Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2594: mean mother in law

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Lin Bai blew his nose slightly, his voice hoarse, "I told him, I said that my mother has to work hard to earn money, so that in the future, I can send him to go abroad to see the outside world, and it can also let him learn more skills, not to mention not. I will not be able to receive a better education because of lack of money, I have told him countless times, but he just doesn't listen."

It's really helpless. Sometimes Lin Baiwei really thinks that her son is a small white eye. She is so tired that she vomits blood, and sometimes she can't even open her eyes, but her son still thinks that grandma is good and she is a bad mother.

Whenever he thinks of these, Lin Baiwei will have the idea of ​​leaving his son and living a free and unrestrained life alone.

But thinking of the hardships and dangers of giving birth to Xiaojie, Lin Baiwei couldn't bear it, and she was worried that Xiaojie would be with her husband, and the child would be ruined in her life.

Ye Qingqing heard Lin Baiwei's grievance, and couldn't help laughing, "Do you think Xiaojie's five-year-old comprehension ability can understand your long speeches? As I told you just now, children's thinking is very simple and intuitive, not as complicated as us adults."

She added: "Even if you work hard and feel wronged outside, it's a fact that you didn't accompany Xiaojie. If Xiaojie was an adult, he might understand your helplessness, but he's only five years old, he can't understand it, he only Knowing that grandma treats him the best, plays with him every day, and cooks delicious fried chicken legs for him, and doesn't care if he watches TV, so of course you are a bad mother."

Lin Bai thought for a while, Ye Qingqing's words inspired her a lot, as if she really thought too much and was not fair to her son.

Ye Qingqing added: "There is another problem, maybe it is my villain's heart, but judging from the quality of your mother-in-law, it should exist."

"What's the problem?" Lin Bai asked slightly.

"You spend more time outside than at home. It's your mother-in-law who takes Xiaojie. If she always says bad things about you in Xiaojie's ear, do you think Xiaojie will still like you?"

Ye Qingqing is really not aimless, she has heard the old lady muttering in front of Xiaojie several times, saying that Lin Baiwei is wrong, in short, it is very ugly, she will not say it out of anger at Lin Baiwei.

Lin Bai was stunned for a moment, and he didn't quite believe it, "It shouldn't be."

With her temperament and quality, it is really difficult to understand such a thing.

Ye Qingqing smiled, called Xiaozhu, and whispered a few words in his ear, Xiaozhu nodded, went back to play with Xiaojie, and pretended to ask, "Do you like grandma or mother?"

"Grandma." Xiaojie answered without hesitation.

Although Lin Baiwei was mentally prepared, he still felt uncomfortable and bit his lip.

The little pig asked again, "Why don't you like mom? I like my mom."

Xiaojie replied, "Grandma said that my mother doesn't like me, she likes to play outside. Grandma also said that if I like my mother, she won't make fried chicken legs for me in the future."

Lin Bai's face was pale with anger, and his lips were trembling.

In vain, she still doesn't want the villain's heart to guess her mother-in-law, but she treats the other party as a gentleman, but the other party treats her as a fool.

"Don't be angry, this kind of thing is normal, you are Kochi, and you always think that other people have the same quality and self-discipline as you, but you are wrong, there are so many shameless people in this world, you can't deal with such people. They talk about self-restraint." Ye Qingqing reminded.

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