Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 174 Standing at the forefront of the industry chain to make money

Xifeng Motor Group is a large automobile group company in China. It was established in 1969 and is currently considered one of the leading companies in China's automobile industry.

It's just that so far, the performance of this leading company in all aspects is not very satisfactory.

As a subsidiary of Xifeng Michong, it is natural to feel the pressure.

Now everyone is also trying to find ways to make some achievements for themselves.

If sales are not increasing, then start from other aspects.

For example, breakthroughs in new technologies are definitely worth talking about.

Obviously, Cao Yang's thesis gave Liu Wei the hope of making contributions to the company.

"Liu Bu, I have read the papers published by Mr. Cao in the "Huaxia Automobile Stamping" magazine many times."

"Although I don't know how Nanshan is progressing in this regard."

"But Cao is always a very open-minded person. I think there should still be a possibility for the two parties to cooperate in hot stamping technology."

"Even if they have no way to directly teach us the technology, if we can buy the presses and molds used for hot stamping from Nanshan, then there is no reason for them not to guide us, right?"

Dai Shanhua's suggestion made Liu Wei's eyes shine.

This is a good idea.

Anyway, as long as Xifeng Die Punching wants to engage in hot stamping, it is inevitable to introduce new equipment.

Instead of buying expensive equipment from Europe, it is better to find Nanshan to cooperate.

Anyway, until now, Nanshan's reputation in the press industry is still very high.

It is a bit difficult for Huitian and Shule to find Nanshan's handle.

"You're right. I'll contact them later to see if I can go and investigate."


"A first-rate company makes standards, a second-rate company makes brands, and a third-rate company makes products" is a popular proverb that expresses the competitive strategies of companies at different levels.

In this sentence, "making standards" means that enterprises improve their status and reputation in the industry, establish brand image, and enhance market competitiveness by participating in the formulation of industry standards and norms.

"Second-tier companies make brands" refers to those companies that can attract customers through brand image and brand marketing. They usually focus on brand image and brand awareness to improve their competitiveness in the market.

"Third-rate enterprises making products" refers to those enterprises that only focus on producing and selling products, but do not pay attention to product quality and brand image.

These companies usually can only compete for market share through low prices and low quality.

Obviously, Nanshan wants to be a first-class enterprise.

Hot stamping technology has a history of many years in the world.

But for Huaxia, it is very strange.

So far, none of the cars produced by Huaxia has used hot stamping parts in the true sense.

In this case, Nanshan wants to develop related equipment and molds for hot stamping, obviously in the direction of "making standards".

This naturally attracted Schuler's great attention.

"Xu, this "Huaxia Automotive Stamping" magazine is sure to be an authoritative magazine?"

"Hot stamping technology was first studied in Europe, and it should not be used in China."

"In this case, Nanshan said that they already have the production capacity of hot stamping dies and equipment. I don't believe it."

"If this news is reported to the headquarters, it will easily cause misunderstanding."

Lucas felt so tired.

I have already been dispatched to Huaxia, why can't I let him live with peace of mind?

After tossing one after another, he felt that he was going to be overwhelmed.

"Lucas, although this magazine is not well-known in China, it is definitely very authoritative in the stamping industry."

"Whether it is domestic stamping manufacturers, mold manufacturers, or press equipment manufacturers, they must all subscribe to this magazine."

"If Cao Yang's article is completely nonsense, the other party probably won't publish it."

"However, this matter is indeed a bit weird. When did they actually start researching hot stamping technology?"

"You must know that even our Schuler research on hot stamping presses has not yet been fully completed."

Xu Dacheng was also very confused at this time.

I have worked very hard in the past two years, but my performance has not improved, nor has my salary improved.

Shouldn't income be linked to the degree of effort you put in?

"Among all kinds of press equipment, the press used for hot stamping should be more technically difficult."

"This has a certain overlap with some working principles of future servo stamping presses."

"So the headquarters also attaches great importance to it, and invested a lot of resources in this area."

"Seeing that there will be a finished product coming out soon, but it has been surpassed by Nanshan again."

"This is a major event that will jeopardize Schuler's future."

Although Lucas is just a professional manager.

If you can't keep working at Schuler, you can go to other companies.

But he is still very responsible.

"For ordinary stamping equipment, the difficulty for us to obtain orders from China has risen many levels."

"Except for some European and American customers, it is already difficult for us to get orders for press machines from ordinary customers."

"I thought that after the new press technology from the headquarters came out in the future, I could rely on technological advantages to seize the market again, but now it seems a bit dangerous."

In Xu Dacheng's mind, an idea of ​​job-hopping unexpectedly popped up.

Schuler is having a rough time.

Do I have to change my employer in time?

Of course, he would definitely not say this to Lucas.

"You should investigate carefully to see if Nanshan has really mastered this technology."

"We will form a report as soon as possible and report it to the headquarters so that they can be mentally prepared."

Although Lucas still has many doubts, things involving Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. are often beyond his imagination.

So he felt that he had to report it to the headquarters properly, otherwise, if there was an accident, he would definitely be blamed.


BENTELER is a successful family business, which has a history of nearly 130 years and is now in its fourth place.

It has four main components: Automotive Industry, Steel/Tube, Mechanical Engineering and Distribution Centre.

BENTELER Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. is one of the most important suppliers of auto parts in the world, and produces supporting products for almost all automakers in the world.

Products include front suspension and rear suspension modules; chassis systems; anti-collision structural parts; engine exhaust and control systems.

BENTELER has a special thermoforming stamping technology, and is the first company in the world to successfully apply thermoforming technology to automobile bodies.

As the most important customer of BENTELER, Volkswagen is also reviewing and following the pace of Volkswagen to enter China.

To this end, Bentler also made a lot of related preparations.

By now, there have been some directions.

It's just that at the beginning, it is only the production of chassis parts, or it should also be considered together with hot stamping parts. This has not been finalized.

At this time, they heard that there are manufacturers in China that can do hot stamping, so they can't help but pay attention to it.

"Peter, our Benteler is the company with the strongest technical strength and the most patents in the field of hot stamping."

"Let's not talk about China's parts and components companies, even the parts and components companies of Japan and the United States. They have no way to compare with us in this regard."

"I highly suspect that this company called Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. has stolen our secrets by claiming to have mastered hot stamping technology."

"Go find out and see if any of our former employees have jumped to their place."

"Or does their technology infringe our patents?"

Feng Bo is a German, but after he came to China to work, he gave himself a Chinese name.

It just so happened that his name was pronounced Feng, and then Dr. Feng Bo became his Chinese name.

However, contrary to him.

Pete is actually a Chinese.

His original name was Qian Hui, but he gave himself an English name after entering Bentler.

Even the email address is Champite.

It's kind of ironic, I have to say.

"Feng Bo, I have also noticed this news."

"However, you also know that there are subjective speculations in the articles and papers published in many magazines in Huaxia."

"I don't think you need to pay special attention."

"This Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. has never heard of research on hot stamping before. How could it be possible to master related technologies?"

"It's very likely that they are making false claims."

"Anyway, many scholars in Huaxia have published papers boasting about their research content, but in fact there is nothing."

Qian Hui's attitude is obviously not exactly the same as Feng Bo's.

In his opinion, this matter is just a small episode and will not have any impact on Benteler's development.

There is even no need to pay too much attention to it.

"Are you sure that's the case?"

"But when Volkswagen starts using hot-stamped parts, our orders are taken away by them."

Feng Bo looked at Qian Hui suspiciously.

He knew that he didn't know much about China's national conditions, so he was willing to listen to the opinions of local employees.

"I am very sure."

"The various processes of hot stamping involve many new technologies, which are simply not something that domestic suppliers in China can master at this stage."

"It will be at least another decade before they are likely to make a breakthrough in this area."

"At that time, our layout in China must have been completed."

Qian Hui made a special trip to the Bentler Deutsche headquarters this year and visited various factories.

He is very appreciative of BENTELER's advanced technology.

In his view, he said that in ten years, he has already looked highly on those domestic manufacturers.

"Okay, if there is any new situation, please let us know in time."

"Hot stamping technology is the technology that the company will focus on developing and promoting in the future, and it is also a new source of profit for the company."

"There can be no mistakes."

In order to study hot stamping technology, BENTELER not only mastered the mold manufacturing technology, but also involved in the heating furnace itself.

Even the presses were developed together with the equipment manufacturers.

Such a large investment has not yet recovered the cost.

Naturally, there can be no accidents.

After all, they now occupy the upstream position of the industry chain, and it is time to flex their muscles and make a lot of money.

"No accidents, Huaxia's local suppliers, fighting for cost advantages, can make some low-tech parts."

"It is impossible for them to gain anything from parts that are at the forefront of the industrial chain, such as hot stamping."

Qian Hui gave his answer very positively.

This made Feng Bo slightly relieved.


"Minister, I have some news that I think I need to report to you."

Liu Wenfei hugged his Toshiba laptop and came to Ichiro Kato's desk.

In order to flaunt equality, many Japanese companies have leaders and employees who work in a large office.

This seemingly equal approach is actually meaningless at all.

Among all the enterprises, the upper and lower levels of Dongying Enterprises are the strictest.

"What's up?"

Kato Ichiro was not in a very high mood.

The development of Aida Stamping in China during this period has not been smooth.

Not only can't get the orders of local Chinese companies, but even the press orders of Japanese parts companies often cannot get all the orders.

This is fatal.

Aida's main product is stamping equipment, not a comprehensive large company.

This press order cannot be obtained, and orders such as related uncoiling and blanking lines are naturally hopeless.

So how does Huitian do business in China?

This situation, even with the establishment of a joint venture company with Guangduan, has not been fundamentally changed.

After all, at the beginning, the parts were still shipped from Dongying.

The price of the press produced by the joint venture company is still much higher than that of Nanshan.

"I saw a paper in the magazine "Huaxia Automobile Stamping". I think the information in it may be meaningful."

He was about to report information related to Nanshan, and Liu Wenfei was also a little nervous.

In the past, as long as he reported something related to Nanshan, he found that he was easy to be scolded.



"What else can Huaxia's magazines do?"

Although Kato Ichiro's disdainful face made Liu Wenfei a little uncomfortable, he dared not refute.

"Cao Yang published a paper on it, where he advocated hot stamping forming technology, and believed that the future development direction of automobile body parts is hot stamping."

"The most important thing is that he also said that Nanshan has mastered the whole set of hot stamping technology from press machine to mold design."

"Do I think this point needs to be paid attention to?"

When Liu Wenfei said this, Ichiro Kato's expression finally changed a bit.

Although Toyota and Honda in Japan have not yet used hot stamping technology.

But as a stamping equipment manufacturer, Kato naturally knows this new technology.

"If I remember correctly, AP\u0026T is currently the best hot stamping press in the world, and even Schuler is inferior in this regard."

"As for parts companies, apart from Germany's Benteler, Gestamp, which is also a European company, and Cosma under Magna, there shouldn't be any company that can produce hot stamping parts, right?"

Obviously, Kato Ichiro did not believe that Nanshan had mastered the hot stamping technology.

"Minister, your memory is really good!"

"Currently, this technology is mainly in the hands of European and American companies, and no company in China has mastered it."

Liu Wenfei has already felt Kato's attitude, and he doesn't want to say the rest.

Talking too much is the result of being scolded.

As for what will happen in the future, he doesn't want to think so much anymore.

After all, no one would listen even if he persuaded Huitian to study hot stamping equipment.

For a long time, Dongying has not been a leader in new technologies.

What they are better at doing is to do follow-up research on new technologies that have been developed in Europe and the United States, and then develop more sophisticated craftsmanship.

Relying on the various cost advantages of the latecomer, it gradually gained the market.

Hot stamping technology is obviously like this.

There is no large-scale popularization in the world, and Dongying's car companies have not yet used it. They will not develop it so quickly.

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