Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 1000 Successfully reached the moon! Why did it take China 53 days to land on the moon, while

The five-star red flag is flying!

The rover moves!

The robot dog walks on both sides together!

After this scene was inserted into the live broadcast on the China News Channel, it immediately aroused a huge response.

The entire internet immediately exploded.

The headlines on all platforms have basically filled the screen.

"This scene is worth watching over and over again for three days and three nights!"

"Whoever hacks Venus Technology in the future will hack me!"

"Cow, even robot dogs have gone to the moon. What instruments are they carrying?"

"Many people think that Venus Technology's journey to the moon seems too hasty and that they are not fully prepared. Is it possible that it is because everyone's understanding of Venus Technology is still too low?"

"I agree with the point above. The power of Daystar Technology is beyond everyone's imagination. Things that everyone thinks are unbelievable may be commonplace to others."

"I suddenly feel full of confidence in the next manned moon landing and the construction of a lunar base. Will mankind enter a new mode of life on alien planets so soon?"

There are various comments on the Internet. The popularity and prestige of Daystar Technology have reached a new height at this moment.

Anyone who speaks ill of Daystar Technology will be completely shocked.

No big V is stupid enough to say something bad about Daystar Technology at this time.

"I didn't expect them to actually succeed."

Compared with the boiling scene here in China, at NASA, Griffin's mood was very heavy.

In the conference room, the live broadcast of China Channel was being played.

The scene of those lunar rovers moving slowly, with the five-star red flag planted on them, and accompanied by robot dogs on both sides, really had a huge impact on people.

To some extent, this is also a huge blow to the prestige of the United States.

China was able to successfully complete the lunar rover landing on the moon and live broadcast the relevant footage. The technical strength behind this is terrifying to think about.

"Gryffin, judging from the scene of the lunar rover landing just now, Venus Technology's research on recycling technology and object landing technology is very in-depth."

"Whether it is the algorithm calculation of the control system or the perception level of various sensors, they are already world-class. Compared with them, we may still have a certain gap."

"I feel that this time Venus Technology's lunar rover mission to the moon should be completed as planned."

Although other people's aircraft have not yet entered the mode of returning to the earth, the most difficult nodes have been broken through, which is of extraordinary significance.

Max came to NASA today to watch and communicate with Griffin about Daystar Technology's moon landing, so naturally he also wanted to give some professional judgment.

This information will also be of great reference significance for the Space Exploration Technology Company's moon landing trip in the future.

"Even if the recycling fails later, it has actually been successful."

"The five-star red flag has been successfully planted on the moon, and then our lunar rover and robot dog can successfully stay on the moon to collect information for a long time."

"Especially the lunar rover and the robot dog actually have special solar panels, which continuously provide them with energy."

"This means that these devices will be able to operate normally for a long time to come."

Griffin didn't say any meaningless sarcastic words at this time.

If you succeed, you are successful. No matter how much you deny it, others will still be successful.

"Venus Technology previously announced that it had discovered a large cave on the moon. It is said that there is one near the landing site this time."

"I estimate that their lunar rover and robot dog will go into the cave to conduct reconnaissance in the next few days, and there may be some news coming out."

Naturally, Max also learned about the various news and technological developments of Daystar Technology before the moon landing.

Venus Technology’s next step is to build a base on the moon, and lunar caves are the best choice.

To analyze the soil conditions of the moon, it is definitely necessary to sample from many places such as the lunar surface and the lunar caves, and then conduct comparative analysis in order to obtain more useful results.

NASA and the Space Exploration Technology Company are actually very interested in this information.

"Both of us can form a dedicated technical team to conduct technical analysis of Venus Technology's moon landing."

"So we can infer the other party's technical level from the side and see where the gap is between them."

Although the live broadcast does not contain much technical explanation content, in front of professional technical personnel, some pictures can reveal a lot.

This analysis must be done by NASA.

Compared with NASA's actions, Tianzhu Space Research Organization's response was more embarrassing.

They had announced some of their grand plans before, but these plans seemed so feeble before Venus Technology's moon landing.

The Chinese may not care much about what happens in Tianzhu. Everyone is concerned about the situation in the United States, Japan, and Europe.

But in Tianzhu, the situation is different. People are most concerned about the many developments in China.

"Sharma, how many years do you think it will take for us to reach the level of Venus Technology?"

Lahore looked at the repeated images on TV in a depressed mood.

It would be great if the national flag could be changed to the national flag of India.

"It would be very difficult within ten years. It would be good if it could be completed within twenty years."

Sharma was silent for a moment and gave an answer that was more in line with his actual thoughts.

It was just a small-scale discussion in the conference room, so there was no need to bring the rhetoric to deal with relevant departments.

"The key is that after ten years or twenty years, there will be countless bases of Venus Technology on the moon, right?"

"By that time, will the moon have become a part of China?"

Lahore said this and directly silenced Sharma.

According to the plan announced by Venus Technology, it is really possible that after more than ten years, there will be Chinese cities everywhere on the moon.

All things are difficult at the beginning. For the construction of a lunar base, the construction of the first base is the most difficult.

Once it is built, when you can use local minerals on the moon to produce some products and raw materials, the situation will change fundamentally.

Maybe the base that could not be completed in three years can be built in one year at that time.

With the investment of more bases and factories, the speed will be faster and faster.

What say can other countries have on the moon?

"Rahal, can we consider communicating with relevant departments and arrange personnel to communicate with Venusstar Technology to see if there is any possibility of cooperation between the two sides."

"Although the relationship between the two countries is not good, it is not completely closed, and some cooperation can still be discussed."

Rahal did not directly reject Sharma's suggestion.

He is also weighing the pros and cons to see what kind of scene he will encounter after doing so.

"I will first sound out the relevant departments, and then see the situation."

"Now the European Space Agency, Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company and the countries in the Middle East are all cooperating deeply with Venusstar Technology. If we do nothing, it is indeed not a solution."

Although it is difficult to accept to ask Venusstar Technology to cooperate with him, Rahal also feels that it may not be avoided.

Of course, this process is destined to be very painful, and it is not that you will get results if you work hard.

Given the special views of Nanshan companies on the Tianzhu market, it would be strange if they were willing to cooperate with them.

Even if they really cooperate, the conditions are quite harsh.

Just when everyone was discussing the successful moon landing of Venustech, the work of collecting lunar soil on the lunar rover had been completed.

For this moon landing, the things that need to be brought back to Earth are mainly these.

So the lunar rover and robot dog were left to continue to scout the situation on the lunar surface, and the spacecraft took off again with the lunar soil and headed for the lunar orbital space station.

Obviously, Venustech's long journey to the moon will soon come to an end.

And Venustech also announced on its official Weibo that the spacecraft will return to Earth in three days.

But after this information was announced, a strange voice suddenly emerged on the Internet.

That is, netizens calculated that Venustech's moon exploration took 53 days, but the United States only took 8 days before.

It took 8 days to complete the moon exploration decades ago, but now it takes 53 days.

Is it that the United States' technology is too good, or do they simply not land on the moon?

After this question appeared, it immediately became lively.

"The United States did not land on the moon at all. It was a well-planned scam."

"The United States deliberately concocted the moon landing scam in order to boost national confidence during the Cold War."

All kinds of statements, combined with some information circulating on the local Internet in the United States, seem to be somewhat true.

In fact, all doubts about the United States' moon landing must start from 1976.

That year, Bill Kane, an employee of Rocketdyne, the contractor of the lunar module of the "Apollo Project", published a book "We Never Landed on the Moon".

In the book, Bill Kane listed in detail the many "doubts" of the entire moon landing plan and gave relevant arguments to prove the falsity of the moon landing.

Bill Kane also said that the original goal of the astronauts who landed on the moon was not the moon, but the South Pole.

The astronauts performed the entire process of the moon landing in the experimental cabin there.

In addition, he also believed that the three astronauts of "Apollo 1" were murdered because they knew about the scam plan concocted by NASA.

Once this book was published, it was like dropping a bombshell in public opinion, and the public began to question the authenticity of the American moon landing. As time went on, the flames of the moon landing conspiracy theory burned more and more.

In 1978, the movie "Capricorn One" was released. The movie tells the story of NASA's plan to land on Mars failed, so it forced three astronauts to pretend to land on Mars in a secret desert base.

Although the plot of the movie is fictional, it gives those skeptics more "evidence".

A relevant social survey shows that in 1979, only 6% of Americans believed that the moon landing might be a hoax,

but by 2009, this proportion exceeded 22%.

In addition, there are some "conspiracy theorists" who are like holding a "microscope", specifically looking for various doubts in the Apollo project, trying to substantiate the "hoax" concocted by the United States.

Now there is a strong contrast that Daystar Technology’s moon landing journey took 53 days, but the United States only took 8 days.

This time, Venus Technology’s moon landing journey had many processes live broadcast, and no one questioned the authenticity.

But this in turn casts doubt on the American moon landing.

Of course, regarding this situation, whether it is Daystar Technology or Aerospace Technology, they must have different opinions from the people on the Internet.

In 2012, Chang'e-2 sent back high-resolution lunar images, which showed the Apollo 11 lunar landing site and related traces.

In 2008, Japan's "Luna" captured the landing marks of "Apollo 15" on the moon.

These independent verifications from different countries have made the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing more widely recognized.

Daystar Technology even issued a special article explaining why it needed 53 days, while the United States only needed 8 days.

“The American Apollo moon landing took only 8 days, 3 days were spent on the journey, and the remaining 5 days were used to inspect the lander and adjust its status so that it could successfully land on the lunar surface. ”

“The Apollo missions to the moon were also very simple. They just went up to plant an American flag, take some images of the moon, and then return to the earth. This resulted in them taking much less time than our company’s detectors. "

"In fact, everyone has reached the moon, but because the things that need to be tested are different and the detection projects are different, the results are very different."

"The next time we go to the moon, the time can be greatly compressed. It doesn't even take 8 days. After launching directly from the earth, we can land on the moon's surface on the third day."

Zhao Siyu accepted the interview with China Radio very seriously and explained to everyone the hot topics on the Internet.

Many of Daystar Technology's technologies have already crushed the United States. There is no need to belittle others through such untrue facts.

Why don't you just stand up and help refute the rumors, and explain your future launch plans.

Otherwise, this issue will be clarified sooner or later.

Especially when Daystar Technology took less than 8 days to land on the moon, it could prove its innocence to a certain extent without any explanation from NASA.

Besides, if the United States was really cheating back then, there must be a lot of people involved.

It is simply impossible to hide it completely.

Especially with polar bears watching, if the United States cheats, it will be humiliated if it is exposed.

They were not the only overlords in the world at that time.

"In other words, the reason why people on the Internet have some misunderstandings is actually due to the different methods, purposes and tasks of their respective moon landing journeys?"

Xia Hong specially arranged for reporters to come over for interviews, and they were very cooperative in all aspects.

Now when reporters from China Channel interview companies from the Nanshan Group, their attitudes are very friendly.

"Yes, it is indeed so."

"There is no point in continuing to discuss this topic. I suggest that the Internet stop here."

With Zhao Siyu's explanation, the topic of whether the United States landed on a fake moon slowly came to an end.

After all, even Daystar Technology has spoken for NASA, so there is nothing to question.

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