Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 178 Accident, this time I will be completely famous

Any award, if it rises to the national level, is not so easy to obtain.

Not to mention the National Science and Technology Award, the most prestigious award in China.

From Ji Hua's point of view, Zeng Tingting obviously doesn't know how to do this.

But he didn't go to argue with her either.

While the people in Nanshan were discussing about the awards, there were a few people in the hall who were also communicating there in confusion.

"President Chang, is that Nanshan's general manager Cao Yang?"

Zhu Zhengfeng, general manager of Spring City Motor Group, and Chang Lei, director of the research institute, also attended the meeting today.

Although they only applied for the National Science and Technology Progress Award, they may not be able to win the award.

However, relying on the influence of Spring City Motor Group, there is obviously no problem in obtaining a few tickets to the awards ceremony.


"It's really Boss Cao!"

"I didn't expect his position to be so high. Could it be that Nanshan is going to win an award?"

Chang Lei once led a team to visit Nanshan, so he naturally knew Cao Yang.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhengfeng, as the general manager of Spring City Motor Group, felt that it would be condescending to go to Nanshan in his own capacity.

So whether it was about the 6AT gearbox or the exchange of other parts, he always listened to the reports from the people below.

Even Cao Yang's information was collected for him by the people below.

"They are a local private enterprise in Yangcheng, and they are also eligible to participate in the selection of the National Science and Technology Award?"

Zhu Zhengfeng frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He has already received news that the project that Spring City Motor Group applied for did not win the award.

Originally, I just took this opportunity to visit the old leader, but it turned out that I might see that a supplier of Spring City Automobile Group, such as Nanshan, was about to win an award.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

"Mr. Zhu, their 6AT is quite powerful, and it makes up for the gap in domestic 6AT automatic transmissions."

"Especially because they are also able to gain the endorsement of international auto giants such as Ford Motor and General Motors."

"If they use this technology to apply, it is really possible to give them an award."

"However, although 6AT is of great significance, its competitors are all key projects of various scientific research institutes and universities. It may be difficult to win a good award."

"The high probability is some awards with relatively low importance."

Chang Lei felt Zhu Zhengfeng's displeasure, so he analyzed and explained it along the way.

"Well, 6AT has some achievements, but it is only used in passenger cars, and the significance is not as great as imagined."

"Whether it is compared with Sinopec's large-scale synthetic ammonia plant sulfur-resistant conversion catalyst development and application project, or compared with the satellite communication weather comprehensive application business system of the Meteorological Bureau, or compared with the Dawning 2000 super server system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 6AT is no match. What kind of."

Zhu Zhengfeng's sources of information are very rich.

This time, he had heard about the projects of some of the participating units for the National Science and Technology Award.

Even had dinner with some people last night.

"You are right. After all, 6AT is not a breakthrough related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. It doesn't really matter whether Huaxia's own parts company can produce this part."

"As long as you spend money, you can buy it from Aisin or ZF, and there are no special requirements such as technical restrictions."

Chang Lei originally wanted to say that in addition to 6AT, the CNC system of the machine tool is actually an important breakthrough in Nanshan.

This is not only related to the application on passenger cars.

But he could see that Zhu Zhengfeng didn't want to hear these words, so he didn't say anything at all.

Fortunately, Zhu Zhengfeng's attention was quickly diverted by some other units sitting next to him.

Slowly, the awards ceremony has officially begun.

As the most important award in the Huaxia science and technology circle, today's award ceremony was broadcast live by Huaxia TV.

At seven o'clock tonight, there will be highlights in the 30-minute news.

Many of the people attending the meeting can only be seen on TV at ordinary times.

After a series of speeches, it is natural to arrive at the awards ceremony that everyone is most looking forward to.

Cao Yang is very self-aware and only pays attention to the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

The others obviously have no fate with Nanshan, at least not this year.

The Progress Award is different. His awards alone are more than the other four projects combined.

More projects that have made technological breakthroughs like 6AT gearboxes are given.

Of course, it is impossible for these awards to enjoy particularly high awards.

They were all on stage together with the same group of people.

"The winner of the second prize of the 2001 National Science and Technology Award is..."

"The 3,000-ton multi-station press project of Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd."


When the awards ceremony came to the awarding part of the Science and Technology Progress Award, Cao Yang couldn't help but sit up straight.

This year's Progress Award only has two awards, the first prize and the second prize, so the awards must start with the second prize.

Fortunately, halfway through the awards, I finally heard the name of my company.

Letting myself accept the award doesn't seem to be a trick.

"Mr. Zhu, your guess is correct. As expected, Nanshan can only win the second prize of the least important Science and Technology Progress Award."

"I just don't know how their 3,000-ton multi-station press project won the award, and how the people at Jier Machine Tool Works feel."

As an expert in the automobile industry, Chang Lei is naturally very aware of the situation in the domestic large-scale stamping equipment industry.

Obviously, Jier Machine Tool Works should have been committed to improving the technical level of its multi-station presses.

If Nanshan's 3,000-ton multi-station press hadn't been ahead, it would be their turn to win the award this year for their 2,500-ton multi-station press project.

"Although the stamping machine is very important, the 3,000-ton press machine is not only available in Nanshan."

"This award is a bit far-fetched."

Zhu Zhengfeng glanced at his mouth, feeling a little unconvinced.

"That's true. It is estimated that the experts also considered some of Nanshan's contributions to the machine tool industry, so they should be awarded an award."

"After all, it is too difficult for ordinary private enterprises to win this award."

"Since the National Science and Technology Award began, no private enterprise has won an award."

"It is estimated that Nanshan is also lucky to catch up with this opportunity."

Chang Lei's brain turned very fast, and soon helped Nanshan find a reason to win the award.

For this reason, Zhu Zhengfeng felt much more comfortable after listening to it.

It seems that Chang Lei can achieve the position of the dean of the research institute not only because of his good technology.


"Old Pan, congratulations!"

"Your equipment center has broken the record of our company, and even the entire Yangcheng. It is estimated that you are the only one winning project this year."

Ji Hua's mood is a bit complicated.

Originally, he thought that the 6AT should be the first to win the award, but he did not expect it to be a 3,000-ton multi-station press.



"Old Ji, don't worry, it's a good thing you haven't heard the name of 6AT now."

"There will be a first prize later."

Pan Jinxing had a smile on his face.

Originally, he thought that the stamping machine had the lowest possibility of winning the prize, but he did not expect to win the prize.

"When did you see a unit win several awards at the same time?"

"Now that Nanshan already has your second prize, everything else is out of the question."

Ji Hua has been in colleges and universities for more than ten years, and he has a relatively good understanding of various award rules.

Although it is said that awards must be judged in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, principles are principles, and practice is practice.

There are so many applications, but the limit on the number of awards is placed there.

Naturally, it is impossible to give several awards to one unit at the same time.

Otherwise, how would other people live?

"It's okay, I didn't win this year, and I still have a chance next year."

"It just so happens that our 6AT automatic transmission has actually only entered mass production this year, and it was basically in the delivery state of prototypes before."

Luo Hongxing said something comforting beside him.

He is just the deputy general manager in charge of production, no matter what the specific award is, he is definitely not the main winner.

So his mentality is relatively the most relaxed.

"This should be the second time for Mr. Cao to appear on Huaxia TV, right?"

"Sure enough, every year in the future, I will have the opportunity to see Mr. Cao on Huaxia TV and see the news about our Nanshan."

Zeng Tingting didn't discuss with them any more, but focused on the stage.

The winner of the second prize over there is accepting the award.

"Based on the current situation of our company, it is not too difficult to get on the news channel of Huaxia TV."

"It's even normal that more senior leaders will come to inspect it every year."

Pan Jinxing was in a very good mood.

Although he was not the one who came to the stage to accept the award, as long as it was related to the equipment center, he would have a share of the credit.

After all, when he declared, his name was also on the list of project personnel.

"The first prize will be announced soon, Professor Ji, please listen carefully."

Zeng Tingting watched Cao Yang and his group begin to walk to their positions, and couldn't help but make a joke with Ji Hua.

Because she felt that Nanshan was unlikely to win the prize again.

"If it is true that the 6AT automatic transmission won the award, Mr. Cao will also be the main contributor."

"I just slapped me at the right time."

Ji Hua's attitude is very correct.

He knows the situation of 6AT better than anyone else.

Soon, there were hosts on the stage to announce the awards.

"Nanshan Technology Co., Ltd. won the first prize of the 2001 National Science and Technology Progress Award for the 'A New Type of Machine Tool Numerical Control System' project..."

The first award announced by the host brought a huge shock to everyone.

Nanshan won the award again!

Still first prize!

Pan Jinxing, who was ready to be a melon-eating crowd, was immediately stunned.

The equipment center he led won another award?

At that moment, he couldn't help but glance at Ji Hua.

Would you be a little sorry for him for winning the prize like this?

"Don't look at me, the numerical control system has broken the monopoly of Siemens and FANUC. I always feel that this credit is quite big."

"Not only our stamping machines need to be used, but also all kinds of machine tools must be used."

"Winning a first prize is actually well deserved."

Ji Hua's mood at this time was very complicated.

On the one hand, Nanshan won the award again, so he is naturally very happy.

But on the other hand, it was the project of the equipment center that won the award, not the 6AT automatic transmission that I expected.

This is a bit depressing.

"In fact, I think the 6AT automatic transmission can be regarded as breaking the monopoly of international giants, and the meaning is very different."

Pan Jinxing could well understand Ji Hua's mood at this time, so he didn't laugh again this time.

And at this moment, the host mentioned Nanshan's name again.

"Professor Ji, Mr. Pan, don't be humble, the 6AT automatic transmission has also won the award."

"Our 6AT automatic transmission also won the award."

Zeng Tingting stood up directly from her seat.

Fortunately, her height of 155 would not have too much influence on the people behind her.

However, the small noise in their area also attracted the attention of many people.

It's just that when everyone knew that they were from Nanshan, they stopped talking.

Jealousy envy hate ah!

A company actually won three awards.

There are still two first prizes and one second prize.

This is unprecedented.

" this really an award?"

Ji Hua was a little distracted just now, and now he still can't believe it.

"It really won an award, Professor Ji, our 6AT automatic transmission project really won an award."

Zeng Tingting was very excited.

Although no matter which project it is, she is not the main participant.

But she is a witness.

However, their mood was very excited, and some people's mood was not the same.

"Nanshan won three awards at once, what's going on?"

Zhu Zhengfeng's face was a little ugly.

Although he has no conflicts with Nanshan, he feels that the Nanshan manufacturer is not so obedient.

So the impression of Nanshan is not so good.

Up to now, no one from Nanshan has come to visit him on his own initiative.


Chang Lei was also a little embarrassed.

But his brain turned quickly, and he knew how to answer in a while.

"Mr. Zhu, I think this should be because the higher authorities want to set a model. Nanshan happened to meet this good opportunity and became a model of this year's National Science and Technology Award."

"At that time, including Mrs. Huaxia, there will definitely be a lot of media coverage."

"Whether it is their 6AT automatic transmission, the numerical control system of the machine tool, or the stamping equipment, it will become a well-known innovation."

"But this is actually a good thing for us."

"It means that as long as the group invests more funds in the research institute and independently develops technology, it will also have a chance to win awards."

While Chang Lei answered, he carried private goods with him.

However, Zhu Zhengfeng's words directly made people not know how to answer.

"Will you be able to develop new products if the group gives funds to the research institute?"

"Can you come up with technologies that catch up with the international frontier?"

The daily ten thousand is over, ask for a monthly ticket~

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