Cao Yang can basically guess what good news Austin wants to tell him.

Nanshan 6AT has been recommended to General Motors for several months, and samples have also been sent there.

It is normal for some directional things to come out now.

However, those who should cooperate still need to cooperate.

Otherwise, how could Austin feel that the call was not in vain?

"Austin, it's such a joy to hear your voice."

"It just so happened that I felt a lot of pressure during this period, and your good news came over."

Although separated by the phone, the smile on Cao Yang's face was not missing at all.

"Your 6AT automatic transmission, General Motors is ready to adopt."

"The latter is nothing more than the consideration of the models used and the quantity used."

"In this regard, we need to make further judgments based on the actual vehicle matching situation and the use of the first mass-produced parts."

"But you need to use your 6AT, that's for sure."

Austin is also very active in advancing Nanshan 6AT into GM's supply system.

Anyway, GM does not have its own gearbox factory, and all gearboxes are outsourced.

Although it cannot be said that the supply of gearboxes has been monopolized, it is very difficult for those gearbox manufacturers to negotiate prices.

Especially on the 6AT, GM doesn't have many choices.

Even in the face of this year's anti-monopoly investigation of auto parts, those manufacturers are not as good as other manufacturers in terms of cost reduction cooperation.

Austin has long wanted to find some way to deal with them.

Now that Nanshan 6AT is born, it can be regarded as providing him with a bargaining chip.

Even if it is only used in one model, it will be a very big pressure on gearbox manufacturers such as Aisin and ZF.

Because that means that Nanshan 6AT has changed from a possible threat to a real threat.

This competitive atmosphere is not an illusion created, but that if you don't cooperate, your order will really be cut.

"Very good!"

"Austin, congratulations to General Motors for making the right choice."

"The technology of Nanshan 6AT is the best in the industry, and the cost is also the best in the industry."

"General Motors chose to cooperate with Nanshan, which is definitely a win-win choice."

"Don't worry, our Nanshan will not let you down."

Although what Austin said was what he expected, Cao Yang was still very happy.

In fact, he was really happy.

Both Ford Motor and General Motors chose to use Nanshan 6AT, so Volkswagen will probably have some movement next.

As for other national auto giants, Cao Yang did not give up either.

This time, he chose to let Zhang Fugui leave the position of head of the sales department and let the little secretary take up the post, also in order to better develop the international market.

After all, Zhang Fugui can't even speak a few words in English, which is very disadvantageous when dealing with international customers.

It's not like a little secretary, not only can she speak English well, but it is said that she is also learning German by herself during this time.

Zhang Fugui's aggressive attitude was not at all comparable to that of Zhang Fugui.

"Cao, you are right, this is a win-win choice."

"However, I hope that Nanshan can also give us more support in terms of cost."

Austin didn't feel uncomfortable with Cao Yang's answer.

Americans are not used to being modest, so naturally Cao Yang would not be as modest as him.

In this way, everyone communicates more freely.

"Austin, don't worry, our price is definitely much lower than that of Aisin and ZF."

"Of course, our gearbox factory is newly built, and various depreciation expenses have just begun."

"So there is also a cycle of price decline."

"If mass production starts in the first half of next year, I can promise you that starting from the next year, we will provide an annual price reduction of no less than 3% for at least 3 years."

"If there are some cases of mass production of VAVE in the middle, we are also willing to share this part of the revenue with General Motors."

Nanshan's quotation had already been provided to General Motors before.

Cao Yang does not intend to adjust the price now.

Although Nanshan 6AT can be adopted by General Motors and Ford so quickly, the price advantage is a big part of the reason.

But Cao Yang does not want to simply fight a price war on 6AT.

The current offer is already attractive enough.

"Cao, I heard that Ford has also chosen to cooperate with you. You can't sell them cheaper than us."

Although the cooperation between Nanshan and Ford Motor has not spread widely, Austin obviously knew about it through his own channels.

"That's right, we will start mass production and supply of 6AT to Ford Motor in January next year."

"Ford Motor and General Motors are the most important customers of Nanshan, and we will provide very competitive prices."

Although Cao Yang's quotations to the two parties were similar, he didn't want to have a specific discussion with the other party.

After all, to some extent, this is also a secret.

Then, the two chatted nonsense for a while before hanging up the phone.

"General Motors is going to use your 6AT?"

As soon as Cao Yang hung up the phone, Xiang Changle couldn't help asking.

Although he didn't mean to eavesdrop on Cao Yang's phone call just now, but the other party didn't leave the office, and he sat there openly, which was nothing.

"Yes, I went to the United States a few months ago and recommended our 6AT to them."

"At present, they have passed some tests and basically set the direction."

"It's just to look at the situation later and decide on the model and scale to use."

To Xiang Changle, Cao Yang had nothing to hide.

"Xiao Cao, this matter is very remarkable."

"After many years of domestic automatic transmissions, no decent products have been produced. I think that if Nanshan 6AT can really enter the supporting system of Ford Motor and General Motors, it will definitely be a great opportunity for the development of China's auto industry. big deal."

"If you can do 6AT well, then 4AT and MT will not be a problem."

"Basically, the gearboxes used in domestic passenger cars are expected to be localized."

Xiang Changle can also be regarded as a person in the automobile industry.

A teacher from the School of Automotive Engineering of Lingnan University of Technology, the research project he is engaged in is to conduct research on some parts of the car with various car companies or institutions.

It's just that before that, everyone basically did research on various parts on commercial vehicles.

Passenger cars have not received enough attention before.

In other words, because commercial vehicles have more special uses, everyone focused on commercial vehicles before.

However, the passenger car market has developed rapidly in recent years, and the situation has obviously begun to change.

"The development of the domestic auto parts industry is indeed a bit worrying, and the gap with international giants is too great."

"However, I believe this is only temporary. With the rapid development of the domestic auto industry, the auto parts industry will continue to improve."

"Especially in Nanshan, besides the gearbox, we are now conducting research on ECU, ABS and other parts."

"Even components such as steering gear and audio system have set up special project teams in the R\u0026D center."

"There will be some results soon in the future."

Taking this opportunity, Cao Yang also vaccinated Xiang Changle in advance.

In order to prevent Nanshan from producing too many parts, everyone thinks it is very strange.

"Is there no problem for you to expand your business so widely at once?"

"Should we finish the gearbox first?"

"I think this one part is enough to make Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. a billion-dollar enterprise."

Based on his own experience, Xiang Changle felt that Cao Yang's approach was a bit radical.

A gearbox, even if it is cheap, costs thousands of dollars, and expensive ones cost tens of thousands of dollars.

If hundreds of thousands of gearboxes can be produced a year, the scale of the enterprise will increase.

If it can make millions of units, it will definitely become a success.

Now Nanshan 6AT has entered the procurement system of Ford Motor and General Motors, and it is obviously no problem to enter the system of domestic independent brands in the future.

In this case, shouldn't 6AT be made bigger and stronger?

"Teacher, don't worry, we will definitely continue to develop the gearbox field. Now we have 6AT, and we will also use 8AT and 10AT in the future."

"It takes time to develop a part. If we do it slowly, we don't know when the main parts of the car will be researched and produced."

Cao Yang's statement made Xiang Changle frown uncontrollably.

Obviously, he doesn't quite agree with this point of view.

Of course, until now, Cao Yang has not taken the wrong path with Nanshan, so it is not easy for him to say too much.

"Since you already have an idea, then do it well, and come to me directly if you have any difficulties."

"No problem, I will definitely keep bothering you. The postgraduate resources of Lingnan University of Technology are what I have been coveting for a long time."

"Then why don't you come to class for a few more days? Wouldn't it be better to directly poach your classmates and seniors into the company?"

When Xiang Changle said this, Cao Yang could only laugh.

There are so many things in the company, how can I come to school often.

Fortunately, Xiang Changle didn't care too much about it.

Instead, he took the initiative to call the student he had just recommended in front of Cao Yang.


Luo Hongxing went to study in the United States in 1985.

After graduating, I went directly to Ford Motor and worked for fifteen years.

Starting from an ordinary craftsman in the workshop, he gradually became the head of the assembly workshop of Detroit No. 3 Factory step by step.

For a Chinese, his room for improvement is basically gone.

In most traditional American companies, it is difficult for the Chinese to rise to the middle level.

Even if your personal ability is excellent, it is very difficult to break through this limitation.

Among the ten people, it is estimated that only one or two people can break through this shackle.

Obviously, Luo Hongxing is not one of the exceptions.

Over the years, his parents' health has also begun to deteriorate.

He slowly began to plan to return to China to work.

Especially after the establishment of Changan Ford, he once made an effort to see if he could be stationed in Changan Ford.

But this wish was not realized in the end.

Although dispatching to China would not be considered a good arrangement, maybe Ford Motor was worried that Luo Hongxing, a Chinese, would get too close to Changan Automobile after going to China, which would harm Ford Motor's interests.

He can't even go to Changan Ford, and he has no hope for other joint venture car companies.

As for the self-owned brand, it's not that no one wants to go if he wants to.

However, he chose to give up after considering all aspects of salary and work location.

As a result, today he received a call from his thesis advisor in his undergraduate days, which surprised him.

"Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd?"

"Teacher, does this Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. produce gearboxes?"

Obviously, Luo Hongxing had already heard of Nanshan's name.

That's easy.

Xiang Changle immediately became full of confidence.

"Yes, their 6AT automatic transmission has received orders from General Motors and Ford, and its technical parameters are comparable to or even surpassed by Aisin and ZF."

"What? Xiao Luo, have you heard of Nanshan?"

Although Nanshan is quite famous in Yangcheng, it should not have much reputation in the United States.

Now that Luo Hongxing had heard of it, Xiang Changle was also a little curious.

"A postgraduate classmate of mine is the quality manager of Ford's gearbox factory. I just heard him brag about the parameters of Nanshan 6AT some time ago."

"The gearbox factory of Ford Motor will soon use Nanshan 6AT technology to replace the 6AT I researched."

"What's the matter? Teacher, you specifically called today, you probably just asked me if you've heard of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd.?"

Luo Hongxing knew that his teacher was now the dean of the School of Automotive Engineering, and he was very busy every day.

"Didn't you say before that you want to see if there are any suitable job opportunities in China?"

"It just so happens that the boss of Nanshan is my student. They are developing very fast now, and they want to recruit several executives with experience in working in large international companies."

"I thought of you right away."

"Xiao Luo, Nanshan not only produces gearboxes, but their bearings are also very famous in China."

"Not only domestic car companies such as Volkswagen and Shanghai are using it, but General Motors, Ford and Volkswagen are also purchasing."

"Even they are a group of dark horses in the machine tool industry. In terms of stamping equipment, both Schuler and Aida feel the pressure."

"Of course, you also know the situation in Huaxia. Even the deputy general manager of the company can't be paid higher than your current salary."

"This is something you need to think about carefully."

"However, I am personally very optimistic about Nanshan's development prospects. I think this is an enterprise that has mastered the core technology."

Xiang Changle expressed his point of view in one go.

Just waiting for Luo Hongxing's reply.

"Teacher, I believe the position you recommended must be very promising."

"However, after all, I have lived in the United States for many years. If I want to return to China, I still need to discuss it with my family."

"Can I get back to you in a few days?"

Luo Hongxing's reply did not surprise everyone.

It is a strange thing to agree directly, think about it, and then understand the situation of Nanshan, that is the action of a normal person.

Next, Xiang Changle continued to call the student who was the head of the quality department at Toyota Motor, and the other party's reaction was similar.

And Cao Yang is also ready to recruit these two talents in the future.

As for whether they will be suitable for Nanshan, that is a question for the future.

In a short period of time, Nanshan does not yet have the strength to pick and choose.

Let's solve the problem first.

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