Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 508 Sales surge, Nanshan Auto Parts makes another great contribution

Li Jianfeng is an old man from the Volkswagen Purchasing Department in Shanghai.

He has been dealing with Nanshan Group for the longest time.

From early nut plates to wheel bolts to hub bearings in the back, he was involved in it all.

He has a strong say in the development of Nanshan Group and the development of Modu Volkswagen.

In the past two years, Volkswagen's models have basically introduced turbocharged engine configurations.

As the star model of Modu Volkswagen this year, the excellent performance of Lavida is the key to supporting the sales of Modu Volkswagen.

Otherwise, Passat, the former sales pillar, has never fully stood up after its collapse, and Santana's competitiveness is also declining, and the pressure on Volkswagen in Shanghai should be great.

However, the hot sales of Lavida have also put extra pressure on the Volkswagen Purchasing Department of Modu.

That is a problem with the capacity supply of turbochargers.

The purchasing department did not dare to report this situation to the company.

Over the years, it has been very rare for the company's car sales to be affected due to parts supply problems in the purchasing department.

This is also something that is hard to get recognition within the company.

Li Jianfeng naturally has a very clear understanding of this.

"Bu Defan, BorgWarner has airlifted a batch of parts from the American factory for emergency relief. There should be no problem with the supply of turbochargers this month."

"But if our demand for turbochargers further increases, BorgWarner's factory production capacity in the United States will also be insufficient in the future."

"The most troublesome thing is that the production cost of turbochargers imported from the United States is 30% more expensive than domestic ones. Coupled with the impact of tariffs and special air transportation, the final cost will rise. More than 1,000 yuan per part.”

"If we import 100,000 turbochargers a year, we will need to pay an additional RMB 100 million."

"The Finance Department will definitely find out about such a large exceptional expense."

"If we report it to the company at that time, we may be more passive."

Li Jianfeng felt that it was still necessary to clarify the problem in advance.

Otherwise, he might need to take the blame when the time comes.

He obviously couldn't carry such a big pot.

He had no idea of ​​memorizing it.

This matter was not his problem in the first place.

Why should he bear the final consequences?

"Can't BorgWarner add new production lines in China to cope with this?"

"The structure of the turbocharger shouldn't be particularly complicated. Isn't it very difficult to increase production?"

Bu Defan was in a bad mood.

The company is now a bit nervous because sales growth has not reached its target.

In this case, if the parts supply of the purchasing department is out of the chain, the people in the sales department will laugh to death.

Because I finally found a department that took the blame.

At that time, it’s not that their sales department can’t do it, it’s that the purchasing department can’t supply parts.

That's why the company's sales target was not achieved.

"BorgWarner originally planned to start construction of a new factory this year, but due to the impact of the financial crisis, the plan to build a new factory has been suspended indefinitely."

"Because the automobile market in the United States has not recovered at all, it has even declined significantly compared to last year."

"So the production expansion plan reported by BorgWarner to the headquarters was also rejected."

"Based on the current situation, it is unlikely that they will start the construction of a new factory within this year."

"Although the structure of the turbocharger is not very complex, the production difficulty is actually very high."

When Li Jianfeng explained this, Bu Defan immediately said: "Since BorgWarner can't handle it, can't we find other manufacturers?"

For procurement, if one manufacturer is not good, then find another one.

This is a very normal working idea.

However, the situation of the turbocharger this time was obviously a little different from what Bu Defan thought.

"The working environment of the turbine is very harsh, and it has to face a series of unpredictable problems caused by high speed and high temperature."

"Our turbocharger manufacturers are currently mainly KKK and BorgWarner, and Modu Lingzhong is also in contact."

"But the production capacity of these manufacturers is relatively tight. They didn't even expect that China's turbocharged engines would develop so fast before, and their layout can't keep up."

"Although we have been in contact with other companies such as Eton and Ishikawa, their costs are very expensive and difficult to accept."

Li Jianfeng quickly responded to Bu Defan's question.

For the automotive industry, introducing a new supplier is not an easy matter.

Especially when it comes to important functional parts, more work needs to be done behind the scenes.

Obviously, the turbocharger is definitely a very important part.

"According to your statement, we can't find any better solution?"

"There are so many auto parts companies in the world, and there are so many turbocharged engines, why can't we still find a suitable supplier to supply them?"

Bu Defan asked back very unhappy.

When Volkswagen first entered China, it encountered many problems in the localization of parts.

Many parts cannot be produced by suitable domestic manufacturers.

But those days are long gone.

Today, almost all major parts manufacturers in the world have production plants in China.

No matter how bad it is, there are also trading companies that represent related products.

Under such a background, it is difficult for Bu Defan to accept that there are still problems with the supply of parts to Volkswagen.

What Bu Defan knows even more is that if he cannot accept something, the people above him will definitely not accept it.

When the time comes, the board will hit him.

This made him feel very wronged.

"Bu Defan, it's not like we really can't find a suitable manufacturer."

"There is a domestic manufacturer in China that has relatively sufficient production capacity. It has been expanding its turbocharger production capacity in recent years, and last year it built a new turbocharger factory."

"And not only do they have sufficient production capacity, but their costs are also cheaper than BorgWarner."

"It's just this manufacturer, we will definitely have some concerns when using it."

When Li Jianfeng said this, Bu Defan couldn't help but asked: "Are you talking about Nanshan Auto Parts?"

As someone who has been to Nanshan Group for on-site inspections for a long time, Bu Defan is quite familiar with the situation of Nanshan auto parts.

According to Li Jianfeng, only Nanshan Auto Parts fits this situation.

Only when it comes to Nanshan auto parts, Li Jianfeng will be so entangled.

After all, everyone is very clear about the relationship between Volkswagen and Nanshan Group.

However, compared to the lack of parts supply, Bu Defan feels that the sensitivity of using Nanshan auto parts is no longer so important.

The worst thing is to go to Nanshan Auto Parts through a middleman to buy them.

For example, let BorgWarner go to Nanshan Auto Parts to buy them and then sell them to Volkswagen in Shanghai?

Or let some parts companies under the Modu Automobile Group do this.

Bu Defan believes that in the end there must be more solutions than problems.

"Yes, it's Nanshan Auto Parts."

"They are the largest turbocharger manufacturer in China and have supplied all turbochargers for Nanshan engines."

"At the same time, their turbochargers are also supplied to Great Wall Motors, Chery Motors, Ford Motors and General Motors."

"If we ask them to produce turbochargers, we should be able to solve the tight supply situation in the shortest possible time."

"Their technical strength is relatively strong and they can quickly complete the matching between the turbocharger and our engine."

“We can even find products that meet our needs directly from one of their mass-produced products.”

"Then, in three or four months, we will be able to directly use the turbochargers produced by Nanshan Auto Parts."

Although Li Jianfeng did not take the initiative to propose to Bu Defan about importing Nanshan Auto Parts to supply turbochargers, he had obviously considered this plan in his heart.

Otherwise, he would not have given his reply so quickly.

After listening to his words, Bu Defan was silent for a moment.

He is further weighing the pros and cons of this matter.

In the end, he felt that for the purchasing department, the advantages of importing Nanshan Auto Parts to supply turbochargers obviously outweighed the disadvantages.

As for the grievances between Nanshan Group and Volkswagen, Bu Defan feels that it is not something that he needs to consider too much.

Anyway, in the end, even if someone really digs into this matter, he will be able to find sufficient reasons to refute the other party.

Objectively speaking, what he did by involving Nanshan Auto Parts in this matter was beneficial to the people of Shanghai.

So soon, Li Jianfeng took the initiative to call Zeng Tingting.

They are also old acquaintances.

So there is no need to beat around the bush, but go straight to the topic.

"Minister Zeng, does Nanshan Auto Parts still have spare production capacity for turbochargers?"

The first thing Li Jianfeng had to do was to confirm the other party's production capacity.

Only when the other party has the production capacity does it make sense to discuss the following matters.

Otherwise, your saliva will be wasted by then.

"The turbocharger factory we built last year is the world's largest factory specializing in the production of turbochargers. It just switched to a double-shift production mode last month."

"If necessary, we can switch to a three-shift production mode to a certain extent in the future."

"So there is definitely no problem with production capacity. As long as there are orders, there is no problem with how many turbochargers we want."

Zeng Tingting's answer made Li Jianfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

If we have production capacity, everything will be easy.

"If Nanshan Auto Parts Review starts now to supply turbochargers to Modu Volkswagen, how long do you think it will take to complete the relevant technical matching confirmation?"

When Li Jianfeng said this, Zeng Tingting immediately became interested.

Although the relationship between Nanshan Group and Volkswagen is not good, Zeng Tingting does not refuse to supply parts to Modu Volkswagen at all.

This is something that is beneficial to the company, so there is no reason to refuse.

To put it mildly, I will supply you with goods. If the two parties break up in the future, I can directly cut off the supply to you.

Of course, as a supplier, you would not easily use this plan of killing one thousand enemies and damaging yourself eight hundred.

"This mainly needs to be confirmed based on the relevant indicators of the customer's engine. If fully matching mass-produced parts can be found, they will be available in one month."

"If after the matching is confirmed, some adjustments need to be made to the existing turbocharger, it is estimated to take about three months."

"If we need to develop this part from scratch, it will take more time."

"The specific situation depends on your company's relevant drawing data and technical requirements."

Although Zeng Tingting was confident that the matching problem of the turbocharger could be solved in the short term, she did not want to take a guarantee without getting any information.

"What is the approximate cost level that you can achieve?"

After listening to Zeng Tingting's words, Li Jianfeng probably had an idea.

At this time, the focus will naturally be on costs.

"I can be sure that the turbochargers Nanshan Auto Parts supplies to your company will not be higher than what you are mass-producing now."

"But the specific price needs to be determined based on your drawing requirements."

Zeng Tingting wanted to get this order, but she also didn't want to make a meaningless price reduction.

For those who sell things, the more expensive they are, the better.

No one can have trouble with money.

"I will have someone send you the quotation conditions later, and then you will also arrange a technical team to connect with our technology to see if this part can be produced as soon as possible."

"It would be best if you could find products that meet the specifications among your mass-produced parts."

For Volkswagen, the sooner it finds a second supplier, the better.

In this way, there is no need to constantly fly parts from the United States, and there is no need to worry about insufficient production capacity in the future.

If this matter is not finalized for a day, this thunder will not be eliminated for a day.

After the two ended the call, the people in Magic City quickly took action.

At Nanshan Auto Parts, Dai Hanbiao also combined this information and separately reported the status of the turbocharger to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, today the sales volume of our turbocharger parts is growing significantly faster than other parts."

"Even Modu Volkswagen and Spring City Volkswagen are actively looking for us to learn about the situation of this part."

"As for the new projects being quoted, they are several times more than last year."

"If this pace continues, we may need to consider building a new turbocharger assembly plant next year."

Any achievements must be reported to the leader in a timely manner.

Even if you have no results, you still need to create opportunities to communicate with your boss in a timely manner.

This can also be regarded as a workplace skill.

Dai Hanbiao naturally has a deep understanding of this.

The auto parts business has always been one of the core businesses of Nanshan Group. Sometimes Cao Yang even pays more attention to auto parts than the entire vehicle.

Only by mastering the core auto parts technology can we produce advanced engines and high-end luxury Xingchen cars.

On this point, many domestic OEMs do lack relevant understanding.

When the industry was developing smoothly, if you didn't have your own parts and components technology, there would be no big problem if you simply assembled the entire vehicle and you could still make money normally.

But once the industry develops into a bottleneck stage and competition becomes more intense, the situation may be different.

"In the future, it is estimated that 80% of domestic cars will use turbocharged engines. Before the era of electric vehicles completely arrives, the prospect of turbochargers is still worth looking forward to."

"If you really need to build a new factory, then go ahead and build it boldly."

Cao Yang is very clear about the development trend of China's automobile industry.

Under the guidance of policies, turbocharged engines will become the mainstream configuration of various models in the future.

Traditional naturally aspirated engines mainly exert some spare power in the market of 1.5L and below.

"Currently, turbochargers are mainly supplied to the domestic market, and there are some overseas orders from Ford Motor and General Motors."

"We have compared the cost differences between domestic and foreign turbochargers and feel that the export market can be explored in the future."

"Similar products produced by foreign manufacturers are much more expensive than ours."

"With the auto market in recession, we should have more opportunities to obtain orders from other manufacturers."

"Even manufacturers such as Volkswagen, which have not had a good relationship with us in the past, will receive related orders."

The export market has always been of great concern to Dai Hanbiao.

In recent years, Nanshan Auto Parts has also exported many products overseas.

What he wants to do most now is to expand the export of turbochargers.

One part is worth more than 2,000 yuan. If millions of turbochargers are exported a year, the output value will immediately increase by billions.

This is definitely very impressive data.

With the hot sales of this product, Nanshan Auto Parts' status in the industry can rise to a higher level.

"The overseas export market in the next ten years is still worth looking forward to."

"If you want to develop any customers, just do it boldly. You don't need to worry too much."

"Even if it's the Volkswagen you just mentioned, don't have too many ideas."

“Compete when it’s time to compete, and we can still cooperate when it’s time to cooperate.”

"Things in this world are never just black and white."

Naturally, Cao Yang would not act impulsively at such a time.

It can make money, it can contain Volkswagen, and it can understand many of the other party's developments through the supply of parts in a timely manner.

Why not do it?

It’s not like only Nanshan Auto Parts can produce turbochargers. If you give up, others will just find more expensive products from other manufacturers.

Anyway, when it comes to the entire Volkswagen, it doesn't matter if one part is a little more expensive.

With Cao Yang's words, Dai Hanbiao felt confident.

Now you can roll up your sleeves and go for it.

Although the overseas automobile industry is still very sluggish, especially in the United States, the situation is getting more severe month by month.

The so-called three major American car companies are now working hard to survive.

But here in China, the automobile industry has not only recovered rapidly, but also achieved rapid growth.

In terms of the number of cars per 100 people, there is still a huge gap between China and countries such as the United States.

It can be said that there is still huge room for China's automobile sales.

This time the purchase tax is halved, which immediately stimulated a large number of consumers to buy cars.

The rapid economic development in the past few years has also made many people's pockets begin to bulge.

However, car prices are basically falling every year. As one goes down, car sales naturally usher in an explosion.

The sales of Nanshan auto parts have skyrocketed, which is basically inevitable.

The development of the entire Nanshan Group has also exceeded local expectations.

Under such circumstances, when the Government Affairs Council came to inspect, the atmosphere was naturally very good.

The various data reported by Nanshan Group are very ideal, and they are very confident about the future.

After ten years of development, Nanshan Group has transformed from a simple auto parts company into a large industrial group.

Among them, the proportion of equipment, materials and other businesses has also slowly increased.

It can be said that this inspection was a great time for both host and guest.

"Leader, I think if Yangcheng's GDP growth rate remains above 8% this year, there should be no problem."

"Even if the subsequent development of Nanshan Group goes so smoothly, a 10% increase is possible."

Luo Yi combined the inspection records of this time and quickly compiled some contents to report to Liu Tianwu.

For all regions, maintaining rapid economic growth is definitely the most important task this year.

For many places, this task is actually quite arduous.

If the external environment is not good, export-related factories will immediately feel the pressure.

In this case, the growth of other industries will be needed to cover this part of the impact.

Nanshan Group now plays this role.

Even the entire Chinese automobile industry has played this role.

"8% of the city in Yangcheng should be able to be saved, but the situation in the entire Lingnan Province is hard to say."

"If the growth of Nanshan Group this year can cover the entire Lingnan Province, then the credit will be great."

Liu Tianwu now has higher and higher expectations for Nanshan Group.

So far, as long as it is an industry engaged in by Nanshan Group, there is no problem.

Various products are not only competitive domestically, but also very competitive internationally.

This is very simple.

The most critical thing is that Nanshan Group can do this not only in one or two areas, but also in many aspects.

Parts, vehicles, robots, equipment, materials...

No matter which one it is, the difficulty is actually very high.

At least Liu Tianwu didn't see any manufacturer that could surpass Nanshan Group in any aspect.

"This possibility is not impossible."

"Knowing that Xingchen Auto's sales can be increased, most of the gaps in this area may be covered."

"Nowadays, the performance of Nanshan gearboxes, Nanshan engines, and Nanshan auto parts is very impressive."

"This has a very powerful stimulating effect on the entire industry chain."

"Under the influence of Nanshan Group, entrepreneurs throughout Yangcheng will have more confidence in future development."

"As long as you have confidence, many things are actually not that difficult."

Although Luo Yi's words were a bit idealistic, Liu Tianwu felt that they were quite reasonable.

If you have confidence, everything will be easy.

He actually felt the same way about this sentence.

At the same time, he is also very fortunate that there is an enterprise like Nanshan Group in Yangcheng.

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