is just a pigeon cage." He said to himself.

Hua Xiaoyu has a meal, so good?

Did Li Xiong really identify her? Is she going to live the life of a rich wife?

"That sister?"

"We won't take her with us, just the two of us will live together." Li Xiong said.

Hua Xiaoyu was extremely happy and followed Li Xiong into the car.

She also watched his words and noticed that Li Xiong was a little angry. She didn't dare to disobey him, so she had to keep her mouth shut.

Forget it, just think that her work was in vain. Anyway, the child looked like he was really going to die. He would throw it away in the morning and in the evening.

Li Xiong got in the car and left, leaving a bodyguard to go to the basement. He found the baby in the rattan basket. Without even looking at it, he packed the quilt into a black garbage bag and carried it away.

This nonchalant attitude seemed like he was going to be thrown into the trash or into the sea.

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