Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 194 Is this a secretary or a draft?

When it comes to what kind of robot can attract everyone's attention the most, Cao Yang can't come up with too many plans.

Whether it is a lifelike robot beauty like a real person, or a robot that can dance.

Or the Autobots in Transformers, all of them can attract a bunch of traffic.

However, there are only a few months left until the end of the year exhibition, and it is obviously unrealistic to make it too complicated.

"You combine the motions that are used in welding robots and some of the other major robotics use cases."

"Then design a robot that can dance by itself, form a dance team, and then perform at the exhibition."

"Let's not say that the skills are overwhelming, and the attention will definitely not be low by then."

"A general idea, I will send you a drawing later, and you will implement it."

The threshold for robots seems high, but it is actually not that high.

Nanshan has mastered the most critical numerical control system, and has industry-leading bearing technology and motor technology. Other problems are not big problems.

Of course, there are still many difficulties to overcome in order to really produce a robot of the same level as the future generations.

For example, speech recognition and artificial intelligence, if there is no breakthrough in this area, then robots will have no way to get rid of the current mechanical impression.

Cao Yang felt that the technology in this area could be accumulated slowly instead of overnight.

"Mr. Cao, why don't you just come to a radio gymnastics session, which can involve all kinds of movements, and it can also cause additional topics to discuss at that time."

Hearing what Cao Yang said, Li Shigui immediately had some ideas.

In the future, Nanshan Robot can actively participate in various domestic and international robot exhibitions, making Nanshan Robot an existence beyond KUKA, ABB, FANUC, and OTC.

And with the improvement of brand power and technological progress, there is no need to always fight price wars there in the future.

Being able to make money lying down, Cao Yang naturally didn't want to keep fighting price wars with others.

Without sufficient profits, how can we ensure that 10% of Nanshan's annual turnover can be invested in research and development?

If such a high proportion of R\u0026D investment cannot support high profits, Nanshan will not be able to sustain it in a few years.

"Let's arrange it specifically."

"Report to me about the progress every week."

"If you have any difficulties, bring them up in time!"


After Li Shigui left Cao Yang's office, Zeng Tingting came in immediately.

"Mr. Cao, the interviewees have arrived, why don't we go to the meeting room to start?"

Although Zeng Tingting replaced Zhang Fugui as the head of the sales department, she still held the position of Cao Yang's secretary.

At the beginning, she was busy taking over the affairs of the sales department, and she didn't have time to recruit suitable secretary candidates for Cao Yang.

Coupled with Cao Yang's many requirements, such as being proficient in at least two foreign languages, being able to adapt to business trips at any time, and having a strong sense of confidentiality, it is really not that easy to find qualified candidates.

But now Nanshan's scale has reached a new level, and its influence in Yangcheng is increasing day by day.

Then the news was released that the secretary to the general manager would be recruited, and there were many more applicants.

Even if the requirements on the surface are quite high, there are still many people who meet the requirements.

In the first round of interviews, the Human Resources and General Affairs Department was responsible for the initial screening, and neither Zeng Tingting nor Cao Yang took care of this.

After the Human Resources and General Affairs Department screened out five basically qualified candidates, it was Zeng Tingting's turn to take charge of the second round.

When we got to Cao Yang's side, it was already the third level.

There were only three interviewees.

"Let's go, let's see how the candidates you choose are like."

Although Cao Yang put forward a series of demands, he did not tell Zeng Tingting about some things.

For example, the recruited personnel should be more beautiful, and it is better not to have a boyfriend...

These things are obviously not suitable to be said directly.

However, when Cao Yang entered the meeting room for the interview, he saw a few unfamiliar faces sitting on chairs beside the corridor, so he knew it.

At least Zeng Tingting fully considered her previous disadvantages when she helped her choose a secretary.

Choosing a secretary is the same as drafting.

At a glance, you can see that each has its own characteristics.

"Mr. Cao, there are three interviewees today, and I think they are all pretty good."

"Among them, Mi Ying, I think is the most suitable."

"Here are the profiles of three interviewees, please take a look first."

"I'll let them in later."

Zeng Tingting briefly reported her previous interview, and then it was up to Cao Yang to judge.

After all, he is the one who uses the secretary, and it is useless for others to say yes.

"Let's talk about it first!"

Cao Yang quickly glanced at the resumes of several candidates, and asked Zeng Tingting to call someone.

If you can get to his interview, there must be no problem with your resume.

All hardware conditions are also in line with the requirements.

Now it depends on who Cao Yang likes.

Soon, the first interviewer came in.

Cao Yang didn't talk nonsense, and started asking questions directly.

This operation directly confused the other party.

Is there any interview that doesn't say anything at the beginning, just ask you "What do you think the Huaxia auto market will look like in 20 years?", "Should the trade union help think about problems from the perspective of the boss, or should they talk to the boss from the perspective of employees?" Struggle?", "How's your drinking capacity?"

Before Cao Yang could say anything else, the other party covered his face and cried, and left by himself!

Because she probably knew that her reaction was useless.

Cao Yang glanced at Zeng Tingting speechlessly.

It seems to be saying that the secretary you selected for me is of this level?

With such a poor psychological quality, if I scold her a few words in the future, she will not have to seek death or life?

"Mr. Cao, I guess she's too nervous. I think she graduated from Wuhan University and worked in a large foreign company before..."

Zeng Tingting was also a little embarrassed.

This scene is different from what she thought.

"Call the next one."

Cao Yang was a little speechless.

The beauty just now is beautiful, but what I need is not a vase.

To be able to work.

The second candidate is called Perry Xu, and he is the oldest of the three.

However, even though she was wondering why the last interviewer left crying, she didn't panic when she saw Zeng Tingting, who had interviewed her before, among the interviewers.

Regarding the various questions Cao Yang asked, regardless of whether they were tricky or not, the answers were quite satisfactory, and no one could find any major faults.

"Okay, let's get here first."

"Go back and wait for the notice."

Cao Yang couldn't say whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied with Xu Peirui.

As far as she is concerned, she must be excellent.

Proficient in English and Japanese, and graduated from the best university in Lingnan.

I have worked in a foreign company for three years before, so I am a more suitable candidate for the secretary.

But Cao Yang always felt that something was missing.

"Thank you Mr. Cao, thank you Minister Zeng."

There was a little disappointment on Xu Peirui's face, but his emotions were well controlled.

She knows very well that if this kind of interview asks you to go back and wait for news, it will most likely be useless.

But she really wanted to apply for the position.

Anyone can see the future of Nanshan.

The difference is nothing more than that everyone has different perceptions of how high Nanshan can fly.

But no matter how high it is, it is basically a certainty that Nanshan will become the largest private industrial enterprise in Yangcheng.

"Xiao Zeng, the next one is the Mi Ying you mentioned, right?"

"It can make you look high, but I want to see how good she is."

Cao Yang just glanced at the few people waiting in the corridor, the first two had been interviewed by himself.

The only one left is naturally Mi Ying.

Soon, Zeng Tingting went out and brought Mi Ying to the meeting room.

This is a girl with a height of 172cm.

Putting it in the northeast may not be a big deal.

But in Yangcheng, or Yangcheng in 2002, it is really very challenging.

However, even though she is tall, she doesn't make people feel that her figure is uncoordinated at all.

On the contrary, it gives people a slim feeling.

"I see that you worked in ICBC before, and that was a golden job. Why do you want to come to a private enterprise like Nanshan?"

Cao Yang flipped through Mi Ying's resume and asked casually.

For him, an interview is a chat, with no set questions or answers.

"Mr. Cao, it is precisely because I work at ICBC, and Nanshan's corporate account is opened at ICBC."

"In the past two years, I have witnessed the rapid development of Nanshan. The monthly turnover has increased rapidly from tens of millions to 800 million last month."

"Most of them are still items that are exported to earn foreign exchange."

"In my opinion, there are not many companies in Yangcheng, or even in Lingnan Province, that can do what Nanshan does."

"And I also learned about the development of Nanshan in the past two years. Whether it is the National Science and Technology Progress Award at the beginning of this year or the latest welding robot, Nanshan has led the technological trend and is always at the forefront of technology. .”

"This is very rare in domestic enterprises."

"Although many factories today, even with average technical level, can earn some hard money."

"But in the end, it must be a technological competition."

"Only by mastering the core technology can we have the core competitiveness."

"There is no doubt that Nanshan belongs to the manufacturer that has mastered the core technology."

"If a job in ICBC is a golden rice bowl, then coming to Nanshan is like coming to a diamond house."

Mi Ying obviously made a lot of effort to understand the situation in Nanshan. Similar questions must have been asked in previous interviews.

So the answer is not at all timid.

That smiling, confident look made Cao Yang nod his head.

Graduated from the English Department of Lingnan Normal University, he can also speak Japanese and German, and understand a little French.

That's a big deal.

Although people in the foreign language department generally have the requirement of a second foreign language, there are still very few people who have really learned a second foreign language well and can also learn other languages ​​well.

There is no doubt that Mi Ying's IQ is definitely online.

"Nanshan has a wide range of businesses. As the secretary to the general manager, you must understand the situation of each business."

"What do you think about that?"

Zeng Tingting has recommended Mi Ying to herself. If there is no surprise, she will definitely be her next secretary.

So Cao Yang asked a few more serious questions.

"Mr. Cao, I was able to learn several foreign languages ​​during college, and at the same time I also learned some knowledge in finance and accounting by myself, and even took the elementary accounting qualification certificate."

"From these aspects, it should be possible to prove that my personal learning ability is still good."

"I am also willing to continue to improve myself."

"Nanshan's products, whether it's nut plates, wheel bolts or hub bearings, or gearboxes, stamping equipment, and numerical control systems, I have been learning recently."

"If I have the opportunity to join Nanshan, then I will also consult professional and technical personnel in various fields as soon as possible, and strive to become a person who is proficient in various products of Nanshan in the next few months."

Mi Ying smiled while answering Cao Yang's question.

She had a premonition that that position was getting closer and closer to her.

When she was in college, because she was in the foreign language department, her three views were constantly refreshed by the students around her.

And after entering ICBC, she was exposed to a lot of new things, which brought a lot of shock to her.

She is not willing to live like this for the rest of her life, nor is she willing to compromise easily.

Otherwise, relying on her beauty, she could live comfortably in college, and now she doesn't have to be busy at the bank counter.

"The work of the general manager's secretary is very irregular. Maybe a phone call at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night requires you to get up and deal with a document."

"It's also possible that you are still in Yangcheng today, and you will follow me to America tomorrow, and fly to Germany the day after tomorrow."

"Can you, a girl, accept such a job?"

Cao Yang asked this question very realistically.

Of course, behind this question, there can also be many meanings.

It depends on how everyone understands it.

"Mr. Cao, I have chosen to interview for the position of secretary to the general manager, and I have already considered this question."

"Anyway, I'm single, and my parents are still young, so I don't need to worry about it."

"So as long as the work requires it, I can respond anytime."

Before Mi Ying came to interview for this position in Nanshan, she had already heard many colleagues talking about Cao Yang, the general manager of Nanshan.

What is young and rich, a diamond king, a technical genius...

There are any adjectives.

But no one said he was a handsome guy.

Obviously, for a character like Cao Yang, appearance is no longer important.

But seeing the real person with his own eyes, that sunny and handsome appearance made Mi Ying more determined in her choice.

Next, Cao Yang asked a few more questions casually.

In the end, Mi Ying's answers were all good.

Cao Yang is quite satisfied that a girl who has only graduated for more than a year can achieve this level.

"When can you come to work?"

Hearing Cao Yang's question, Mi Ying was completely relieved.

"Tomorrow will do!"

"Huh? Tomorrow is fine?"

Cao Yang was a little surprised by Mi Ying's answer.

For a large unit like ICBC, at least ten or eight stamps must be stamped on the resignation documents.

How could it be done in one day?

"Mr. Cao, if the president of our branch knows that I have successfully entered the position of secretary to the general manager of Nanshan, even if I don't go to work today, there will be no problem."

"It's nothing more than going through some formalities a few times in the past."

When Mi Ying said this, Cao Yang understood.

Those bank presidents are all extremely smart.

It is obviously meaningful to establish a good relationship with such a promising company as Nanshan.

Whether it is to promote loans in the future, or to cooperate in other areas, there is a lot of space.

If Cao Yang is willing, people can recommend a dozen secretaries to him.

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