Just as he was about to walk out of the door, Cai Chunni suddenly called out to him.

"Give me the child and I'll take care of it for you."

The bodyguard looked at her expressionlessly.

Cai Chunni has been with Li Xiong for several months. After careful observation, Li Xiong's bodyguards are very obedient. They do whatever he asks them to do.

Because if you don't do it well, you will be punished at least, and you will die at worst.

This bustling port city was in chaos beyond her imagination.

"Brother Xiong just wants to throw this child away. Don't let him die in this house. I think so too. After all, I will live here in the future. Let me throw it away." Cai Chunni said and took the bag from his hand. , went out directly.

The bodyguard watched her drive away, remained silent for a while, and then left.

Cai Chunni was right. She had no reason to keep that child to fight against the boss. Anyone who threw him would be thrown away.

Cai Chunni drove the car quickly to the nearest orphanage, and then put the child directly on the dean's table.

"Don't look at me. The child is not mine. I picked it up on the road. It's up to you." After she said that, she swung her big skirt and drove away in a sports car.

She didn't have much kindness to save this child, and she was just a woman who relied on others to survive by selling her sex.

Li Xiong said he would throw away the child, but she did not dare to keep him.

Otherwise, her good days may be gone in the blink of an eye.

And all the doctors they could call were invited, and they really couldn't take a good look at this little baby.

Then there was nothing she could do.

She could only give him one last push. Whether he could survive or not depended on his life.

And she always felt that Hua Xiaoyu was playing with fire by stealing the child, and now she didn't play well and was going to kill the child.

She didn't want to be her accomplice!

Who knows who she offended?

It seems very powerful.

In the past few years of wandering around the mainland, Hua Xiaoyu was hunted down a lot, and they were almost exposed because of her every time!

As a last resort, they ran to Pengcheng, hoping to find a way to Hong Kong City and completely escape the mainland police raids.

I didn't expect it to happen.

Ye Zhenguo's identity was too far away from their world. Let alone Cai Chunni, who didn't know the energy of the Ye family, even Hua Xiaoyu was confused.

I only know that she is powerful, from a high-ranking family, rich and powerful, but how come she is so powerful, why haven't she still not been caught after so many years?

That's because she didn't know that when Hua Zhao heard that she had been abducted by human traffickers, he guessed her tragic ending, so he didn't let anyone go to search for her.

It was just Ye Ming's casual instruction to focus on her.

However, neither of them expected that Hua Xiaoyu did not live in a mountain den, but came to the port city with a "successful career", found the financial owner, and in turn harmed them.


The director of the orphanage looked at the car driving away and felt that what Cai Chunni said was true. Otherwise, based on her dress and the car, there would be no reason to abandon her own child.

"Poor, what serious illness is this?" The dean looked at Xiao Shenxing in the garbage bag and immediately called the nurse to take care of him.

But judging from his experience, this child won't live long. What's wrong with him? No wonder it was abandoned.


Ye Shen and Hua Zhao finally found out that two ladies named Cai were calling for a doctor, and also found out the address.

Ye Shen was shocked by this surname. He had already learned about it in detail. This surname was among the pseudonyms used by Hua Xiaoyu.

"You wait outside, I'll go in and take a look myself."

When they arrived outside their home, Ye Shen said to Hua Zhao.

"Yeah!" Hua Zhao nodded quickly.

She was not in a hurry to go in, she could see clearly from outside.

Ye Shen knocked on the door and stepped forward to negotiate.

The door was opened by a young maid, and there was no one else at home.

"I heard there is a child here who needs a doctor? I can try. Here is my business card."

Ye Shen was wearing a straight suit, glasses, and other disguises on his face.

He changed as a person, with an elegant temperament and a gentle voice, like a young and promising medical doctor.

Even Hua Xiaoyu didn't dare to recognize him when she saw him. At most, she thought he looked a bit like him.

The maid blushed and took the business card, but said regretfully: "You are late, and you can no longer use it now."

Ye Shen's heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong? The child's illness has recovered?"

As for the other possibility, he didn't dare to think about it!

The maid shook her head, and Ye Shen's heart sank to the bottom.

"The child was taken away." The maid whispered.

She couldn't say that the child was thrown away.

That is causing trouble for Li Xiong.

Anyone who causes trouble for Li Xiong will be in trouble.

"Took it away? Where was it taken?" Ye Shen insisted and asked, "Is the child's illness cured?"

The maid shook her head regretfully: "The child is not well yet, and I don't know where he was taken."

She felt very sorry for the little baby. He was simply worse off than she was.

He's still so little...has he been thrown into the sea now, right?

Ye Shen's heart was tormented as if he had fallen into a frying pan.

Although the maid said she didn't know, her expression said it all.

I'm afraid that child is in danger...

ah! ! !

Ye Shen roared in his heart.

Hua Zhao had already checked the inside and outside of the villa, and there was indeed no baby inside.

Only a few diapers in the trash can showed that a baby had been here.

And she also saw the maid's hesitation.

She frantically checked the memories of the plants in the yard, and saw Hua Xiaoyu and Cai Chunni.

She was seen taking the child away.

Her child was taken away in a garbage bag like that...that gesture was definitely not to send him to the hospital!

Hua Zhao jumped out like crazy and was about to ask Ye Shen to find Cai Chuni, but he saw Cai Chuni driving back.

Hua Zhao immediately checked and found that she came back alone...

She rushed out like lightning and pushed Cai Chunni to the ground.

"Where is my child?!" she yelled with dismay.

I no longer care about exposing some problems.

The maid was startled, immediately locked the door and ran to the basement to hide.

Ye Shen has quickly arrived at Hua Zhao's side.

Cai Chunni was stunned. What happened? Who is this woman? The child's mother? How did she know the child was here?

"Where's my child!" Hua Zhao yelled crazily, his hands trembling, fearing that it would be too late...

I'm also afraid of hearing some bad news.

Cai Chunni's face was as white as snow, and she felt that her shoulder blades had been crushed by her.

What kind of woman is this? Is this a woman? Are you a human?

"The child is in the orphanage!" she shouted.

No matter who she is, is she a woman or a human being? Is she the child's mother? She just wants to escape from her now!

Hua Zhao's hand was still on her shoulder, but his strength had loosened.

She was stunned for a moment and asked hopefully: "He is still...alive? In the orphanage?"

"Yes, I just sent it, you go find it quickly, otherwise you won't know if it's still alive if it's too late!" She wanted to send him away.

But Ye Shen picked him up and stuffed him into the car like a sack.

Ye Shen also quickly got into the car: "Lead the way."

Hua Zhao had also reached Cai Chunni's side, with a knife pressed against her neck.

"lead the way."

Cai Chunni listened to the two people's standard Mandarin and became somewhat convinced that they were the child's parents.

I didn't expect that the other party would cross the strait and find them so quickly and accurately.

Too bad Hua Xiaoyu is not here! But she had to suffer for her!

Although I scolded Hua Xiaoyu countless times in my heart, I didn't stop her from showing her the way.

Half an hour later, Hua Zhao saw her dying baby.


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