Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 156: Nanshan's Personnel Change

It is not that simple to build a steel plant.

There are a lot of things that need to be coordinated, thinking that it is necessary to arrange a more trustworthy person to promote this project with Shaogang.

After much deliberation, Cao Yang arranged for Zhang Fugui to go there.

With the development of Nanshan up to the present, Zhang Fugui's ability and courage obviously can't keep up with the pace.

Especially the position of head of the sales department, he is no longer competent.

As for the position of the head of the procurement department, he can continue to do it, and we will see the situation later.

"Mr. Cao, I have a lot of things to do now. If I blame the sales department again, I'm afraid it will delay things."

Zeng Tingting naturally knew that if she wanted to further develop in Nanshan, she had better be the head of a department in production or sales, otherwise her career path would be restricted.

However, as the assistant to the general manager, this position is also very critical, and she doesn't want to give up.

"In the future, you will focus on the sales department as much as possible. During this time, you can help me recruit a secretary."

"Then the HR department also replaced the deputy director, and at the same time tried to find a way to recruit the middle managers of several large international factories to be responsible for quality, production management and factory management."

"Nanshan is getting bigger now, but there are still too few talents available."

As the stall got bigger and bigger, Cao Yang found that he had too few people available.

The background of Nanshan is still a bit weak.

"Actually, if you want to talk about talents, I think Mr. Cao, you can ask Dean Xiang. As the dean of the university, he has students and former officials all over the world. He must have some suitable candidates."

Zeng Tingting felt that her boss did not go to Lingnan Normal University recently, which did not make good use of resources at all.

The teachers in the school may just have rich theoretical experience and don't know actual combat, so it's not appropriate to invite them to engage in production management and the like.

But there are always some suitable candidates for the students of these teachers.

In particular, Lingnan University of Technology is the best engineering university in South China. As long as it is a well-known company in the south, there must be alumni of Lingnan University of Technology.

It would be a waste if we don't make good use of this resource.

"It's a good idea. It just so happens that I haven't gone to see Dean Xiang for a while."

Cao Yang is a practical man, after hearing Zeng Tingting's words, he immediately contacted Xiang Changle.

"Xiao Cao, you have seen the head and the tail of the dragon, has there been any big movement recently?"

When Cao Yang appeared in Xiang Changle's office, the other party was very happy.

After accepting this student, he had some understanding of the situation of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd.

The more I know about this, the more I feel that my choice is very correct.

Nanshan is definitely a potential stock.

"Teacher, let alone, there are really many things going on in Nanshan during this period, and I am a little busy."

"First, we made a breakthrough in the 6AT gearbox and won an order from Ford Motor; then we made plans for the construction of the second phase of Nanshan Industrial Park."

"A few days ago, I even went to Shaogang and asked them to help us build a special steel processing plant."

"No, Nanshan's stall is getting bigger and bigger, I'm here to ask you for help."

In front of Xiang Changle, Cao Yang naturally had nothing to hide.

Besides, I came here today to ask for help.

If he didn't explain the situation clearly, and wouldn't let Xiang Changle see Nanshan's bright future, he would have no confidence in promoting talents.

"Is 6AT already capable of mass production?"

"Could it be that Professor Ji Hua has already developed a very mature 6AT gearbox before?"

Xiang Changle is well aware of the difficulty of gearboxes, especially 6AT automatic gearboxes, which are not something ordinary companies can research.

Although he felt that he had already regarded Nanshan highly, now he found that he still did not think highly of Nanshan.

"On the one hand, we have accumulated some experience before, which is also very important."

"Now the gearbox factory has entered the stage of equipment installation, and some workers and technicians are also recruiting and training one after another."

"However, Nanshan still lacks senior management personnel."

"Whether it's production site management, quality management, or human resource management."

"Originally, the management personnel of Nanshan, facing the current situation, many people have been unable to keep up with the rhythm."

"That's why I came here today thinking, teacher, do you know someone suitable for this position?"

What Cao Yang said, Xiang Changle could understand.

Nanshan was originally a small factory with one or two hundred people, but now it has more than one thousand people.

And there are a large number of R \u0026 D technicians.

With the commissioning of Nanshan Industrial Park, the number of people in Nanshan will soon exceed 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, or even 5,000 or 10,000.

In this case, management is a matter that needs to be taken seriously.

Otherwise, no matter how advanced Nanshan's technology is, the products produced by then may not be of good quality.

This is a situation that Cao Yang does not want to see.

"How much can your Nanshan's turnover reach this year, and what is the profit situation?"

"I have to combine Nanshan's situation and think about whether there is a suitable candidate."

Xiang Changle was naturally willing to help Cao Yang.

But he has a lot of students, many of whom work in large companies.

He also has to be responsible to other students.

"It is no problem that the auto parts business will exceed 1 billion this year. Adding equipment and molds, the total should be about 1.2 billion."

"As for the profit margin, the gross profit is relatively high, but due to the relatively large investment in equipment, the final net profit will not be particularly high."

"But it is also higher than the average private enterprise in China, and it can go to about 10 points."

"However, teacher, although Nanshan's business scale is only about 1.2 billion this year, it will be different next year."

"The 6AT we cooperate with Ford Motor will start delivery in the first half of next year."

"In the end, there is no problem in doubling the turnover of next year compared to this year, and even breaking through 5 billion is not a big problem."

"By that time, Nanshan will be among the best in the industry in Yangcheng."

When Cao Yang said this, Xiang Changle gained confidence.

A private enterprise with a scale of 5 billion, an astonishing development speed and great potential can still attract a group of high-end talents to join.

With enough profits, Nanshan can also offer a fairly good salary.

Of course, if it is higher than countries like the United States, the pressure is still great.

This requires careful screening of suitable personnel.

Xiang Changle took out a notebook, flipped through it for a while, and then said: "I have thought of a few candidates, and I can help to ask if the other party is interested."

"One is the person in charge of the assembly shop in a certain factory of Ford Motor. His parents are too old to go abroad."

"I met him once last year. The other party seemed to intend to return to China, but he didn't find a suitable position."

"The other is a department head in the quality management department of Dongying Toyota Motor. He has worked in this position for more than ten years, but because he is Chinese, he has never been able to be promoted to a section chief."

"I think if you let him serve as the director of the quality department of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd., he should still be attractive to him."

"As for the personnel in the field of human resources and finance, few of my students are engaged in this area of ​​business. When the time comes, I will help you ask your teacher's mother. She is a teacher in the accounting department and should be familiar with this area of ​​personnel."

Xiang Changle spoke in a calm manner, but Cao Yang next to him said anxiously after hearing this: "Teacher, if a Chinese can be the person in charge of the assembly workshop in a Ford Motor factory in the United States, his skills must be excellent."

"As long as he comes to Nanshan, I can let him serve as the deputy general manager in charge of production, and sort out and re-plan the production sites of all our factories."

"As for the brothers in the quality department of Toyota Motor, the position of director of the quality department of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. is also waiting."

"I can't guarantee how much higher our wages will be than he is now, but I can guarantee that after they come to Nanshan, they will definitely earn more money in this life than they did before."

"Even after Nanshan develops and grows in the future, they will go to various places to serve as the heads of branch companies and become talents who can be valued locally."

Generally, small companies recruit talents from large companies, either by doubling their salaries or by giving incentives in terms of equity.

However, it is difficult for Nanshan to fully achieve these two aspects.

Whether it is the United States or Japan, the salary itself is much higher than that of Huaxia.

The same salary is already a great pressure on Nanshan, and it is unrealistic to double it.

It's not that Cao Yang can't afford the money, nor is he reluctant, but that this will completely break the original salary system and bring a lot of uncertainties.

If more than ten years pass, this influence will be much weaker.

As for equity incentives, Cao Yang has no idea about this for the time being.

After Nanshan develops and grows in the future, it can be considered to give some appropriate dividend incentives to the management personnel.

But for shares, Cao Yang has no idea about this for the time being.

"It would be the best if there is a suitable candidate for the teacher's wife."

"It is not a problem for candidates related to human resources and finance to have no experience studying abroad."

“Experience in large corporations is fine.”

Cao Yang told Xiang Changle all his opinions in one go.

Seeing that Cao Yang trusted his recommendation so much, he promised the position of deputy general manager and head of the quality department without even knowing the name and specific situation. Xiang Changle was also quite happy.

To some extent, this can be regarded as trust in him.

And the two students he recommended were indeed the ones he had thought about and compared, and he felt that they had good character, strong working ability, rich experience and were likely to go to Nanshan.

Otherwise, just find a few students from large overseas companies, and they may not be interested in Nanshan.

But the automobile industry is different. If you do some random investigation, you will be able to know what is going on in Nanshan.

"No problem. Compared with production site management and quality management personnel, I think finance and personnel should be easier to recruit."

"Humanities related to liberal arts are relatively abundant in China."

After Xiang Changle finished speaking, he added: "I will give you the contact information of those two students later, and I will also say hello to them later."

"No problem, I will contact them personally when the time comes."

After finishing the matter recommended by the staff, Cao Yang did not continue to dwell on this topic for too long.

I rarely go back to school, and always discussing my company's affairs, which doesn't seem so appropriate.

"By the way, all your admission procedures have been completed, but it's best to make up an undergraduate graduation thesis, so that you can officially enter the postgraduate teaching stage next spring."

"Procedurally it makes sense."

It is not very difficult for Xiang Changle to restore a student who has dropped out after his junior year.

It's nothing more than adding a suspension of school procedures.

But without graduating from a bachelor's degree, it is obviously inappropriate to go directly to graduate school.

So he still wanted Cao Yang to complete the undergraduate graduation process, and when the time came to apply for graduate school, there would be no problem with the process.

Otherwise, a bunch of people will look at this matter with a magnifying glass in the future, which will inevitably bring all kinds of unnecessary troubles.

"No problem, I'll think about what paper to write later, and try to send the paper to you within a month."

Writing a dissertation is a daunting task for ordinary undergraduates.

Especially for most engineering students, you have never really studied those parts, and you have not been in the laboratory, so you have to write a thesis, which is difficult for everyone.

But for Cao Yang, this is obviously not a problem.

Not to mention nut plates, bearings, bolts and gearboxes, all of them can be taken out and talked about.

Even the various equipment and molds of Nanshan are enough to form many papers.

Using these things to deal with an undergraduate thesis is definitely a cannonball.

"In terms of time, you can figure it out."

"If you have any questions at that time, you can come to me at any time."

Just as Xiang Changle finished speaking, Cao Yang's phone rang.

"You answer the phone first, don't worry about me."

Xiang Changle knew that Cao Yang was busy with business, so he didn't mind the interruption of their conversation.

The conversation was almost over for the day.

"It seems to be a call from the United States. They should have just returned to work. Let me see what's going on."

Cao Yang explained to Xiang Changle while answering the phone.

"Cao, I have good news to share with you in advance."

On the other side of the phone, General Motors Purchasing Director Austin was in a very good mood.

He will definitely not miss this opportunity to be a good person.

Although in the end some content will have to wait for a period of time before there will be a formal result, but after the direction is set, it will basically not change without major accidents.

Large companies have their own existing processes when doing things.

It won't happen easily that you slap yourself in the face.

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