Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 999 Inspiring, the five-star red flag flutters on the moon

It took almost three days for the rocket of Venusstar Technology to reach the lunar orbit from the earth.

However, after reaching the lunar orbit, the rocket certainly did not fly directly to the lunar surface, but began to fly around the moon.

In this process, it is necessary to fully deploy the rocket and the lunar orbit space station, lunar orbit satellite, Starlink satellite system, etc. to conduct various communication tests to ensure smooth communication anytime and anywhere.

This is actually very important, otherwise it is easy to lose the signal in some time periods due to the rotation of the moon and the earth.

In the case of unmanned flight, this problem may not be so serious.

But in the future, when manned flight is required, your rocket loses the signal, which is a very serious matter.

If you are not careful, an accident will occur.

The key is that if there is no signal when an accident occurs, then it will completely lose contact.

This is definitely not a situation that Venusstar Technology can accept.

After flying around the moon for two days in the lunar orbit, the Venusstar 9 MAX on the moon further cooperated with the lunar orbit space to carry out a series of tests and simulated landing scene tests.

Not to mention, these tests are quite time-consuming.

Fortunately, some relevant images can be transmitted back to Earth at any time, and some content will be selectively broadcast live, which did not make the Chinese spectators too anxious.

During this period of testing, after the people from the European Space Agency went back, the exchange group from the Polar Bears also came.

At present, the only aerospace equipment that the Polar Bears can use is the International Space Station, which still exists in the same way as helping the United States.

This is definitely difficult for them to accept.

Although the current economic strength of the Polar Bears can no longer support them to make large-scale aerospace investments.

But the former glory does not allow them to be completely excluded from various mainstream aerospace activities.

"Mr. Cao, our United Rocket and Aerospace Company is willing to take out all the past models of aerospace engine technology to cooperate with Venus Technology, but we hope to be deeply involved in the lunar base project in the future."

Grogin threw out a big project right away.

The two sides have already cooperated in some rocket engines before, and even the engines used on the Starship spacecraft, some of the technology is based on the content provided by the Polar Bears.

But the Polar Bears' foundation is really too deep.

They had only brought out information about one or two engines before, and there were a lot of other information in the archives.

This time, they brought out all of them at once, in addition to expressing their sincerity, the most important thing was that they also realized that if these engine technologies were not brought out and used, they might gradually lose their value in the future.

By then, Venusstar Technology would already have a relatively mature solution to use, so why would they bother with you, Polar Bear?

In terms of financial resources, Polar Bear is not as good as the European Space Agency.

So Grogin could only start from the technical aspect.

Although America was the first to achieve human landing on the moon, Polar Bear's technical level was actually not bad.

In fact, during the period when America landed on the moon, Polar Bear also launched a spacecraft to the moon.

It's just that the spacecraft actually crashed and failed to launch.

But strictly speaking, Polar Bear also sent some things to the moon.

It didn't take too long to wait, and they successfully sent astronauts to the moon.

This shows that Polar Bear is not much worse than America in aerospace technology.

Now they are willing to share the various engine technologies developed with the support of the whole country, which shows their sincerity.

Ten years ago, even if Venustech offered 10 billion US dollars, it would be impossible for Polar Bear to sell all these things to you.

Now they don’t want a penny, just a chance to cooperate.

“Grotin, the lunar base project is not just a project of our Venustech, it is a project of the whole mankind.”

“You are willing to participate deeply in this project, and we welcome it.”

Whether it is superficial work or getting the technology first, Cao Yang will definitely support sincere partners at this stage.

Those with technology will provide technology, and those with money will provide money.

At that time, Venustech’s industry advantage in this area will not be comparable to any other country.

Whether it is NASA or Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, no matter how anxious they are, it will be useless.

It is even possible that NASA will lower its proud head in the future and come to discuss the possibility of cooperation with Venustech.

"The moon is a planet that all human beings look forward to. We, United Rocket and Space Company, are honored to be able to work with Venusstar Technology to build a base on the moon."

The exchanges between the bosses are often about the direction of some big things.

The specific details and implementation issues must be handed over to the people below to handle.

Soon, Zhao Siyu specially arranged a team to go to Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company to receive the information.

Because there is a lot of information, many of which are still paper drawings from that year, Venusstar Technology also chartered several flights to transport all the drawings and data back.

Of course, both parties must have signed a cooperation agreement, otherwise the polar bear would not be so happy to give you a copy of all the drawings in the warehouse.

"Mr. Cao, the blood of polar bears is really deep. The information in the archives is just like a large warehouse, with all kinds of information."

"In order to copy various documents related to our engine this time, several copiers burned out."

During this period, Zhao Siyu also went to the polar bears and personally confirmed the implementation of the cooperation projects between the two parties.

Not to mention, this polar bear trip also gave him a lot of experience.

He felt that he could still get some welfare benefits from the polar bears in the future.

People have not only done various research on rocket engines, but there are also some researches in many other fields that Venus Technology has not yet covered.

Even though many studies were carried out decades ago, it seems a bit behind.

Not necessarily.

For example, the testing and research data of various materials will never be outdated no matter what era it is placed in.

By sorting and analyzing these data, it may be possible for various materials research companies at Nanshan Energy Group to avoid many detours.

Then it is also very meaningful to conduct various studies on how the performance of materials will change after adding and adjusting some material components.

This can save a lot of time.

"In those days, all of Polar Bear's energy was focused on aerospace and other military products. It was normal for the company to be able to compete with the United States for decades and have a deeper foundation."

Cao Yang was not particularly surprised by what Zhao Siyu reported.

If the polar bear's blood is not deep enough, there is no way it can be so tough in dealing with the various encirclement and suppression attacks by the United States in today's international environment.

Look at other people's strategic bombers. They were produced decades ago, but from a global perspective, the technology is still very advanced.

The situation with other people's nuclear submarines is similar.

As for intercontinental ballistic missiles, that goes without saying.

It can be said that in military-related industries, the thickness of polar bear blood is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Of course, with China's rapid development, polar bears have been left behind in many fields.

Not counting air defense missiles or drones, or rocket technology and new fighter jets, China has actually realized the gap.

It is estimated that the projects where polar bears can still maintain an advantage are some platforms and products related to nuclear weapons, especially in quantity.

"I'll find a way to keep getting their stuff back later."

"Some of the information about this moon landing can be shared with others and let them try some sweeteners first."

The polar bear, this fat sheep, must be carefully cured, otherwise it would be a real pity.

Although Venus Technology already has hundreds of thousands of employees, it is also developing many projects at the same time.

In fact, the manpower is not sufficient. Some technical research and development materials can directly refer to ready-made things, which can naturally save a lot of manpower.

Funding investment is secondary.

After all, Venus Technology now has its own hematopoietic ability. Even if there is no blood transfusion from Honor Technology and Nanshan Automobile Group, there will be no problem in a short time.

If there is really a shortage of money, the wealthy countries will definitely be willing to invest further.

However, what Venus Technology has to pay is very limited.

Of course, this is looking at the problem from Cao Yang's perspective.

From the perspective of a wealthy person in the Middle East, people think differently.

They may feel that all they have to pay is to dig out more oil, but what they get in return is a safe environment internationally.

And he can also get involved in the high-tech field, which is obviously a very good solution.

To some extent, this is a win-win.

With waves of organizations coming to Venus Technology to discuss cooperation projects, the time soon came to May.

Venus Technology's lunar lander is finally about to officially land.

This is the most exciting moment in the journey to the moon.

Whether it can succeed is also related to the development of many subsequent plans.

So whether it is at home or abroad, there are countless eyes staring at it.

Cao Yang, along with many leaders from aerospace science and technology and related departments, sat in the flight control hall and watched the landing of the lunar rover.

Fortunately, the preliminary preparations have been very sufficient, and now it is time to complete the various procedures step by step.

So although the scene is quite spectacular, in fact it does not require the technical staff of Venus Technology to do any special operations, and there is no way to do too many operations.

At the lunar orbiting space station, the astronauts also focused all their energy on matters related to the moon landing.

When the lunar rover finally landed on the lunar surface and splashed a cloud of dust, the signal was maintained smoothly.

"Mr. Cao, the landing vehicle signal is normal."

"The landing vehicle has entered the functional self-test stage."

Following Zhao Siyu's report, the atmosphere in the flight control hall suddenly became much more relaxed.

The first phase of the moon landing mission has been carried out perfectly according to plan so far.

Spending so much time in the early stage doing various inspections and tests can be regarded as showing value.

This alone is already a very remarkable achievement.

"The self-test of the landing vehicle is complete, and all functions meet the predetermined goals."

Seven or eight minutes later, the flight control hall once again sent a message that reassured everyone.

Soon, some of the equipment carried by the landing vehicle began to enter the next stage of mission preparation.

Two specially made robot dogs were also ready to go.

The five-star red flag carried by the landing vehicle began to rise slowly under the action of the predetermined program.

Not to mention, a lot of effort was put into the design just for the fluttering of the five-star red flag.

Because there is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon, there is almost no air, and naturally there is no wind generated by air flow.

The fluttering of the red flag requires the action of wind, so the red flag cannot flutter on the moon.

In order to make the five-star red flag look like it is fluttering, it needs to be designed very cleverly.

There is a horizontal bar on the national flag that supports the upper edge of the flag and allows it to unfold.

In addition, the gravity of the moon is smaller than that of the earth, so the movement of the five-star red flag when it is raised makes the flag have some wrinkles and swings, which looks like it is "fluttering".

And this red flag is not just hung up casually.

It uses special high-tech materials that can withstand the extreme temperature difference on the moon.

You may not know how big the temperature difference is between day and night on the moon!

It is as high as several hundred degrees!

How can ordinary materials withstand this?

But the material of this red flag can not only resist high and low temperatures, but also prevent radiation damage, ensuring that the national flag maintains bright colors and intact shape for a long time on the moon.

Moreover, this red flag also uses a special fixing method to ensure that it will not deform or fade in the extreme environment of the moon.

So don’t look at it as a small red flag. In fact, Venus Technology has put a lot of effort.

In this regard, professionals have the most say.

"Mr. Cao, Huaxia TV has specially connected the live broadcast screen according to the original plan, and the live broadcast time is only three minutes later than our actual time."

At this time, Zhao Siyu further reported the situation to Cao Yang.

Huaxia TV’s live broadcast also thought about the plan in advance.

If the login fails, there is definitely no need to insert the live broadcast urgently.

But now the landing is basically successful, and the next step is to see if it can be done more successfully.

It is very appropriate to insert the live broadcast at this time.

It happens that everyone can watch the spectacular scene of the lunar rover landing, and then see the scene of the five-star red flag rising on the moon.

This matter alone will definitely have a huge impact on the morale of the entire nation.

It is conceivable that this picture will be constantly quoted in countless occasions in the future and become a classic of an era.

Such a good opportunity, whether it is Venusstar Technology or Huaxia TV, will not be missed.

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