So Bai Yixiu placed the eggs so that he could carry the eggs while pulling the trolley, leading Sun Yingying with his other hand, and also protecting Sun Yingying inside.

   After knowing acquaintances, Sun Yingying greeted generously, and never let go of Bai Yixiu's hand because of other people's joking eyes.

   She is old now, and she doesn't have much time. She cherishes the time she spends with Bai Yixiu even more.

Sun Guiying, who had just arrived at the hotel, was helping to clean the restaurant. Seeing Sun Yingying and Bai Yixiu through the glass window, her eyes suddenly became envy, "Yihai, look, how good your second brother and sister-in-law are! I didn’t think it was when I was young. I wear grey clothes and become fashionable when I am old. Hey, my second sister-in-law looks really good, and the **** Bai Yibin is looking for someone outside. I have seen it before, and he doesn’t even look like it. The second sister-in-law is pretty, this Bai Yibin is really blind."

  Bai Yihai also looked over and nodded, "Yes, my second wife is good-looking, but my second brother looks good too."

"Don't you know that many people in our village envy the second sister-in-law, let alone, I also envy. The flesh on my body doesn't look good in anything. When I first married you, I was also very thin and tall. Okay. I blame you for making so many delicious foods every day." Sun Guifang complained about her husband, but there was a smile on her face.

Bai Yihai laughed loudly, "I'm a cook, and I let others see my wife's dryness, thinking that I don't even eat my wife and children! Besides, you are thin and beautiful, and fat and beautiful. Don't think about this all day long. As long as you are healthy, you can eat as long as you want. Don’t even think about losing weight. After all, it’s hard to grow meat. If you lose weight, don’t you lose money?"

   "I will talk nonsense!" Sun Guifang smiled, but his heart was very sweet.

   Two people did the food stall before, and no one was hired, so two people did everything. If you don't have enough food, you can't have enough energy. You will become fat and strong after going back and forth.

   can't wear the good-looking clothes before. Although regrettable, their family is getting richer and richer. As long as Bai Yihai doesn't dislike her being fat, Sun Guifang feels that no matter how hard she is, no matter how tired she is, it is worth it.

   In fact, all women are like this. They are not afraid of hardship or suffering, but they are afraid that men are not considerate and do not care.

   Back at home, Sun Yingying found that the pots and bowls had been cleaned, the clothes were all dried, the yard and the house were cleaned and mopped up, and even the furniture and tables were wiped clean.

   There are so many people and powerful, if Sun Yingying does it alone, it will take a long time to finish it.

   Sun Yingying bought small cakes, divided a small piece for everyone, and made fragrant rose tea.

After Sun Yingying and Bai Yixiu came back, they started jewellery ingredients, blanched pig's feet, put the soaked soybeans and simmered together, and it was simmered in two hours; the best pork belly, put it in a casserole, red hands in thick oil and red sauce Meat······

   The pork head meat in the house is getting stronger and stronger.

   At eleven o'clock, everyone came over one after another and sat in the courtyard to chat.

   Sun Yingying saw that there were a lot of people in the family today, including not only Bai Yixiu’s brothers, but also a few familiar families, and even some members of the village committee.

   I couldn't sit down in the room, so Bai Yixiu directly asked Bai Yixiu to pull up the warm shed in the yard, and the entire yard was covered by a layer of transparent glass windows. There is no wind blowing in, but with the sun's rays, it must not be cold in the yard.

   There is a big table in the house, so I carried it out of the house and put it outside.

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