Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2593: The child can't understand the mother's hard work

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Lin Baiwei was still a little unwilling, "I was almost forty when I gave birth to Xiaojie, an advanced mother, and I also have gestational hypertension, which is very dangerous. I went to the hospital to prevent the miscarriage in seven months. Bo is still tough."

It was really life-threatening, and doctors recommended termination of the pregnancy several times, just because they were afraid that the size would not be able to be preserved by then.

But Lin Baiwei couldn't bear it. It's been seven months, and she can feel the baby's fetal movement every day. It's a fresh life and a continuation of her bloodline.

From the seven months to the two months of giving birth, she was worried every day, fearing that the child would not be born, and that she would die.

"I only took three months of vacation, and the doctor gave me a sick leave note. I could apply for a one-month extension, but I was useless. I was afraid that if I didn't go to work, my job would not be preserved, but even if I didn't go to work for three months. I went to work within a day, and the position that originally belonged to me was not kept and was taken away by my subordinates.”

Lin Bai smiled bitterly. At that time, she returned to the company full of energy and wanted to do a great job, but she received a notice from her boss that her position was replaced by a younger subordinate, and she became the subordinate of the subordinate. Such a gap She couldn't bear it, but fortunately the contract was soon to be filled, she resigned as soon as the time came, and then jumped to the current company.

"This society is inherently unfair to women, especially mothers with children. You are still successful." Ye Qingqing comforted.

Lin Bai smiled wryly, "But I have put in ten times more effort than others, leaving early and returning late, wearing the stars and wearing the moon. In the past few years, I have slept less than five hours on average, and working overtime is common. The time on the plane is longer than that at home. Too many, ten men can't match my hard work alone."

She wiped the corners of her eyes, her voice was a little choked, "The main reason I work so hard is to give Xiaojie a better platform for growth, and I also want to be like other mothers, playing with him every day and telling him bedside stories at night. , take him out to play on weekends.

But I don't even have enough time to sleep. How can I balance work and family? People who say this must have no children. They don't even know that if a woman wants to achieve something, she must pay more effort and sweat than a man. can be eliminated. "

Ye Qingqing nodded, she understood Lin Baiwei's mood very well, and she was indeed not an ordinary person to achieve her position, nor could she just say a few slogans.

To tell the truth, women want to have a good career and be able to accompany their children to grow up. Unless they have an enlightened and virtuous husband, it is really difficult. Even the Iron Lady, Mrs. Thatcher, who is such a capable woman, cannot. To achieve a balance between family and business.

Mrs. Thatcher's relationship with her children was very poor, her son was still unsatisfactory, and her daughter refused to meet her even when she died. In terms of parent-child relationship, she was a complete failure.

Therefore, it is too difficult for women to balance family and career. After all, time and energy are limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Lin Bai snorted slightly, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved, "I've worked so hard and paid so much, why can't Xiaojie see my hard work? I mean nothing to him."

Ye Qingqing took out a tissue and handed it to her, comforting: "Don't blame the child, Xiaojie is only five years old, he can't see your hard work, and he can't understand it, he only knows that you are not with him at home, and the one who is with him is Grandma, you can't use your mind to understand a child."

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